18,262 research outputs found

    Baryogenesis from Dark Sector

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    We propose a novel mechanism to generate a suitable baryon asymmetry from dark (hidden) sector. This is a Baryogenesis through a reverse pathway of the "asymmetric dark matter" scenario. In the mechanism, the asymmetry of dark matter is generated at first, and it is partially transferred into a baryon asymmetry in the standard model sector. This mechanism enables us not only to realize the generation of the baryon asymmetry but also to account for the correct amount of dark matter density in the present universe within a simple framework.Comment: 7 page

    Nonlocal Charges for Bonus Yangian Symmetries of Super-Yang-Mills

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    The existence of a "bonus" U(1) level-one Yangian symmetry of N=4 super-Yang-Mills has recently been proposed. We provide evidence for this proposal by constructing the BRST-invariant nonlocal charge in the pure spinor sigma model corresponding to this bonus level-one symmetry. We also construct analogous charges for bonus U(1) symmetries at all odd levels of the Yangian.Comment: LaTeX 16p

    Multiple finite Riemann zeta functions

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    Observing a multiple version of the divisor function we introduce a new zeta function which we call a multiple finite Riemann zeta function. We utilize some qq-series identity for proving the zeta function has an Euler product and then, describe the location of zeros. We study further multi-variable and multi-parameter versions of the multiple finite Riemann zeta functions and their infinite counterparts in connection with symmetric polynomials and some arithmetic quantities called powerful numbers.Comment: 19 page