69 research outputs found

    Geographic locations of all 12 coastal meteorological stations.

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    <p>Geographic locations of all 12 coastal meteorological stations.</p

    Normal and Extreme Wind Conditions for Power at Coastal Locations in China

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    <div><p>In this paper, the normal and extreme wind conditions for power at 12 coastal locations along China’s coastline were investigated. For this purpose, the daily meteorological data measured at the standard 10-m height above ground for periods of 40–62 years are statistically analyzed. The East Asian Monsoon that affects almost China’s entire coastal region is considered as the leading factor determining wind energy resources. For most stations, the mean wind speed is higher in winter and lower in summer. Meanwhile, the wind direction analysis indicates that the prevalent winds in summer are southerly, while those in winter are northerly. The air densities at different coastal locations differ significantly, resulting in the difference in wind power density. The Weibull and lognormal distributions are applied to fit the yearly wind speeds. The lognormal distribution performs better than the Weibull distribution at 8 coastal stations according to two judgement criteria, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and absolute error (AE). Regarding the annual maximum extreme wind speed, the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution performs better than the commonly-used Gumbel distribution. At these southeastern coastal locations, strong winds usually occur in typhoon season. These 4 coastal provinces, that is, Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, and Zhejiang, which have abundant wind resources, are also prone to typhoon disasters.</p></div

    Monthly variations of the mean wind speed at a 10-m height and wind power density for the six stations Changhai, Xingcheng, Changdao, Chengshantou, Qingdao, and Lvshi in the northernern region.

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    <p>Monthly variations of the mean wind speed at a 10-m height and wind power density for the six stations Changhai, Xingcheng, Changdao, Chengshantou, Qingdao, and Lvshi in the northernern region.</p

    Wind rose diagrams for the six stations Changhai, Xingcheng, Changdao, Chengshantou, Qingdao, and Lvshi in the northern region.

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    <p>Wind rose diagrams for the six stations Changhai, Xingcheng, Changdao, Chengshantou, Qingdao, and Lvshi in the northern region.</p

    Tracks of all of the tropical storms (TSs), severe tropical storms (STSs), typhoons (TYs), severe typhoons (STYs), and super typhoons (Super TYs) in China’s coastal regions from 2002 to 2011.

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    <p>Tracks of all of the tropical storms (TSs), severe tropical storms (STSs), typhoons (TYs), severe typhoons (STYs), and super typhoons (Super TYs) in China’s coastal regions from 2002 to 2011.</p

    Wind rose diagrams for the six stations Shengshi, Dachendao, Pingtan, Nanao, Shangchuandao, and Xisha in the southern region.

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    <p>Wind rose diagrams for the six stations Shengshi, Dachendao, Pingtan, Nanao, Shangchuandao, and Xisha in the southern region.</p

    Summary of landing locations of typhoons (STS, TY, STY and Super TY) in the period of 1961–2013.

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    <p>The number in the table is the number of times that typhoons landed on the province. Abbreviations: super typhoon (Super TY), severe typhoon (STY), typhoon (TY), and severe tropical storm (STD).</p

    Damage of the wind turbines in coastal wind farms caused by typhoons in recent years.

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    <p>The symbol “-” represents no data available.</p

    Observed probability distribution of the annual maximum extreme wind speeds vs. fitted probability density functions (pdfs) of the Gumbel distribution (solid lines) and the GEV distribution (dashed lines) for the stations of Changhai, Xingcheng, Chengshantou, and Lvshi in the northern region.

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    <p>Observed probability distribution of the annual maximum extreme wind speeds vs. fitted probability density functions (pdfs) of the Gumbel distribution (solid lines) and the GEV distribution (dashed lines) for the stations of Changhai, Xingcheng, Chengshantou, and Lvshi in the northern region.</p

    Observed probability distribution of the yearly wind speeds vs. fitted probability density functions (pdfs) and cumulative distribution functions (cdfs) of the Weibull distribution and the lognormal distribution for stations of Shengshi, Dachendao, Shangchuandao, and Xisha in the southern region.

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    <p>Observed probability distribution of the yearly wind speeds vs. fitted probability density functions (pdfs) and cumulative distribution functions (cdfs) of the Weibull distribution and the lognormal distribution for stations of Shengshi, Dachendao, Shangchuandao, and Xisha in the southern region.</p
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