4,435 research outputs found
Neutrino Experiments
Recent studies of neutrino oscillations have established the existence of finite neutrino
masses and mixing between generations of neutrinos [1]. The combined results from studies of
atmospheric neutrinos, solar neutrinos, reactor antineutrinos and neutrinos produced at accelerators
paint an intriguing picture that clearly requires modification of the standard model of particle
physics. These results also provide clear motivation for future neutrino oscillation experiments as
well as searches for direct neutrino mass and nuclear double-beta decay. I will discuss the program
of new neutrino oscillation experiments aimed at completing our knowledge of the neutrino mixing
The Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Upgrade
Construction of the 12 GeV upgrade to the Continuous Electron Beam
Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator
Facility is presently underway. This upgrade includes doubling the energy of
the electron beam to 12 GeV, the addition of a new fourth experimental hall,
and the construction of upgraded detector hardware. An overview of this upgrade
project is presented, along with highlights of the anticipated experimental
program.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures,Invited Talk compiled for INPC 201
Building a Generation Knowledge Source using Internet-Accessible Newswire
In this paper, we describe a method for automatic creation of a knowledge
source for text generation using information extraction over the Internet. We
present a prototype system called PROFILE which uses a client-server
architecture to extract noun-phrase descriptions of entities such as people,
places, and organizations. The system serves two purposes: as an information
extraction tool, it allows users to search for textual descriptions of
entities; as a utility to generate functional descriptions (FD), it is used in
a functional-unification based generation system. We present an evaluation of
the approach and its applications to natural language generation and
summarization.Comment: 8 pages, uses eps
Parity-violating electron scattering and nucleon structure
The measurement of parity violation in the helicity dependence of electron-nucleon scattering provides unique information about the basic quark structure of the nucleons. This review presents the general formalism of parity-violating electron scattering, with emphasis on elastic electron-nucleon scattering. The physics issues addressed by such experiments are discussed, and the major goals of the presently envisioned experimental program are identified. Results from a recent series of experiments are summarized and the future prospects of this program are discussed
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
The Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment is designed to study the disappearance of antineutrinos from the Daya Bay nuclear power plant in China. The goal of this experiment is to measure the remaining unknown neutrino mixing parameter theta13 with high precision: sin^2(2Θ_(13))<0.01. The experiment is presently under construction and it is anticipated that data acquisition will begin in 2011
Gathering Statistics to Aspectually Classify Sentences with a Genetic Algorithm
This paper presents a method for large corpus analysis to semantically
classify an entire clause. In particular, we use cooccurrence statistics among
similar clauses to determine the aspectual class of an input clause. The
process examines linguistic features of clauses that are relevant to aspectual
classification. A genetic algorithm determines what combinations of linguistic
features to use for this task.Comment: postscript, 9 pages, Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on New Methods in Language Processing, Oflazer and Somers ed
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