882 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelaksanaan mediasi pada perkara Perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Sampang setelah berlakunya PERMA No 1 Tahun 2016, serta kendala-kendala apa saja yang terdapat dalam pelaksanaan mediasi pada perkara perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Sampang. Adapun data yang digunakan adalah data kuantitatif. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menganalisis data kuantitatif, yaitu dengan mengolah data menjadi persentase. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa mediasi pada perkara perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Sampang Perma Nomor 1 Tahun 2016. Setelah berlakunya Perma Nomor 1 Tahun 2016, mediasi diterapkan pada semua perkara perceraian tanpa ada klasifikasi khusus dan sudah ada hakim yang bersertifikat mediator. Selain itu, pengujian hipotesis menyimpulkan bahwa perkara perceraian sebelum Perma No 1 Tahun 2016, diperoleh nilai yang tidak signifikan. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan rata-rata persentase keberhasilan mediasi hanya sebesar 3,2%. Dengan demikian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa mediasi pada perkara perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Sampang kurang efektif. Meski demikian, secara tidak langsung hasil tersebut berpengaruh terhadap persentase penumpukan perkara yang nantinya terjadi di tingkat banding dan kasasi. Sedangkan kendala dalam pelaksanaan mediasi adalah; a) Lemahnya pengetahuan para pihak yang bersengketa mengenai keuntungan mediasi, b) Terbatasnya waktu yang digunakan oleh mediator dalam melaksanakan mediasi, c) Tingkat kerumitan problem yang harus dipecahkan serta, d) Kurangnya respon advokat dalam menerapkan mediasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, penulis memberikan saran-saran sebagai berikut: 1) Agar Mahkamah Agung RI sering mengadakan pelatihan untuk mediator sehingga para hakim mediator mendapatkan wawasan (ilmu) yang baru. 2) Agar PA Sampang lebih memperhatikan waktu yang digunakan untuk mediasi, karena mediasi merupakan solusi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan para pihak. Dengan waktu yang panjang dan luas, maka akan memberi kesempatan lebih kepada para pihak untuk berfikir mana yang terbaik. 3) Agar seluruh perangkat hukum dan semua yang mengerti hukum memberikan sosialisasi dan pemahaman terhadap manfaat penyelesaian perkara melalui mediasi. Sehingga masyarakat tahu manfaat mediasi dan dapat meningkatkan efektivitas mediasi itu sendiri
Patterns and Determinant Factors Of Arabica Coffee’s Marketing Margin In Ngada Regency
Coffee is one of the essential plantation commodities in the development process of plantation sub-sector. Ngada Regency is one of the coffee producers in East Nusa Tenggara Province. Coffee in Ngada Regency becomes one of the plantation commodities that conceive high potential to be developed. This research aims to discover the established marketing channel pattern, factors influencing marketing margin of Arabica coffee, and the quantity of price received by farmers the in Ngada Regency. The respondents in this research were 59 farmers who were derived randomly and 10 merchants who were derived from snowball sampling technique. This research used interview with a questionnaire as supporting tools in collecting the data. This research analyzed the data descriptively and multiple regression analysis was also conducted through Ordinary Least Square method. The analysis results show that (1) the established marketing channel pattern of Arabica coffee in Ngada Regency are channel I: Farmers - Product Processing Unit – PT. Indocom (sold in the form of red logs coffee that is processed into Hard Skin coffee), channel II: Farmers – PT. Indocom (sold in the form of Hard Skin coffee) and channel III: Farmers – Collected Traders – Retailers – Consumer (sold in the form of coffee beans). (2) The factors that influence the marketing margin are marketing volume and marketing cost. The distance and coffee processing do not have any significant influence towards the marketing margin. (3) The marketing channel that conceives high value of farmer’s share is the marketing channel II. Â
Farmers’ Willingness to Accept a Compensation to Protect Agricultural Land Sustainability in Peri-Urban Areas of Pekalongan City
