27 research outputs found
The time series of a short seizure (left) in Patient 9, DICS, and RPDC results of the beginning and middle of the seizure (dashed line in the bar plot of the RPDC indicates the significance level), respectively (top three lines).
<p>PET, SPECT, and postoperative MRI results (bottom line, from left to right). </p
Dipole analysis.
<p>A) Difference waves at surface electrodes Cz, P10 (right hemisphere) and P9 (left hemisphere) in typically developing controls (solid line) and ADHD (dashed line); B) Dipole localisation in the left (blue) and right (red) hemisphere; C) Dipole waves, displaying activity in the left and right occipito-temporal junction in typically developing controls (solid line) and ADHD (dashed line).</p
P100 and N200.
<p>A) P100 component at electrodes O1 and O2 and B) N200 at electrodes P9 and P10 for both conditions (walker, scramble) separately. Typically developing controls are indicated by solid lines and ADHD by dashed lines.</p
Descriptive data for typically developing controls (TC) and ADHD subjects.
<p>*different sample sizes because of missing questionnaires.</p
Topographic scalp maps.
<p>A) Maps for typically developing controls and B) for children and adolescents with ADHD in both experimental conditions and C) difference maps (walker – scramble) for both groups respectively.</p
Example of experimental stimuli and stimuli presentation.
<p>Example of experimental stimuli and stimuli presentation.</p
Late positive deflection.
<p>P400+ is shown at electrodes CPz, Pz, P1, P2, PO1 and PO2 (averaged) for the walker- and scrambled condition. Typically developing controls are indicated by solid lines and ADHD by dashed lines.</p
Results of the spectral source absolute power for eyes open and eyes closed condition.
<p>Mean band power (with standard deviation) is shown for EEG (black bars), MEG (white bars), and EEG+MEG (grey bars). A) Eyes open condition. B) Eyes closed condition. Significant recording method differences are indicated by * (p < 0.05).</p
Results of the spectral absolute power for eyes open and eyes closed condition.
<p>Mean band power (with standard deviation) is shown for EEG (black bars) and MEG (white bars). A) Eyes open condition. B) Eyes closed condition. Significant recording method differences are indicated by * (p < 0.05).</p
The mean and standard deviation of coherence and RPDC values between all the sources from all the subjects (separately for each recording method) for the condition EC.
<p>The mean and standard deviation of coherence and RPDC values between all the sources from all the subjects (separately for each recording method) for the condition EC.</p