160 research outputs found
Cosmological evolution of supermassive black holes and AGN: a synthesis model for accretion and feedback
The growth of supermassive black holes (SMBH) through accretion is
accompanied by the release of enormous amounts of energy which can either be
radiated away, as happens in quasars, advected into the black hole, or disposed
of in kinetic form through powerful jets, as is observed, for example, in radio
galaxies. Here, I will present new constraints on the evolution of the SMBH
mass function and Eddington ratio distribution, obtained from a study of AGN
luminosity functions aimed at accounting for both radiative and kinetic energy
output of AGN in a systematic way. First, I discuss how a refined Soltan
argument leads to joint constraints on the mass-weighted average spin of SMBH
and of the total mass density of high redshift (z~5) and "wandering" black
holes. Then, I will show how to describe the downsizing trend observed in the
AGN population in terms of cosmological evolution of physical quantities (black
hole mass, accretion rate, radiative and kinetic energy output). Finally, the
redshift evolution of the AGN kinetic feedback will be briefly discussed and
compared with the radiative output of the evolving SMBH population, thus
providing a robust physical framework for phenomenological models of AGN
feedback within structure formation.Comment: Proceedings of "The Central Kiloparsec: Active Galactic Nuclei and
Their Hosts", Ierapetra, Crete, 4-6 June, 2008. To appear in Volume 79 of the
Memorie della Societa' Astronomica Italiana. 8 pages, 4 figure
The fundamental plane of black hole activity and the census of the local black holes' population
Studying a sample of both strongly and weakly active galactic nuclei with
measured masses and 5 GHz and 2-10 keV core luminosities, together with a few
galactic black holes simultaneously observed in the radio and X-ray bands,
Merloni, Heinz, & Di Matteo (2003) showed that the sources are correlated
through a ``fundamental plane'' relationship in the three-dimensional (log L_R,
log L_X, log M) space. Here I elaborate on how such a relationship can be used
to infer directly mass and accretion rate of any black hole given its radio and
X-ray fluxes, complementing the information obtained from optical/UV surveys.
As an example, I show how the local X-ray and radio luminosity functions,
coupled with the black hole mass function derived from the M-\sigma relation,
provide us with an accretion rate function. It is found that the typical X-ray
Eddington ratio of an active black hole at redshift zero is about 5 \times
10^{-4}.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of the Princeton meeting on "AGN
Physics with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey" (July 2003), ed. G. T. Richards
and P. B. Hall, ASP Conf. Series, in pres
A synthetic view of AGN evolution and supermassive black holes growth
I will describe the constraints available from a study of AGN evolution
synthesis models on the growth of the supermassive black holes (SMBH)
population in the two main 'modes' observed (kinetic- and
radiatively-dominated, respectively). I will show how SMBH mass function
evolves anti-hierarchically, i.e. the most massive holes grew earlier and
faster than less massive ones, and I will also derive tight constraints on the
average radiative efficiency of AGN. An outlook on the redshift evolution of
the AGN kinetic luminosity function will also be discussed, thus providing a
robust physical framework for phenomenological models of AGN feedback within
structure formation. Finally, I will present new constraints on the evolution
of the black hole-galaxy scaling relation at 1<z<2 derived by exploiting the
full multi-wavelength coverage of the COSMOS survey on a complete sample of 90
type 1 AGN.Comment: 8 pages, 5 color figures, Proceedings of the conference "Accretion
and ejection in AGN: a global view" (Como, 22-26 June 2009
Mass Functions of Supermassive Black Holes Across Cosmic Time
The black hole mass function of supermassive black holes describes the
evolution of the distribution of black hole mass. It is one of the primary
empirical tools available for mapping the growth of supermassive black holes
and for constraining theoretical models of their evolution. In this review we
discuss methods for estimating the black hole mass function, including their
