27,659 research outputs found
Breakdown of the Equal Area Law for Holographic Entanglement Entropy
We investigate a holographic version of Maxwell's equal area law analogous to
that for the phase transition in the black hole temperature/black hole entropy
plane of a charged AdS black hole. We consider proposed area laws for both the
black hole temperature/holographic entanglement entropy plane and the black
hole temperature/2-point correlation function plane. Despite recent claims to
the contrary, we demonstrate numerically that neither proposal is valid. We
argue that there is no physical reason to expect such a construction in these
planes.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. v2: Added appendix and discussio
Space telescope phase B definition study. Volume 2A: Science instruments, astrometer
The analysis and design of an astrometer instrument for the space telescope are discussed. The design concepts utilize the astrometric multiplexing area scanner and the OTA fine guidance sensor
Proceedings of the Third Cryocooler Conference
Mechanical and non-mechanical types of small cryocoolers in the temperature range of 4 to 80 K are discussed. Applications of these small cryocoolers include the cooling of infrared detectors, cryopumps, small superconducting devices and magnets, and electronic devices
Topological Quantum Field Theory and Seiberg-Witten Monopoles
A topological quantum field theory is introduced which reproduces the
Seiberg-Witten invariants of four-manifolds. Dimensional reduction of this
topological field theory leads to a new one in three dimensions. Its partition
function yields a three-manifold invariant, which can be regarded as the
Seiberg-Witten version of Casson's invariant. A Geometrical interpretation of
the three dimensional quantum field theory is also given.Comment: 15 pages, Latex file, no figure
Explaining Political Violence Against Civilians in Northern Ireland: A Contention-Oriented Approach
In contrast to prevalent theories of terrorism, this study develops a contention-oriented approach where levels and forms of political violence against civilians depend upon: (1) the strategies of combatants; (2) the means of contention; (3) the locations of allies and opponents; (4) the collective identities of combatants; and (5) the dynamics of contention, including whether or not representatives of paramilitary organizations are included in formal peace processes. Quantitative analyses of a multi-source database of civilian deaths taking place in Northern Ireland between 1966 and 2006 offer preliminary support for this approach. The study underscores the insights provided by theories and methods used in the fields of social movements research and peace and conflict studies
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Bearing damage characteristics of fibre-reinforced countersunk composite bolted joints subjected to quasi-static shear loading
This paper studies the progression of damage in carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) countersunk composite bolted joints (CBJs) with neat-fit clearance, subjected to quasi-static loading. Damage mechanisms, comprising of fibre buckling and breakage, matrix damage, shear damage and inter-laminar delamination within the CFRP composite parts of the joints have been studied. Load-displacement curves, X-ray and optical microscopic images in single- and three-bolt CBJs were used to investigate damage and deformation characteristics. The observations were then employed to further investigate the type of failure and the extent of damage. The evolution of damage within the composite parts was correlated to the failure characteristics of the joints: It was found that the type and extension of damage is strongly correlated with the ultimate failure load point of the joint in single-bolt CBJs. A combined inter/intra-laminar damage consisting of fibre cluster breakage, extensive fibre buckling, debonding and delamination was observed at the ultimate failure load. This study was then extended to three-bolt CBJ where damage surrounding each bolt and its corresponding failure load was strongly correlated: The final study showed that the ultimate failure point in single-bolt CBJ and the first-bolt-failure point in three-bolt CBJ correspond to the composite plies undergoing intra-laminar damage with the size reaching to the edge of the countersunk head. This damage developed extensively through the thickness of the composite parts underneath the countersink, and in the direction opposite to the loading direction. Outside the countersunk head, debonding and delamination were found to be the dominant damage driving mechanisms. Finally, a new design rule has been proposed to predict the response of multi-bolt joints (damage area and failure load) by using the response in single-bolt CBJ as an initial baseline
Navigating Research Waters: The Research Mentor Program at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester
This essay uses a journal format to describe the research mentor program at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester (UNHM). Librarians, Learning Center staff, and writing instructors at UNHM have collaborated to train class-linked tutors to present basic library instruction in the classroom and to provide one-on-one research assistance to students in freshman-level composition classes. This information literacy initiative has expanded our students\u27 community of learning by providing them with point-of-need research assistance from knowledgeable peers
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Investigating postharvest chilling injury in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit using magnetic resonance imaging and 5-azacytidine, a hypomethylation agent
Tomato, like most species from tropical and subtropical regions, exhibits postharvest chilling injury (PCI) when stored at low temperatures. Because of its economic importance and the functional genomics tools available, we used tomato to investigate aspects of fruit PCI development. We asked two questions: First, are there spatial-temporal differences in the development of PCI that can be detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)? Here, the aim was to use a non-invasive method to study PCI progression in vivo. At mature green and breaker, the pericarp, locular tissue and columella produced distinct D-values while in contrast, there was no such differentiation in riper fruit. Although the pericarp is where most PCI symptoms are visible, this tissue showed less dynamism upon cold exposure, compared to the inner tissues as detected by MRI. This suggests the occurrence of distinct, independently modulated mechanisms contributing to the development of PCI-symptomatology. Collectively our data showed that the MRI could detect fruit ripening, its attenuation by cold, and fruit tissue-specific responses to chilling stress. The second question we asked was if epigenetic modification of the tomato genome or transcriptome influences PCI response. We examined PCI severity in fruit injected with a demethylating agent, 5- azacytidine (AZA). Two tomato genotypes exposed to varying severities of cold-stress were studied. Results suggested that AZA was able to moderate PCI in 'Micro-Tom' after 3 weeks at 2.5°C, while different patterns were observed in 'Sun Cherry' across various cold treatments. The effects of AZA on PCI were complex, multilayered and highly context-dependent
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