Agricultural land is a land that has a relatively low rental value, so agricultural land is very vulnerable to be converted. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim 1) to know farmers’ willingness to accept a compensation to protect agricultural land sustainability, 2) to know the factors that influence farmers' willingness to accept / reject WTA, and 3) to know the factors that influence the WTA value of farmers’ in the peri-urban areas. The study was conducted in the peri-urban areas of Pekalongan City. The research respondents were 90 farmer owners and cultivators. The research data was analyzed by using Heckman's two-stage model. The results showed that farmers’ WTA in the peri-urban areas of Pekalongan City amounted to IDR 7,217,827.27 per year. Factors that influence farmers’ willingness to accept or reject compensation are the distance of the agricultural land to the main road and farmers' perceptions toward the sustainability of agricultural land in the peri-urban areas. Factors that influence the number of farmers’ WTA to be willing to protect the agricultural land in the peri-urban areas of Pekalongan City are farmers’ farm income and farming experience of the farmers. Sustainability of agricultural land in the suburbs of Pekalongan City can be maintained by taking into account the facilities and infrastructure needed by farmers who own agricultural land both far and close to the main road, increasing farmers' perceptions of the sustainability of agricultural land, increasing farm income and reducing the risk of farming production
Development of Teaching Material Based on Local Wisdom: Strengthening Indonesian Character
Teaching materials are one of the learning components that influence achieving learning objectives. In this case, the Indonesian context’s learning objectives comprehensively build knowledge and spiritual attitudes, social attitudes, and skills. It means that the learning orientation is strengthening the distinctive character of Indonesia, namely the surface that is by the values of Pancasila. Therefore, all learning components, including teaching material, should be directed at efforts to strengthen the distinctive character of Indonesia. In this regard, this article was prepared to describe the concept of developing teaching material based on local wisdom towards enhancing the unique nature of Indonesia. The study results are that the development of teaching material found on local knowledge is a concept of developing material that utilises local wisdom to illustrate various substances/materials in the book. So that they are contextual, easy to understand, engaging, and have an impact on strengthening the distinctive character of Indonesia, namely the appropriate character with the values of Pancasila, including religious, humanist, harmonious, democratic and just. These values are expressed in various forms of local wisdom in multiple regions in Indonesia and are a source of Pancasila values. Thus, the development of local wisdom-based teaching material can be an effort to strengthen the distinctive character of Indonesia
Analisis Peran Environmental Attitude pada Hubungan antara Consumer Innovativeness terhadap Purchase Intention
This study investigates consumer innovativeness's direct and indirect effects on purchase intention. As a novelty of the study, the researcher added the environmental attitude variable as a mediating variable. This study uses a quantitative approach by using a questionnaire as a research instrument distributed to as many as 160 respondents online. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. Respondents in this study were students from all over Indonesia who met the predetermined criteria. After the data is collected, then do the test for quality using validity and reliability tests. Furthermore, the hypothesis testing uses structural equation modeling with the help of the smartpls program. The results show that consumer innovativeness has a direct effect on purchase intention. Increasing consumer innovativeness can directly increase purchase intention. Furthermore, the environmental attitude variable is proven to mediate the impact of consumer innovativeness on purchase intention. The recommendation for further research is to add moderating variables such as gender and age
Factors Affecting Farmers’ Perception toward Agricultural Land Sustainability in Peri-Urban Areas of Pekalongan City
Over the past few decades, agricultural land sustainability on the peri-urban areas face a threat to the agricultural land conversion, especially on the peri-urban areas of Pekalongan City. The sustainability of agricultural land is determined by the level of farmers’ perception. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the factors that influence farmers’ perceptions toward agricultural land sustainability in peri-urban areas of Pekalongan City. The peri-urban areas of Pekalongan City were selected by purposive sampling method with a total sample of 90 farm owners and cultivators. Data were analyzed using OLS (Ordinary Least Square) regression model. The results have shown that the factors influencing farmers’ perceptions toward agricultural land sustainability in the peri-urban area of Pekalongan City were farmers’ knowledge, farmers’ land tenure and access to information. Based on the results of the study, the variables of farmers’ knowledge and land tenure had a negative impact, while the access to agricultural information had a positive impact on farmers’ perceptions. These results have the implication for farmers, that their perceptions can be improved by making advances to the quality of agricultural land in the suburbs, reducing both production and price risks and increasing the intensity of counseling or training related to agricultural activities in the suburbs of Pekalongan City
Factors Affecting Farmer’s Exchange Rate of Sugar Cane Farmer Plasma in PTPN XI
This study aimed to determine the exchange rate and its affecting factors of plasma cane farmers in PTPN XI. This research involved 95 farming land cane farmers and 95 moor land cane farmers. The concept on this research are the concept of subsistence and multiple linear regression analysis method. The result showed, the exchange rate of plasma cane farmers of PTPN XI is 90.87% while that of moor land plasma cane farmers is 90.01%. This means that the average welfare status of cane farmers can be said to be not prosperous. Factors increasing the plasma cane farmers’ exchange rate on farming land are cane farm productivity, land area and rendement of cane, while on dry land are land area and the yield of sugarcane. On the other hand, factors descreasing the plasma cane farmers’ exchange rate on farming land are farmer’s experience, price of seed, price of inorganic fertilizer and price of labor, while on dry land are number of family members and cost of labor. The government needs to raise the Highest Retail Price of sugar. Government programs to support the production facility incentive in sugarcane farming activities are required, intended to decrease the production cost of sugarcane and provide motivation to improve the FER of plasma sugarcane. Agricultural intensification efforts are conducted by adding the inputs that are able to increase the FER
Nilai Keislaman Dalam Tradisi 'Kenduren' Bagi Masyarakat Wonosalam Kabupaten Jombang
Religion is a symbol of the value of obedience to the God. Culture also contains value and symbol so that humans can live in. According to Ahlusunnah Wal-jama'ah, the values of tradition and cultural is a character that have social attitudes in culture (socio-cultural); Tawassuth (moderate), Tasamuh (tolerant), and Tawazun (harmony). 'Kenduren’ is an annual tradition to express gratitude for blessing of the Bido Durians’ harvest in Wonosalam, Jombang. This study used descriptive qualitative research method and three approaches; data approach, the researcher perspective approach, and theoretical approach. It is found that the attitudes of Tawassuth, Tasamuh, and Tawazun are implemented in the tradition of 'Kenduren'. The indicators are all the people are welcome, respecting each other for the people who conducted grave pilgrimages, a good relationship between the government and the people in respecting the issues of status, position or group, that all of them are in the corridor of maqasid al-shariah
Rice Marketing Efficiency In Sragen Regency
This study is aimed to determine the channels, margins, and the level of marketing efficiency of rice in Sragen used monopoly index (MPI) and market integration. This study used primary data obtained from direct interview, and secondary data obtained from related institutions. The rice marketing channels were obtained by surveys and interviews with the snowball sampling methods. The data were analyzed using marketing channels ranging from rice mills to consumers. The results show that there are four marketing channels of rice with the most on channels 3 about 53.3%. The first channel is the shortest channel with the lowest marketing margin, but it is inapporopiate to conclude that the first channel is the most efficient channel. The highest marketing margin of rice marketing channels is at the medium/large rice mills, while the lowest is at the wholesalers. The MPI value of collecting traders is 2.00; 2.32 for medium/large rice mills; wholesalers is 1.47; and 1.75 for retailers. The comparison of MPI in each marketing institution shows that medium/large rice mill dominate rice marketing in Sragen. The correlation analysis of 0.952 means a “very strong” correlation between price at rice mills level and price at consumers level. Based on the marketing efficiency analysis using MPI and market integration, it shows that marketing of rice in Sragen has been integrated and efficient. The research recommends further analysis of rice marketing in other areas for rice marketing for rice mills or rice traders in Sragen
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