advantages and disadvantages. We also review the results of using these methods
for estimating the mass function of both active and inactive black holes. In
addition, we review current theoretical models for the growth of supermassive
black holes that predict the black hole mass function. We conclude with a
discussion of directions for future research which will lead to improvement in
both empirical and theoretical determinations of the mass function of
supermassive black holes.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures, review paper accepted for the Advances in
Astronomy Special Issue "Seeking for the Leading Actor on the Cosmic Stage:
Galaxies versus Supermassive Black Holes
Quiescent times in gamma-ray bursts: I. An observed correlation between the durations of subsequent emission episodes
Although more than 2000 astronomical gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been
detected, the precise progenitor responsible for these events is unknown. The
temporal phenomenology observed in GRBs can significantly constrain the
different models. Here we analyse the time histories of a sample of bright,
long GRBs, searching for the ones exhibiting relatively long (more than 5 per
cent of the total burst duration) quiescent times, defined as the intervals
between adjacent episodes of emission during which the gamma-rays count rate
drops to the background level. We find a quantitative relation between the
duration of an emission episode and the quiescent time elapsed since the
previous episode. We suggest here that the mechanism responsible for the
extraction and the dissipation of energy has to take place in a meta-stable
configuration, such that the longer the accumulation period, the higher is the
stored energy available for the next emission episode.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, with final revision
AGN spectral states from simultaneous UV and X-ray observations by XMM-Newton
The supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei (AGN) and stellar-mass
black holes in X-ray binaries (XRBs) are believed to work in a similar way.
While XRBs evolve rapidly and several sources have undergone a few complete
cycles from quiescence to an outburst and back, most AGN remain in the same
state over periods of decades, due to their longer characteristic timescale
proportional to their size. However, the study of the AGN spectral states is
still possible with a large sample of sources. Multi-wavelength observations
are needed for this purpose since the AGN thermal disc emission dominates in
the ultraviolet energy range, while the up-scattered hot-corona emission is
detected in X-rays. We compared simultaneous UV and X-ray measurements of AGN
obtained by the XMM-Newton satellite. The non-thermal flux was constrained from
the 2-12 keV X-ray luminosity, while the thermal disc component was estimated
from the UV flux at 2900A. The hardness (ratio between the X-ray and UV plus
X-ray luminosity) and the total luminosity were used to construct the AGN state
diagrams. For sources with reliable mass measurements, the Eddington ratio was
used instead of the total luminosity. The state diagrams show that the
radio-loud sources have on average higher hardness, due to the lack of the
thermal disc emission in the UV band, and have flatter intrinsic X-ray spectra.
In contrast, the sources with high luminosity and low hardness are radio-quiet
AGN. The hardness-Eddington ratio diagram reveals that the average
radio-loudness is stronger for low-accreting sources, while it decreases when
the accretion rate is close to the Eddington limit. Our results indicate that
the general properties of AGN accretion states are similar to those of X-ray
binaries. This suggests that the AGN radio dichotomy of radio-loud and
radio-quiet sources can be explained by the evolution of the accretion states.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted in A&
Linking the fate of massive black hole binaries to the active galactic nuclei luminosity function
Massive black hole binaries are naturally predicted in the context of the
hierarchical model of structure formation. The binaries that manage to lose
most of their angular momentum can coalesce to form a single remnant. In the
last stages of this process, the holes undergo an extremely loud phase of
gravitational wave emission, possibly detectable by current and future probes.
