14 research outputs found
Visualizando redes de discursos culturales en la literatura electrónica latinoamericana
There are relatively few studies that explore the interdisciplinarity between electronic literature and digital humanities research methods. The present paper addresses this lack by combining close reading and distant reading methodologies to analyze networks of cultural discourses in a corpus of 30 Latin American e-lit works published from 1995 to 2020. To conduct the research, three network graphs were created using Gephi, an open-source software for the exploration and analysis of network visualizations. The graphs study the following relations between the e-lit works and the cultural discourses: the frequency of primary, secondary and tertiary discourses, the degree of multi-discourse, and the degree of cultural discourse co-occurrence. The results show the appearance of unexpected discourse variations and new co-occurrence patterns, the benefits of network graphs for revealing e-lit works’ families, and the potential use of data visualization techniques to study e-lit databases. Overall, the paper demonstrates the utility of digital humanities research methods to further examine electronic literature materials.Existen relativamente pocos estudios que exploren la interdisciplinariedad entre la literatura electrónica y los métodos de investigación en las humanidades digitales. El presente artículo aborda este vacío empleando metodologías de lectura distante, tales como grafos, para analizar redes de discursos culturales en un corpus de 30 textos de e-literatura latinoamericana publicados de 1995 a 2020. Para realizar la investigación, se crearon tres redes de grafos utilizando Gephi, un software de código abierto para la exploración y el análisis de visualizaciones de redes. Los grafos estudian las siguientes relaciones entre los textos de e-literatura y los discursos culturales: la frecuencia de discursos primarios, secundarios y terciarios, el grado de multi-discurso y el grado de coocurrencia. Los resultados exponen la aparición de variaciones discursivas y nuevos patrones de coocurrencia, los beneficios de las redes de grafos para revelar familias de textos de e-litetura y el potencial uso de técnicas de visualización de datos para estudiar bases de datos de e-literatura. En general, el artículo muestra la utilidad de métodos investigación provenientes de las humanidades digitales para examinar más a fondo materiales de literatura electrónica
Translating a work of digital literature into several languages: a case study
In 2010, the digital literature piece Déprise was published online (http://deprise.fr). Progressively, it has been translated from French into English (Loss of Grasp, 2010), Italian (Perdersi, 2011), Spanish (Perderse, 2013), and Portuguese (Perda de controlo, 2016). Every translation required changes to the original version in French but also to the other versions, leading to an intercultural and multilingual dialogue between the translators and the author.
What are the specificities of the translation of digital literature in comparison to the translation of literature in general? What does translation teach us about digital literature, and about the Digital? And perhaps we might even ask, what digital literature teaches us about translation? To try to answer these questions, we have asked the different translators for feedback on the translation process: Valerie Bouchardon (English), Giovanna di Rosario (Italian), Martha Asunción Alonso (Spanish) and Diogo Marques (Portuguese). In this paper, we will exploit the written exchanges with the different translators to question the modes of collaboration and the possible necessity for the translator to possess computing skills (Di Rosario & Borràs, 2012), but also the importance of translating the specific dimensions of digital literature (semiotic forms, voices and animations, indirect translations). Eventually, through the different forms of collaboration between the author and the translators, the translating process turned out to be a truly transcreative” process, i.e. “a shared creative practice” (Portela, Pold & Mencía, 2018).
Bouchardon, S., Bachimont, B. (2013). Preservation of digital literature: from stored memory to reinvented memory, Cibertextualidades N°5, 184-202. Retrieved from http://cibertextualidades.ufp.edu.pt/numero-5-2013/electronic-publishing-models-for-experimental-literature
Bouchardon, S. (2014). Figures of Gestural Manipulation in Digital Fictions . In Bell, A., Ensslin, A. & Rustad, H. (Eds.), Analyzing Digital Fiction (pp. 159–175). New York, London: Routledge.
