754 research outputs found
The planar-to-tubular structural transition in boron clusters from optical absorption
The optical response of the lowest energy isomers of the B_20 family is
calculated using time-dependent density functional theory within a real-space,
real-time scheme. Significant differences are found among the absorption
spectra of the clusters studied. We show that these differences can be easily
related to changes in the overall geometry. Optical spectroscopy is thus an
efficient tool to characterize the planar to tubular structural transition,
known to be present in these boron based systems
Optimization of the ionization time of an atom with tailored laser pulses: a theoretical study
How fast can a laser pulse ionize an atom? We address this question by
considering pulses that carry a fixed time-integrated energy per-area, and
finding those that achieve the double requirement of maximizing the ionization
that they induce, while having the shortest duration. We formulate this
double-objective quantum optimal control problem by making use of the Pareto
approach to multi-objetive optimization, and the differential evolution genetic
algorithm. The goal is to find out how much a precise time-profiling of
ultra-fast, large-bandwidth pulses may speed up the ionization process with
respect to simple-shape pulses. We work on a simple one-dimensional model of
hydrogen-like atoms (the P\"oschl-Teller potential), that allows to tune the
number of bound states that play a role in the ionization dynamics. We show how
the detailed shape of the pulse accelerates the ionization process, and how the
presence or absence of bound states influences the velocity of the process
Magnetic response of carbon nanotubes from ab initio calculations
We present {\it ab initio} calculations of the magnetic susceptibility and of
the C chemical shift for carbon nanotubes, both isolated and in bundles.
These calculations are performed using the recently proposed gauge-including
projector augmented-wave approach for the calculation of magnetic response in
periodic insulating systems. We have focused on the semiconducting zigzag
nanotubes with diameters ranging from 0.6 to 1.6 nm. Both the susceptibility
and the isotropic shift exhibit a dependence with the diameter (D) and the
chirality of the tube (although this dependence is stronger for the
susceptibility). The isotropic shift behaves asymptotically as , where is a different constant for each family of nanotubes.
For a tube diameter of around 1.2 nm, a value normally found in experimental
samples, our results are in excellent agreement with experiments. Moreover, we
calculated the chemical shift of a double-wall tube. We found a diamagnetic
shift of the isotropic lines corresponding to the atoms of the inner tube due
to the effect of the outer tube. This shift is in good agreement with recent
experiments, and can be easily explained by demagnetizing currents circulating
the outer tube.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
Identification of fullerene-like CdSe nanoparticles from optical spectroscopy calculations
Semiconducting nanoparticles are the building blocks of optical nanodevices
as their electronic states, and therefore light absorption and emission, can be
controlled by modifying their size and shape. CdSe is perhaps the most studied
of these nanoparticles, due to the efficiency of its synthesis, the high
quality of the resulting samples, and the fact that the optical gap is in the
visible range. In this article, we study light absorption of CdSe
nanostructures with sizes up to 1.5 nm within density functional theory. We
study both bulk fragments with wurtzite symmetry and novel fullerene-like
core-cage structures. The comparison with recent experimental optical spectra
allows us to confirm the synthesis of these fullerene-like CdSe clusters
Benchmark calculations for reduced density-matrix functional theory
Reduced density-matrix functional theory (RDMFT) is a promising alternative
approach to the problem of electron correlation. Like standard density
functional theory, it contains an unknown exchange-correlation functional, for
which several approximations have been proposed in the last years. In this
article, we benchmark some of these functionals in an extended set of molecules
with respect to total and atomization energies. Our results show that the most
recent RDMFT functionals give very satisfactory results compared to more
involved quantum chemistry and density functional approaches.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur
Generalized Pauli constraints in reduced density matrix functional theory
Functionals of the one-body reduced density matrix (1-RDM) are routinely
minimized under Coleman's ensemble -representability conditions. Recently,
the topic of pure-state -representability conditions, also known as
generalized Pauli constraints, received increased attention following the
discovery of a systematic way to derive them for any number of electrons and
any finite dimensionality of the Hilbert space. The target of this work is to
assess the potential impact of the enforcement of the pure-state conditions on
the results of reduced density-matrix functional theory calculations. In
particular, we examine whether the standard minimization of typical 1-RDM
functionals under the ensemble -representability conditions violates the
pure-state conditions for prototype 3-electron systems. We also enforce the
pure-state conditions, in addition to the ensemble ones, for the same systems
and functionals and compare the correlation energies and optimal occupation
numbers with those obtained by the enforcement of the ensemble conditions
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