The theoretical effort towards obtaining a coherent physical picture of the
binary path down to coalescence is still underway. In this paper, for the first
time, we take advantage of observational studies of active galactic nuclei
evolution to constrain the efficiency of gas-driven binary decay. Under
conservative assumptions we find that gas accretion toward the nuclear black
holes can efficiently lead binaries of any mass forming at high redshift (> 2)
to coalescence within the current time. The observed "downsizing" trend of the
accreting black hole luminosity function further implies that the gas inflow is
sufficient to drive light black holes down to coalescence, even if they bind in
binaries at lower redshifts, down to z~0.5 for binaries of ~10 million solar
masses, and z~0.2 for binaries of ~1 million solar masses. This has strong
implications for the detection rates of coalescing black hole binaries of
future space-based gravitational wave experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure, accepted for publication in MNRA
Where the Wild Things Are: Observational Constraints on Black Holes' Growth
The physical and evolutionary relation between growing supermassive black
holes (AGN) and host galaxies is currently the subject of intense research
activity. Nevertheless, a deep theoretical understanding of such a relation is
hampered by the unique multi-scale nature of the combined AGN-galaxy system,
which defies any purely numerical, or semi-analytic approach. Various physical
process active on different scales have signatures in different parts of the
electromagnetic spectrum; thus, observations at different wavelengths and
theoretical ideas all should contribute towards a "large dynamic range" view of
the AGN phenomenon. As an example, I will focus in this review on two major
recent observational results on the cosmic evolution of supermassive black
holes, focusing on the novel contribution given to the field by the COSMOS
survey. First of all, I will discuss the evidence for the so-called
"downsizing" in the AGN population as derived from large X-ray surveys. I will
then present new constraints on the evolution of the black hole-galaxy scaling
relation at 1<z<2 derived by exploiting the full multi-wavelength coverage of
the survey on a complete sample of ~90 type 1 AGN.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, To appear in the proceedings of "The Monster's
Fiery Breath: Feedback in Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters", Eds. Sebastian
Heinz, Eric Wilcots (AIP conference series
Anti-Hierarchical Growth of Supermassive Black Holes and QSO lifetimes
I present a new method to unveil the history of cosmic accretion and the
build-up of Supermassive Black Holes (SMBH) in the nuclei of galaxies, based on
observations of the evolving radio and (hard) X-ray luminosity functions of
AGN. The fundamental plane of black hole activity discovered by Merloni, Heinz
& Di Matteo (2003) is used as a mass and accretion rate estimator. I adopt the
local BH mass function as a boundary condition to integrate backwards in time
the continuity equation for the SMBH evolution, neglecting the role of mergers.
Under the most general assumption that accretion proceeds in a radiatively
efficient way above a certain rate, and in a radiatively inefficient way below,
the redshift evolution of the mass and accretion rate functions are calculated
self-consistently. The only tunable parameters are the accretion efficiency and
the critical ratio of the X-ray to Eddington luminosity at which the transition
between accretion modes takes place. The evolution of the BH mass function
between z=0 and z ~ 3 shows clear signs of an anti-hierarchical behaviour:
while the majority of the most massive objects (M > 10^9) were already in place
at z ~ 3, lower mass ones mainly grew at progressively lower redshift. As an
example, I will discuss the consequences of these results for the lifetimes of
accreting black holes.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to Proceedings of the Conference on
"Growing Black Holes" held in Garching, Germany, on June 21-25, 2004, edited
by A. Merloni, S. Nayakshin and R. Sunyaev, Springer-Verlag series of "ESO
Astrophysics Symposia
Jet-Disc coupling in the accreting black hole XTEJ1118+480
We interpret the rapid correlated UV/optical/ X-ray variability of
XTEJ1118+480 as a signature of the coupling between the X-ray corona and a jet
emitting synchrotron radiation in the optical band.We propose a scenario in
which the jet and the X-ray corona are fed by the same energy reservoir where
large amounts of accretion power are stored before being channelled into either
the jet or the high energy radiation. This time dependent model reproduces the
main features of the rapid multi-wavelength variability of XTEJ1118+480. A
strong requirement of the model is that the total jet power should be at least
a few times larger than the observed X-ray luminosity. This would be consistent
with the overall low radiative efficiency of the source. We present independent
arguments showing that the jet probably dominates the energetic output of all
accreting black holes in the low-hard state.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the proceedings of "From X-ray
binaries to quasars: Black hole accretion on all mass scales, (Amsterdam,
July 2004)", Eds. T. Maccarone, R. Fender, L. H
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