6,960 research outputs found
Adaptive voting: an empirical analysis of participation and choice
Dynamic models of learning and adaptation have provided realistic predictions in terms of voting behavior. This study aims at contributing to their empirical verification by investigating voting behavior in terms of participation as well as choice. We test through panel data methods an outcome-based learning mechanism based on the following assumptions: (a) people expect that the party they do not support will be unable to bring economic improvements; (b) they receive a feedback whose impact depends on the consistency between their last voting behavior and personal economic improvements (or worsening) from the last election; (c) they tend to discard choices associated to an inconsistent feedback. Results show that feedbacks of this sort affect persistence of voting behavior, interpreted as participation and voting choice. Age and trade union affiliation reinforce this adaptive behavior. The analysis also investigates the intensity of the learning feedback, differentiating between a strong inconsistent feedback, which leads to a vote switch in favor of the opponent party, and a weak inconsistent feedback, which induces just abstention rather than a vote switch.voting, bounded rationality, learning, political accountability
Effects of near-fault ground motions on the nonlinear behaviour of reinforced concrete framed buildings
Endotrivial Modules for the General Linear Group in a Nondefining Characteristic
Suppose that is a finite group such that , and that is a central subgroup of .
Let be the abelian group of equivalence classes of endotrivial
-modules, where is an algebraically closed field of
characteristic~ not dividing . We show that the torsion free rank of
is at most one, and we determine in the case that the Sylow
-subgroup of is abelian and nontrivial. The proofs for the torsion
subgroup of use the theory of Young modules for
and a new method due to Balmer for computing the
kernel of restrictions in the group of endotrivial modules
A Study of Seton Hall University and the Attributes of Organizational Adaptation Employed in Fashioning its Catholic Identity and Mission in the Post-Vatican II Era (1966-2006)
This thesis is the first fully developed and published study of Seton Hall University. It specifically examines the organizational structures of Seton Hall University over a forty year period in light of the tumultuous changes in the Catholic Church and Catholic academia post-Vatican 11. Of particular importance is change that influenced the Catholic identity and mission of the university. The author examines the central problems arising from the changes influenced by the actions of the Vatican Council as well as the concerns expressed by Catholic academic, namely, academic freedom and the issues of higher education governance. These two factors spearheaded the eventual changes in the identity and mission of Catholic higher education forever. The study identifies three distinct time periods in which the university experienced significant life cycle transitions during the forty year study period. Within each life cycle, the author further explores the institutional strengths, strategic choices and symbolic actions of the university. These views of Seton Hall University are modeled using the conceptual framework of change described by organizational adaptation expert Kim Cameron in 1984. Extensive archival research clearly validates the processes of Organization Adaptation described by Cameron as being evident throughout this forty year study period. Likewise, Seton Hall\u27s transformation from a small, commuter diocesan-run university in 1966 to a national Catholic university committed to the advancement of Catholic culture and thought in 2006 representing the next generation of servant leaders for the Church and society
Majorana Quasi-Particles Protected by Angular Momentum Conservation
We show how angular momentum conservation can stabilise a symmetry-protected
quasi-topological phase of matter supporting Majorana quasi-particles as edge
modes in one-dimensional cold atom gases. We investigate a number-conserving
four-species Hubbard model in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. The latter
reduces the global spin symmetry to an angular momentum parity symmetry, which
provides an extremely robust protection mechanism that does not rely on any
coupling to additional reservoirs. The emergence of Majorana edge modes is
elucidated using field theory techniques, and corroborated by
density-matrix-renormalization-group simulations. Our results pave the way
toward the observation of Majorana edge modes with alkaline-earth-like fermions
in optical lattices, where all basic ingredients for our recipe - spin-orbit
coupling and strong inter-orbital interactions - have been experimentally
realized over the last two years.Comment: 12 pages (6 + 6 supplementary material
Fracture behaviour of single crystal silicon microstructures
The fracture behaviour of single crystal silicon (SCSi) microstructures is analysed based on microme-chanical torsional and tensile experiments. The uniaxial testpieces are characterised by the presence of sharp not-ches at the gauge length extremities. The critical loading conditions are reproduced in a finite element model in order to identify the analogies of the failure conditions in tension and torsion. The stress field in the vicinity of the notch tip (were cracks originate) is analyzed, and fracture mechanics parameters are determined. In the finite element model a crack, reproducing the failure process observed in the experiments, is included. The crack area is incrementally increased and the energy release rate for the critical loading conditions in tension and torsion is calculated. Based on these results a failure criterion is formulated along with a procedure for the mechanical integrity analysis of SCSi microstructures of arbitrary shape and loading condition
Defect-Seeded Atomic Layer Deposition of Metal Oxides on the Basal Plane of 2D Layered Materials
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) on mechanically exfoliated 2D layered materials spontaneously produces network patterns of metal oxide nanoparticles in triangular and linear deposits on the basal surface. The network patterns formed under a range of ALD conditions and were independent of the orientation of the substrate in the ALD reactor. The patterns were produced on MoS2 or HOPG when either tetrakis(dimethylamido)titanium or bis(ethylcyclopentadienyl)manganese were used as precursors, suggesting that the phenomenon is general for 2D materials. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence, prior to deposition, of dislocation networks along the basal plane of mechanically exfoliated 2D flakes, indicating that periodical basal plane defects related to disruptions in the van der Waals stacking of layers, such as perfect line dislocations and triangular extended stacking faults networks, introduce a surface reactivity landscape that leads to the emergence of patterned deposition
Multimedia digital solutions from image and range based models for ancient landscapes communication
The paper presents the results of an interdisciplinary project which aimed at the dissemination of some archaeological remains producing multimedia contents from multisensor surveyed 3D data. The scope of this application pertained to the use of 3D detailed models as a base for some video-installations with the aim to arouse the visitors’ emotions and improve their museum experience. This work has been applied to the Arch of Augustus located in the archaeological site of Susa and to two ancient Roman marble statues, found in the city of Susa in 1802 and now displayed in the Archaeological Museum of Turin. The Arch of Augustus is in a remarkable state of conservation. Its decorated frieze tells about the peace between the Romans and the Celts but it is difficult to see for visitors at the ground level. A multisensor 3D survey, by means of laser scanning technique and photogrammetric method, made it possible to process a detailed 3D textured model, which provided the base for the creation of a life-size model to be placed in the Museum of Susa on which a designed didactic video map is projected, which explains the meaning of the frieze. The two statues, known as ‘busti loricati di Susa’ and representing two Roman emperors, were surveyed with a photogrammetric method with the aim of processing two 3D models representing the statues before the 19th century restoration, on the basis of archival sources. These models provided the base for a video installation for the museum which simulates a holographic projection and explains the different armour parts highlighting them in sequence. Nowadays modern metric survey technologies allow us to collect and process very detailed 3D models able to satisfy a wide variety of applications field, from specialized representation to didactic final uses in museums exhibitions
Elaboração de um mapa índice e um sistema de informação geográfica das espécies de interesse.
EVINCI. Resumo
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