17,583 research outputs found

    Provinces with transitions in industrial structure and energy mix performed best in climate change mitigation in China

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    China has announced its goal of reaching carbon neutrality before 2060, which will be challenging because the country is still on a path towards peak carbon emissions in approximately 2030. Carbon emissions in China did decline from 2013 to 2016, following a continuous increase since the turn of the century. Here we evaluate regional efforts and motivations in promoting carbon emission reduction during this period. Based on a climate change mitigation index, we pinpoint the leading and lagging provinces in emission reduction. The results show that achievements in industrial transition and non-fossil fuel development determined the leading provinces. Thus, the recommended solution for carbon neutrality in China is to promote the transformation of industrial structure and energy mix. In addition, policymakers should be alert to the path of energy outsourcing to reduce carbon emissions. Consumption-based emissions accounting and interregional cooperation are suggested to motivate developed regions to take more responsibility for climate change mitigation

    Phase reconstruction of strong-field excited systems by transient-absorption spectroscopy

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    We study the evolution of a V-type three-level system, whose two resonances are coherently excited and coupled by two ultrashort laser pump and probe pulses, separated by a varying time delay. We relate the quantum dynamics of the excited multi-level system to the absorption spectrum of the transmitted probe pulse. In particular, by analyzing the quantum evolution of the system, we interpret how atomic phases are differently encoded in the time-delay-dependent spectral absorption profiles when the pump pulse either precedes or follows the probe pulse. We experimentally apply this scheme to atomic Rb, whose fine-structure-split 5s\,^2S_{1/2}\rightarrow 5p\,^2P_{1/2} and 5s\,^2S_{1/2}\rightarrow 5p\,^2P_{3/2} transitions are driven by the combined action of a pump pulse of variable intensity and a delayed probe pulse. The provided understanding of the relationship between quantum phases and absorption spectra represents an important step towards full time-dependent phase reconstruction (quantum holography) of bound-state wave-packets in strong-field light-matter interactions with atoms, molecules and solids.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Spin Dependence of Interfacial Reflection Phase Shift at Cu/Co Interface

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    The spin dependent reflection at the interface is the key element to understand the spin transport. By completely solving the scattering problem based on first principles method, we obtained the spin resolved reflectivity spectra. The comparison of our theoretical results with experiment is good in a large energy scale from Fermi level to energy above vacuum level. It is found that interfacial distortion is crucial for understanding the spin dependence of the phase gain at the Cu∣|Co interface. Near the Fermi level, image state plays an important role to the phase accumulation in the copper film.Comment: 6 papges, 3 figures, accepted by Physical Review

    Carbon implications of China's changing economic structure at the city level

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    Carbon emissions are strongly related to economic development. China has entered a new phase of economic development – “New Normal” – in which large-scale and multidimensional changes are occurring in the economic structure. This study aims to estimate the carbon implications of these changes in the economic structure at the city level. We compiled a multiregional input-output (MRIO) model for China and used an environmentally extended input-output analysis (EEIOA) to estimate CO 2 emissions in Shanghai from both production and consumption perspectives. We found that consumption-based CO 2 emissions were more than 30% higher than production-based emissions in Shanghai. In recent years, both production- and consumption-based CO 2 emissions in Shanghai declined because of changes in China's economic development mode. The production-based emissions declined mainly due to changes in the production structure and energy mix, while the consumption-based emissions declined mainly due to changes in consumption patterns and domestic interregional emission flows

    A case series of an off-the-shelf online health resource with integrated nurse coaching to support self-management in COPD

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    Background: COPD has significant psychosocial impact. Self-management support improves quality of life, but programs are not universally available. IT-based self-management interventions can provide home-based support, but have mixed results. We conducted a case series of an off-the-shelf Internet-based health-promotion program, The Preventive Plan (TPP), coupled with nurse-coach support, which aimed to increase patient activation and provide self-management benefits. Materials and methods: A total of 19 COPD patients were recruited, and 14 completed 3-month follow-up in two groups: groups 1 and 2 with more and less advanced COPD, respectively. Change in patient activation was determined with paired t-tests and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Benefits and user experience were explored in semistructured interviews, analyzed thematically. Results: Only group 1 improved significantly in activation, from a lower baseline than group 2; group 1 also improved significantly in mastery and anxiety. Both groups felt significantly more informed about COPD and reported physical functioning improvements. Group 1 reported improvements in mood and confidence. Overall, group 2 reported fewer benefits than group 1. Both groups valued nurse-coach support; for group 1, it was more important than TPP in building confidence to self-manage. The design of TPP and lack of motivation to use IT were barriers to use, but disease severity and poor IT skills were not. Discussion: Our findings demonstrate the feasibility of combining nurse-coach support aligned to an Internet-based health resource, TPP, in COPD and provide learning about the challenges of such an approach and the importance of the nurse-coach role

    Replicate and generalize to make urban research coherent

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    Scientific approaches to urban research are a century in the making but have long remained tangled in debates and disagreements. Here, we reflect on how current enthusiasm for a scientific urbanism resurfaces old conflicts and suggest that a diverse set of arguments revolve around two concepts: replication and generalizability. We argue that addressing these challenges directly could play an important role in advancing empirical research. New empirical methods, including those coming from artificial intelligence, offer means of radically accelerating urban research, but also risk a revisiting of longstanding disagreements. Applying replication and generalizability as a conceptual bridge may be key to some of these new methods contributing to a more integrated and interdisciplinary urbanism. Beyond empirical urbanism, replication and generalizability may enable the development of a more integrated, systematic urban field by supporting the translation of methodologies, findings, and theories between disciplines. We conclude by cautioning that further work is needed to understand how replication and generalizability apply across the urban field (significant areas of which are not addressed in this paper) and by calling for authors to test the value of replication and generalizability in their areas of urban expertise

    The optimal hormonal replacement modality selection for multiple organ procurement from brain-dead organ donors

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    The management of brain-dead organ donors is complex. The use of inotropic agents and replacement of depleted hormones (hormonal replacement therapy) is crucial for successful multiple organ procurement, yet the optimal hormonal replacement has not been identified, and the statistical adjustment to determine the best selection is not trivial. Traditional pair-wise comparisons between every pair of treatments, and multiple comparisons to all (MCA), are statistically conservative. Hsu’s multiple comparisons with the best (MCB)-adapted from the Dunnett’s multiple comparisons with control (MCC)-has been used for selecting the best treatment based on continuous variables. We selected the best hormonal replacement modality for successful multiple organ procurement using a two-step approach. First, we estimated the predicted margins by constructing generalized linear models (GLM) or generalized linear mixed models (GLMM), and then we applied the multiple comparison methods to identify the best hormonal replacement modality given that the testing of hormonal replacement modalities is independent. Based on 10-year data from the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), among 16 hormonal replacement modalities, and using the 95% simultaneous confidence intervals, we found that the combination of thyroid hormone, a corticosteroid, antidiuretic hormone, and insulin was the best modality for multiple organ procurement for transplantation