Bouchardon, S. (2019). Mind the gap! 10 gaps for Digital Literature? . Electronic Book Review. Retrieved from http://electronicbookreview.com/essay/mind-the-gap-10-gaps-for-digital-literature/
Cayley, J. (2018). “Translation as process”. In Amodern 8, Translation-Machination, Mitchell, C. & Raley, R. (dir.), http://amodern.net/issues/amodern-8-translation-machination/
Di Rosario, G., & Borràs, L. (2012). Translating Digital Literature: Two Experiences and a Reflection . Texto Digital, 8(1), 138–162. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.5007/1807-9288.2012v8n1p138
Fülöp, E. (2018). Digital cultures: A view from French studies and literature . Explorations in Media Ecology, 17(3), 271–277. https://doi.org/10.1386/eme.17.3.271_1
Gambier, Y. (1994). La retraduction, retour et détour . Meta : journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators’ Journal, 39(3), 413–417. https://doi.org/10.7202/002799ar
Marecki, P., & Montfort, N. (2017). Renderings: Translating literary works in the digital age . Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 32(suppl_1), i84–i91. https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqx010
Marques, D. A. da S. (2018). Reading Digits: Haptic Reading Processes in the Experience of Digital Literary Works (PhD Thesis, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal). Retrieved from https://estudogeral.sib.uc.pt/handle/10316/81171?mode=simple
Portela, M., Pold, S. & Mencía, M. (2018). Electronic Literature Translation: Translation as Process , Experience and Mediation. Electronic Book Review. Retrieved from http://electronicbookreview.com/essay/electronic-literature-translation-translation-as-process-experience-and-mediation
Rhetoric, Music and Philosophy in 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein by David Clark: Intermedial and Intertextual Practices
88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to Be Played with the Left Hand) (2008) by Canadian artist David Clark is a web-based Flash creation that explores the life and works of Austrian-born philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. As the title suggests the digital work should be “played with the left hand”, this means that there are additional semiotic units (e.g. videos, sounds, images, linguistic texts) hidden in the metaphysical strings of the constellations that the reader can add to the narrative by means of interaction and manipulation. We argue that by discovering unexplored paths and creative unknowns the reader encounters examples of gestural melodic manipulation that will consequently lead to the creation of visual music. The visual music produced by the secret of the Left Hand, whose notes (piano keys) are the gestural enunciation of different discourses and diverse thematic, expose the potential intermedial literary characteristics of the text. Our analytical approach will demonstrate how rhetoric and digital technologies join to visually express philosophical concepts
As origens da Literatura Eletrônica. Um panorama.
O objetivo deste artigo é esboçar as origens da literatura eletrônica e destacar alguns momentos importantes para traçar sua história. Ao fazê-lo, consideramos a variedade de idiomas, origens culturais, heranças culturais e contextos nos quais a literatura digital foi criada. O artigo está dividido em cinco seções: uma breve história da literatura eletrônica em geral (no entanto, devemos admitir que esta seção tem um ponto de vista muito etnocêntrico) e depois quatro outras seções divididas em norte-americana, latino-americana, européia (Rússia incluída), e Literatura Eletrônica Árabe. Devido à falta de informações, não há seção dedicada à Literatura Eletrônica na Ásia, embora alguns textos sejam mencionados. Estamos cientes dos limites dessa divisão e dos problemas que ela pode criar, no entanto, achamos que era a maneira mais fácil de mapear rapidamente as origens da literatura eletrônica e seu desenvolvimento em diferentes países e continentes. O artigo mostra como alguns países desenvolveram seu interesse e criação de literatura eletrônica quase simultaneamente, enquanto outros, apenas por causa de sua própria formação cultural e / ou contextos (também políticos e econômicos), só recentemente descobriram a literatura eletrônica, ou aceitaram-na como uma nova forma de gênero literário
La literatura digital latinoamericana en la encrucijada de la crítica literaria en el siglo XXI
Presentation to dossier No. 29 of the coordinators.Presentación al dossier n°30 de los coordinadores
New forms of literariness in electronic literature: an approach to rhetorical enunciation and temporality
