42 research outputs found
On the Sample Complexity of Predictive Sparse Coding
The goal of predictive sparse coding is to learn a representation of examples
as sparse linear combinations of elements from a dictionary, such that a
learned hypothesis linear in the new representation performs well on a
predictive task. Predictive sparse coding algorithms recently have demonstrated
impressive performance on a variety of supervised tasks, but their
generalization properties have not been studied. We establish the first
generalization error bounds for predictive sparse coding, covering two
settings: 1) the overcomplete setting, where the number of features k exceeds
the original dimensionality d; and 2) the high or infinite-dimensional setting,
where only dimension-free bounds are useful. Both learning bounds intimately
depend on stability properties of the learned sparse encoder, as measured on
the training sample. Consequently, we first present a fundamental stability
result for the LASSO, a result characterizing the stability of the sparse codes
with respect to perturbations to the dictionary. In the overcomplete setting,
we present an estimation error bound that decays as \tilde{O}(sqrt(d k/m)) with
respect to d and k. In the high or infinite-dimensional setting, we show a
dimension-free bound that is \tilde{O}(sqrt(k^2 s / m)) with respect to k and
s, where s is an upper bound on the number of non-zeros in the sparse code for
any training data point.Comment: Sparse Coding Stability Theorem from version 1 has been relaxed
considerably using a new notion of coding margin. Old Sparse Coding Stability
Theorem still in new version, now as Theorem 2. Presentation of all proofs
simplified/improved considerably. Paper reorganized. Empirical analysis
showing new coding margin is non-trivial on real dataset
A Tight Excess Risk Bound via a Unified PAC-Bayesian-Rademacher-Shtarkov-MDL Complexity
We present a novel notion of complexity that interpolates between and
generalizes some classic existing complexity notions in learning theory: for
estimators like empirical risk minimization (ERM) with arbitrary bounded
losses, it is upper bounded in terms of data-independent Rademacher complexity;
for generalized Bayesian estimators, it is upper bounded by the data-dependent
information complexity (also known as stochastic or PAC-Bayesian,
complexity. For
(penalized) ERM, the new complexity reduces to (generalized) normalized maximum
likelihood (NML) complexity, i.e. a minimax log-loss individual-sequence
regret. Our first main result bounds excess risk in terms of the new
complexity. Our second main result links the new complexity via Rademacher
complexity to entropy, thereby generalizing earlier results of Opper,
Haussler, Lugosi, and Cesa-Bianchi who did the log-loss case with .
Together, these results recover optimal bounds for VC- and large (polynomial
entropy) classes, replacing localized Rademacher complexity by a simpler
analysis which almost completely separates the two aspects that determine the
achievable rates: 'easiness' (Bernstein) conditions and model complexity.Comment: 38 page
From Stochastic Mixability to Fast Rates
Empirical risk minimization (ERM) is a fundamental learning rule for
statistical learning problems where the data is generated according to some
unknown distribution and returns a hypothesis chosen from a
fixed class with small loss . In the parametric setting,
depending upon ERM can have slow
or fast rates of convergence of the excess risk as a
function of the sample size . There exist several results that give
sufficient conditions for fast rates in terms of joint properties of ,
, and , such as the margin condition and the Bernstein
condition. In the non-statistical prediction with expert advice setting, there
is an analogous slow and fast rate phenomenon, and it is entirely characterized
in terms of the mixability of the loss (there being no role there for
or ). The notion of stochastic mixability builds a
bridge between these two models of learning, reducing to classical mixability
in a special case. The present paper presents a direct proof of fast rates for
ERM in terms of stochastic mixability of , and
in so doing provides new insight into the fast-rates phenomenon. The proof
exploits an old result of Kemperman on the solution to the general moment
problem. We also show a partial converse that suggests a characterization of
fast rates for ERM in terms of stochastic mixability is possible.Comment: 21 pages, accepted to NIPS 201
From Stochastic Mixability to Fast Rates
Empirical risk minimization (ERM) is a fundamental algorithm for statistical learning problems where the data is generated according to some unknown distribution P and returns a hypothesis f chosen from a fixed class F with small loss `. In the parametric setting, depending upon (`,F,P) ERM can have slow (1/ n) or fast (1/n) rates of convergence of the excess risk as a function of the sample size n. There exist several results that give sufficient conditions for fast rates in terms of joint properties of `, F, and P, such as the margin condition and the Bernstein condition. In the non-statistical prediction with experts setting, there is an analogous slow and fast rate phenomenon, and it is entirely characterized in terms of the mixability of the loss ` (there being no role there for F or P). The notion of stochastic mixability builds a bridge between these two models of learning, reducing to classical mixability in a special case. The present paper presents a direct proof of fast rates for ERM in terms of stochastic mixability of (`,F,P), and in so doing provides new insight into the fast-rates phenomenon. The proof exploits an old result of Kemperman on the solution to the generalized moment problem. We also show a partial converse that suggests a characterization of fast rates for ERM in terms of stochastic mixability is possible.
