22 research outputs found
Recurrent DNNs and its Ensembles on the TIMIT Phone Recognition Task
In this paper, we have investigated recurrent deep neural networks (DNNs) in
combination with regularization techniques as dropout, zoneout, and
regularization post-layer. As a benchmark, we chose the TIMIT phone recognition
task due to its popularity and broad availability in the community. It also
simulates a low-resource scenario that is helpful in minor languages. Also, we
prefer the phone recognition task because it is much more sensitive to an
acoustic model quality than a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition
task. In recent years, recurrent DNNs pushed the error rates in automatic
speech recognition down. But, there was no clear winner in proposed
architectures. The dropout was used as the regularization technique in most
cases, but combination with other regularization techniques together with model
ensembles was omitted. However, just an ensemble of recurrent DNNs performed
best and achieved an average phone error rate from 10 experiments 14.84 %
(minimum 14.69 %) on core test set that is slightly lower then the
best-published PER to date, according to our knowledge. Finally, in contrast of
the most papers, we published the open-source scripts to easily replicate the
results and to help continue the development.Comment: Submitted to SPECOM 2018, 20th International Conference on Speech and
Selected somatic parameters by socio-cultural characteristics of Czech adult population
Results of Czech adult (older than 18 years) population testing are presented. Five somatic parameters were determined: body height (BH), body weight (BW), BMI (BMI), fat tissue percentage (%FAT), and waist hips rate (WHR), which were measured by machine Inbody 720, with some socio-cultural characteristics. Questionnaires were used to examine parameters of individual sport activity, life status, education level and magnitude of settlement. The presented results show negative trends. All observed parameters seem to be more or less mutually connected. The values of watched characteristics (except BH) increase according higher age, both in groups of males and of females, too. Parameter BH shows that secular trend in Czech population continues, when younger generations are taller like olders. Majority of adult Czech population does not practice any sport activity. This prevailing inactivity of the population influenced negatively our watched somatic paramaters. Those individuals who are single or possess good education levels, have better results in all observed parameters. Magnitude of settlement determines only slight differences in these watched parameters. These results are part of The project "Creating a research team for the purpose of determining the level of physical activity (inactivity) in selected age groups of the population of men and women in the Czech Republic" (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0044) and is financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic
Physical activity as a determinant of diseases, back and joint pains in adult Czech population
In this contribution it was shown that the Czech adult population has a relationship between selected kinds of individual physical activity and civilization diseases (smoking and alcohol consumption), back and join pains. In this research is involved 5862 adult (over 18 years of age) Czech people of both sexes. Watched parameters were gained by questionnaire (totally 19 questions) from which we are discussing an influence of sport practicing (yes or not), character of the work (physical, physical and sedentary, sedentary or do not work) and kind of transportation to work (walking, biking, public transport, car or does not travel) on smoking, alcohol consumption, back and joints pains. Results demonstrated that over 72% of Czech adult population do not practise any sport. There were found only slight differences between watched parameters (smoking, alcohol consumption, back and joints pains) and those who are physically active or inactive. Back pains have over 70% of people, more often those not sporting. Join pains have about 55% and there are not any significant differences among groups. Very negative effects would be expected because of alcohol consumption – over 80% answered ‘yes I take alcoholic drinks’; more positive seems to be parameter smoking, about 22% of the sports group were practising smokers, while among non sporting it was about 32%. The parameter ‘character of the work’ does not show great differences; those who work physically smoke the least, those who do not work drink alcohol less like others. Also parameter transportation to work does not show any great differences; only those who use bike have significantly lower joints pains.Presented results are part of the project "Creating a research team for the purpose of determining the level of physical activity (inactivity) in selected age groups of the population of men and women in the Czech Republic" (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0044) is financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic
Numerical modelling of metal melt refining process in ladle with rotating impeller and breakwaters
The paper describes research and development of aluminium melt refining technology in a ladle with rotating impeller and breakwaters using numerical modelling of a finite volume/element method. The theoretical aspects of refining technology are outlined. The design of the numerical model is described and discussed. The differences between real process conditions and numerical model limitations are mentioned. Based on the hypothesis and the results of numerical modelling, the most appropriate setting of the numerical model is recommended. Also, the possibilities of monitoring of degassing are explained. The results of numerical modelling allow to improve the refining technology of metal melts and to control the final quality under different boundary conditions, such as rotating speed, shape and position of rotating impeller, breakwaters and intensity of inert gas blowing through the impeller.Web of Science64266465
The influence of optimization parameters on the efficiency of aluminium melt refining by using physical modelling
The article describes the influence of optimization parameters on the efficiency of aluminium melt refining by using physical modelling. The blowing of refining gas, through a rotating impeller into the ladle is a widely used operating technology to reduce the content of impurities in molten aluminium, e.g. hydrogen. The efficiency of this refining process depends on the creation of fine bubbles with a high interphase surface, wide-spread distribution, the residence time of its effect in the melt, and mostly on the wide-spread dispersion of bubbles in the whole volume of the refining ladle and with the long period of their effect in the melt. For physical modelling, a plexiglass model on a scale of 1:1 is used for the operating ladle. Part of the physical model is a hollow shaft used for gas supply equipped with an impeller and also two baffles. The basis of physical modelling consists in the targeted utilization of the similarities of the processes that take place within the actual device and its model. The degassing process of aluminium melt by blowing inert gas is simulated in physical modelling by a decrease of dissolved oxygen in the model liquid (water).Web of Scienc
Determination of socio-cultural characteristics on somatic parameter body mass index in Czech adult population
In this contribution are presented results of testing 569 Czech adult people (273 males and 296 females) older than 18 years. There are discussed results in BMI, which was measured by machine Inbody 720. By questionnaire were learned parameters of sport practicing, magnitude of settlement, life status and education level. Presented results show negative trends. BMI parameter increases when the age arises: most of male groups and two oldest female groups are of overweight. Majority of adult Czech population does not practice any sport activity (71%). This of course influences BMI parameter, when those individuals, who do not practice sport mainly among male groups have again overweight and obesity. Magnitude of settlement also slightly determine watched parameter: in male groups is BMI level decreased with greatness magnitude of settlement, while in female groups can be seen opposite trends. Those who are single or possess good education level have better results in watched BMI parameter.The project "Creating a research team for the purpose of determining the level of physical activity (inactivity) in selected age groups of the population of men and women in the Czech Republic" (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0044) is financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic