203 research outputs found

    Twisty itsy bitsy topological field theory

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    We extend the topological field theory (``itsy bitsy topological field theory"') of our previous work from mod-2 to twisted coefficients. This topological field theory is derived from sutured Floer homology but described purely in terms of surfaces with signed points on their boundary (occupied surfaces) and curves on those surfaces respecting signs (sutures). It has information-theoretic (``itsy'') and quantum-field-theoretic (``bitsy'') aspects. In the process we extend some results of sutured Floer homology, consider associated ribbon graph structures, and construct explicit admissible Heegaard decompositions.Comment: 52 pages, 26 figure

    Sutured Floer homology, sutured TQFT and non-commutative QFT

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    We define a "sutured topological quantum field theory", motivated by the study of sutured Floer homology of product 3-manifolds, and contact elements. We study a rich algebraic structure of suture elements in sutured TQFT, showing that it corresponds to contact elements in sutured Floer homology. We use this approach to make computations of contact elements in sutured Floer homology over Z\Z of sutured manifolds (D2×S1,F×S1)(D^2 \times S^1, F \times S^1) where FF is finite. This generalises previous results of the author over Z2\Z_2 coefficients. Our approach elaborates upon the quantum field theoretic aspects of sutured Floer homology, building a non-commutative Fock space, together with a bilinear form deriving from a certain combinatorial partial order; we show that the sutured TQFT of discs is isomorphic to this Fock space.Comment: v.2: 49 pages, 13 figures. Improved and expanded exposition, some minor corrections. Sections on torsion, annuli, and tori moved to a separate pape

    Spinors and horospheres

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    We give an explicit bijective correspondence between between nonzero pairs of complex numbers, which we regard as spinors or spin vectors, and horospheres in 3-dimensional hyperbolic space decorated with certain spinorial directions. This correspondence builds upon work of Penrose--Rindler and Penner. We show that the natural bilinear form on spin vectors describes a certain complex-valued distance between spin-decorated horospheres, generalising Penner's lambda lengths to 3 dimensions. From this, we derive several applications. We show that the complex lambda lengths in a hyperbolic ideal tetrahedron satisfy a Ptolemy equation. We also obtain correspondences between certain spaces of hyperbolic ideal polygons and certain Grassmannian spaces, under which lambda lengths correspond to Pl\"{u}cker coordinates, illuminating the connection between Grassmannians, hyperbolic polygons, and type A cluster algebras.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure
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