106 research outputs found

    Locally conformally flat ancient Ricci flows

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    We show that any locally conformally flat ancient solution to the Ricci flow must be rotationally symmetric. As a by-product, we prove that any locally conformally flat Ricci soliton is a gradient soliton in the shrinking and steady cases as well as in the expanding case, provided the soliton has nonnegative curvature.Comment: Final version, to appear on Anal. PD

    On the resolution of extremal and constant scalar curvature Kaehler orbifolds

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    In this paper we give sufficient conditions on a compact orbifold with an extremal Kaehler metric to admit a resolution with an extremal Kaehler metric. We also complete the Kaehler constant scalar curvature case.Comment: This paper, together with the next one by the same authors, contains more general results than arxiv.org/abs/1402.5919 (by the same authors), which will then be withdraw
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