Near-optimal Per-Action Regret Bounds for Sleeping Bandits
We derive near-optimal per-action regret bounds for sleeping bandits, in
which both the sets of available arms and their losses in every round are
chosen by an adversary. In a setting with total arms and at most
available arms in each round over rounds, the best known upper bound is
, obtained indirectly via minimizing internal sleeping
regrets. Compared to the minimax lower bound, this upper
bound contains an extra multiplicative factor of . We address this gap
by directly minimizing the per-action regret using generalized versions of
EXP3, EXP3-IX and FTRL with Tsallis entropy, thereby obtaining near-optimal
bounds of order and . We extend our
results to the setting of bandits with advice from sleeping experts,
generalizing EXP4 along the way. This leads to new proofs for a number of
existing adaptive and tracking regret bounds for standard non-sleeping bandits.
Extending our results to the bandit version of experts that report their
confidences leads to new bounds for the confidence regret that depends
primarily on the sum of experts' confidences. We prove a lower bound, showing
that for any minimax optimal algorithms, there exists an action whose regret is
sublinear in but linear in the number of its active rounds.Comment: V2: corrected Theorem 8 (FTARL's high probability bound) from
log(1/delta) to log(K/delta
On sparse representations and new meta-learning paradigms for representation learning
Given the "right" representation, learning is easy. This thesis studies representation learning and meta-learning, with a special focus on sparse representations. Meta-learning is fundamental to machine learning, and it translates to learning to learn itself. The presentation unfolds in two parts. In the first part, we establish learning theoretic results for learning sparse representations. The second part introduces new multi-task and meta-learning paradigms for representation learning.
On the sparse representations front, our main pursuits are generalization error bounds to support a supervised dictionary learning model for Lasso-style sparse coding. Such predictive sparse coding algorithms have been applied with much success in the literature; even more common have been applications of unsupervised sparse coding followed by supervised linear hypothesis learning. We present two generalization error bounds for predictive sparse coding, handling the overcomplete setting (more original dimensions than learned features) and the infinite-dimensional setting. Our analysis led to a fundamental stability result for the Lasso that shows the stability of the solution vector to design matrix perturbations. We also introduce and analyze new multi-task models for (unsupervised) sparse coding and predictive sparse coding, allowing for one dictionary per task but with sharing between the tasks' dictionaries.
The second part introduces new meta-learning paradigms to realize unprecedented types of learning guarantees for meta-learning. Specifically sought are guarantees on a meta-learner's performance on new tasks encountered in an environment of tasks. Nearly all previous work produced bounds on the expected risk, whereas we produce tail bounds on the risk, thereby providing performance guarantees on the risk for a single new task drawn from the environment. The new paradigms include minimax multi-task learning (minimax MTL) and sample variance penalized meta-learning (SVP-ML). Regarding minimax MTL, we provide a high probability learning guarantee on its performance on individual tasks encountered in the future, the first of its kind. We also present two continua of meta-learning formulations, each interpolating between classical multi-task learning and minimax multi-task learning. The idea of SVP-ML is to minimize the task average of the training tasks' empirical risks plus a penalty on their sample variance. Controlling this sample variance can potentially yield a faster rate of decrease for upper bounds on the expected risk of new tasks, while also yielding high probability guarantees on the meta-learner's average performance over a draw of new test tasks. An algorithm is presented for SVP-ML with feature selection representations, as well as a quite natural convex relaxation of the SVP-ML objective.Ph.D