One of the major challenges in electronic literature is the search for literariness in the works. This topic is still largely debated among scholars due to the diverse representations that the literary can acquire and the unestablished methods for its analysis. This thesis explores how new forms of literariness are depicted in two works of electronic literature by developing a transdisciplinary research methodology featuring theories from Discourse Analysis, Literary Theory, and Electronic Literature. The main objective is to evaluate how the intersection between these fields benefits the paratextual, enunciative, rhetorical, and temporal analysis of digital works. Two contemporary works of electronic literature comprise the corpus: 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be played with the Left Hand) (2008) by David Clark and Déprise (2010) by Serge Bouchardon and Vincent Volckaert. The analyses show that the materiality and performativity of literariness can be explored through the intermingling of three distinct approaches: (1) enunciative variations, (2) tropological potential of couplings between text, movement and manipulation, and (3) temporal reorganizations within the works’ complex narrative practices. The results of the analyses have enabled the creation of a transdisciplinary methodological contribution called “An Approach to Rhetorical enunciation and Temporality” (AReT), as well as the proposition of new hybrid terminology (e.g. interfacial anamnesis; interfacial randomization flashbacks; gestural impressionism). Both propositions can be used to study the emergence of new literary forms and the artistic exchanges between EL and different fine arts.Un dels grans reptes en el camp de la literatura electrònica és l’estudi de la dimensió literària de les obres, objecte d’amplis debats entre els especialistes, a causa de la diversitat que hi adopta el component literari i la manca d’una metodologia d’anàlisi satisfactòria. En aquesta tesi s’investiga com es presenten aquestes noves formes literàries en dues obres de literatura electrònica, tot desenvolupant una metodologia de recerca transdisciplinària, fonamentada alhora en l’Anàlisi del Discurs, la Teoria Literària i la Literatura Electrònica. El principal objectiu és avaluar els avantatges de la intersecció entre aquests camps per a l’anàlisi paratextual, enunciativa, retòrica i temporal de les obres digitals. El corpus està constituït per dues obres de literatura electrònica: : 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be played with the Left Hand) (2008) de David Clark i Déprise (2010) de Serge Bouchardon and Vincent Volckaert. Les anàlisis posen de manifest que es pot explorar la materialitat i la performativitat del component literari entrellaçant tres aproximacions diferents: (1) les variacions enunciatives, (2) el potencial tropològic de les associacions entre text, moviment i manipulació, i (3) les reorganitzacions temporals en les complexes pràctiques narratives de les obres. Els resultats de les anàlisis han permès l’elaboració d’una contribució metodològica anomenada “Una Aproximació a l’enunciació Retòrica i a la Temporalitat (AeRT), així com d’una proposta de nova terminologia híbrida (per exemple, anamnesis interfacial, flashbacks d’aleatorització interfacial; impressionisme gestual). Ambdues propostes permeten estudiar com emergeixen noves formes literàries i com es produeixen intercanvis artístics entre la LE i diverses belles arts
New forms of literariness in electronic literature: an approach to rhetorical enunciation and temporality
One of the major challenges in electronic literature is the search for literariness in the works. This topic is still largely debated among scholars due to the diverse representations that the literary can acquire and the unestablished methods for its analysis. This thesis explores how new forms of literariness are depicted in two works of electronic literature by developing a transdisciplinary research methodology featuring theories from Discourse Analysis, Literary Theory, and Electronic Literature. The main objective is to evaluate how the intersection between these fields benefits the paratextual, enunciative, rhetorical, and temporal analysis of digital works. Two contemporary works of electronic literature comprise the corpus: 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be played with the Left Hand) (2008) by David Clark and Déprise (2010) by Serge Bouchardon and Vincent Volckaert. The analyses show that the materiality and performativity of literariness can be explored through the intermingling of three distinct approaches: (1) enunciative variations, (2) tropological potential of couplings between text, movement and manipulation, and (3) temporal reorganizations within the works’ complex narrative practices. The results of the analyses have enabled the creation of a transdisciplinary methodological contribution called “An Approach to Rhetorical enunciation and Temporality” (AReT), as well as the proposition of new hybrid terminology (e.g. interfacial anamnesis; interfacial randomization flashbacks; gestural impressionism). Both propositions can be used to study the emergence of new literary forms and the artistic exchanges between EL and different fine arts.Un dels grans reptes en el camp de la literatura electrònica és l’estudi de la dimensió literària de les obres, objecte d’amplis debats entre els especialistes, a causa de la diversitat que hi adopta el component literari i la manca d’una metodologia d’anàlisi satisfactòria. En aquesta tesi s’investiga com es presenten aquestes noves formes literàries en dues obres de literatura electrònica, tot desenvolupant una metodologia de recerca transdisciplinària, fonamentada alhora en l’Anàlisi del Discurs, la Teoria Literària i la Literatura Electrònica. El principal objectiu és avaluar els avantatges de la intersecció entre aquests camps per a l’anàlisi paratextual, enunciativa, retòrica i temporal de les obres digitals. El corpus està constituït per dues obres de literatura electrònica: : 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be played with the Left Hand) (2008) de David Clark i Déprise (2010) de Serge Bouchardon and Vincent Volckaert. Les anàlisis posen de manifest que es pot explorar la materialitat i la performativitat del component literari entrellaçant tres aproximacions diferents: (1) les variacions enunciatives, (2) el potencial tropològic de les associacions entre text, moviment i manipulació, i (3) les reorganitzacions temporals en les complexes pràctiques narratives de les obres. Els resultats de les anàlisis han permès l’elaboració d’una contribució metodològica anomenada “Una Aproximació a l’enunciació Retòrica i a la Temporalitat (AeRT), així com d’una proposta de nova terminologia híbrida (per exemple, anamnesis interfacial, flashbacks d’aleatorització interfacial; impressionisme gestual). Ambdues propostes permeten estudiar com emergeixen noves formes literàries i com es produeixen intercanvis artístics entre la LE i diverses belles arts
Digital Literature in the Spanish as a Foreign Language Classroom. Intertext, Hypertext and Interculturality
Ritgerð til MA-prófs í spænskukennslu MULTIELE (Erasmus Mundus)Las nuevas formas de lectura y escritura nos llevan a tomar conciencia del desarrollo e impacto que las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación tienen en su difusión y aprendizaje. El presente trabajo pretende investigar la relevancia de dicha convicción en la enseñanza de la literatura en el aula de español como lengua extranjera. Para ello, abordaremos la importancia que hoy en día tiene reparar en la literatura digital, la hipermedia y el hipertexto como soportes digitales en la enseñanza de ELE así como en la adquisición de segundas lenguas en general. Con el objetivo de comprender mejor dicho fenómeno hemos trazado una trayectoria teórica, analítica y práctica de los elementos hipertextuales, intertextuales e interculturales de un sitio web educativo en concreto. Los resultados del análisis sugieren que el reto no yace únicamente en entender la codependencia de estos elementos sino en desarrollar nuevos patrones y estrategias para combinar la lengua, la cultura y la tecnología en el campo de la enseñanza de segundas lenguas.The importance of communication technology has given special attention to the current way in which we read and write. This thesis examines the new role of teaching literature in the field of Spanish as a foreign language while at the same time contextualizing the importance of digital literature, hypermedia and hypertext in second language acquisition as a whole. In order to portray the development of the present study a theoretical, analytical and practical path has been followed and examined on a specific educational website. The results of the analysis reflect a significant link among hypertextuality, intertextuality and interculturality, which suggests that the challenge relies not only on the understanding of the bond but also on the development of new patterns and approaches to combine language, culture and technology in second language education
Migraciones poéticas en la obra de Jesús Arrellano = Poetic migrations in the work of Jesús Arellano
Calidad de los servicios de bienestar estudiantil en la I.E. Fe y Alegría 58, Jicamarca - 2018
Trabajo de suficiencia profesionalLIMAEscuela Profesional de AdministraciónTalento HumanoEl presente informe tiene como objetivo la mejora de la calidad en el servicio de bienestar estudiantil, para tal efecto se desarrolló en primer momento un diagnóstico situacional de la institución educativa, utilizando el método/encuesta SERVQUAL a los integrantes que conforman la comunidad educativa, obteniéndose como resultado que el 36.67% de la población se encuentra insatisfecha con los servicios que brinda el área de bienestar estudiantil. Ante el diagnostico encontrado se propone el programa de mejora de la calidad del servicio del área de bienestar estudiantil basado en estrategias de mejora para los elementos tangibles, capacidad de respuesta, seguridad, fiabilidad y empatía