294 research outputs found

    Neural stem cells as a model for screening environmental toxicants and a pharmacologically active molecule

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    Primary neural stem cells (NSCs) from postnatal mice are a valuable, economical, ethically acceptable and sensitive in vitro model for screening environmental pollutants and plant molecules with neuromodulating properties. An in vitro assay system based upon NSCs from the subventricular zone of postnatal mice was established to screen the neurotoxicities of pollutants occur in treated and untreated water samples collected from a local area of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. The assay was successfully employed to explore the neurotoxic impact of Glyphosate at concentrations presumed to be safe in potable water. The same assay was also used to assess the neurogenerative and neuroprotective properties of Troxerutin flavonoid. The NSCs model uncovered the deleterious effects of waterborne pollutants on the basic neurogenesis processes and the toxic potential of the Glyphosate molecule on neural cell differentiation, migration and cytoprotective genes. The model also revealed the neurogenerative activities of Troxerutin and its role in neuroprotection against the amyloid-ß42 induced inhibition of neuronal cell differentiation. The NSCs based bioassay should be included in the existing battery of bioassays available for screening waterborne pollutants. The present study may be helpful for regulatory authorities to revise the permissible levels of pesticides in drinking water. The study established a new screening method for a flavonoid with neurogenerative properties.Primäre neurale Stammzellen (NSCs) aus postnatalen Mäusen sind ein wertvolles, kostengünstiges, ethisch akzeptables und empfindliches invitro Screening-Modell für Umweltschadstoffe und Pflanzenmoleküle mit neuromodulierenden Eigenschaften. Ein auf diese NSCs basierterin vitro Assay, wurde etabliert, um die Neurotoxizität von Schadstoffen zu screenen, die in unbehandelten und behandelten Wasserproben aus einem lokalen Gebiet in Baden Württemberg, Deutschland, enthalten sind. Dabei wurden die neurotoxischen Auswirkungen des Pestizids Glyphosat bei Konzentrationen untersucht, die in tragbarem Wasser als sicher gelten. Der gleiche Assay wurde auch verwendet, um die neurogenerativen und neuroprotektiven Eigenschaften vom Troxerutin-Flavonoid zu bewerten. Die schädlichen Auswirkungen von wassergebundenen Schadstoffen auf die grundlegenden Prozesse der Neurogenese, das toxische Potenzial des Glyphosat-Moleküls sowie die neurogenerativen und neuroprotektiven Eigenschaften von Troxerutin gegen die Amyloid-ß42-induzierte Hemmung der Differenzierung neuronaler Zellen wurden mit diesem NSC Assay gezeigt. Der auf NSCs basierende Bioassay sollte in die bestehende Batterie von Bioassays aufgenommen werden, die für das Screening von wassergebundenen Schadstoffen zur Verfügung stehen. Die Studie kann darüber hinaus für Regulierungsbehörden hilfreich sein, um die zulässigen Pestizidwerte im Trinkwasser zu überarbeiten. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie wurde somit eine neue Screening Methode für das Troxerutin Flavonoid mit neurogenerativen Eigenschaften etablier

    Impact of unplanned excision on prognosis of patients with extremity soft tissue sarcoma

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    Unplanned excision of soft tissue sarcomas (STSs) outside comprehensive tumor management centers necessitates the need for wide reexcision to achieve adequate margins. We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 135 patients with STS operated at our hospital with the goal of examining outcomes, in terms of local recurrence (LR) and metastasis rate (MR), of reexcision following unplanned excision of STS and comparing results with those of first-time planned surgery. Eighty-four patients had their first-time surgery and 51 patients had come to us following unplanned excision at prereferral hospital. Mean age of all patients was 41.8 ± 21.9 years. The LR and MR was 14.3% and 8.3%, respectively, in patients undergoing first resection, whereas it was 21.4% and 13.7%, respectively, in patients undergoing revision surgery. Average duration from previous unplanned excision was 8 months. Twelve patients were referred immediately after excised specimen revealed STS, while 39 patients presented after evident local recurrence. Wide reexcision was attempted in 48 patients while three patients need amputation. Adjuvant radiotherapy was administered in all patients undergoing limb-sparing surgery. Ten patients needed adjuvant chemotherapy.We conclude that wide reexcision of STS has poorer outcomes compared to planned excision. Therefore, patients with soft tissue masses should be managed by multidisciplinary oncology team at specialized cancer centers

    Managing soft tissue sarcomas in a developing country: Are prognostic factors similar to those of developed world?

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    Background: Managing soft tissue sarcomas (STS) in a developing country with limited financial resources and a poor health referral system is a challenge. Presenting late, these extremity STS are prone to recurrence despite apparently complete resection. This study aimed to explore and compare the impact of clinico-pathological factors on recurrence and survival in Pakistan with the corresponding figures quoted from the developed world. Methods: An institutional review was performed on all patients with primary STS of the extremities operated on between 1994 and 2008. The prognostic influence of clinical, pathologic, and treatment variables on local recurrence free survival (LRFS), metastasis free survival (MFS) and overall survival (OS) were analyzed by univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis and Kaplan Meier survival curves. Results: A total of 84 patients with a mean age of 41.8 ± 21.9 years were included in the study. The local recurrence rate was 14.3% after a median of 6 (mean 7.4) months. Metastases occurred in 7 patients (8.3%) and 65 patients were alive without evidence of disease after a mean follow-up of 52.6 ± 39.8 months. Tumor size \u3e 5 cm, grade 3 tumors and margin \u3c 10 mm significantly increased local recurrence rates. A margin ≥ 10 mm and age \u3c 45 years significantly enhanced cumulative survival. Significant multivariate risk factors for metastases were margin \u3c 10 mm and tumor grade G3. Conclusions: Despite a poor health referral system in our country, our results are no different from those reported from the developed world. Surgical margins and tumor grade prognostically influenced LRFS, MFS and OS

    Clinical Study Impact of Unplanned Excision on Prognosis of Patients with Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma

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    Unplanned excision of soft tissue sarcomas (STSs) outside comprehensive tumor management centers necessitates the need for wide reexcision to achieve adequate margins. We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 135 patients with STS operated at our hospital with the goal of examining outcomes, in terms of local recurrence (LR) and metastasis rate (MR), of reexcision following unplanned excision of STS and comparing results with those of first-time planned surgery. Eighty-four patients had their first-time surgery and 51 patients had come to us following unplanned excision at prereferral hospital. Mean age of all patients was 41.8 ± 21.9 years. The LR and MR was 14.3% and 8.3%, respectively, in patients undergoing first resection, whereas it was 21.4% and 13.7%, respectively, in patients undergoing revision surgery. Average duration from previous unplanned excision was 8 months. Twelve patients were referred immediately after excised specimen revealed STS, while 39 patients presented after evident local recurrence. Wide reexcision was attempted in 48 patients while three patients need amputation. Adjuvant radiotherapy was administered in all patients undergoing limb-sparing surgery. Ten patients needed adjuvant chemotherapy. We conclude that wide reexcision of STS has poorer outcomes compared to planned excision. Therefore, patients with soft tissue masses should be managed by multidisciplinary oncology team at specialized cancer centers

    Salvage of infected non-union of the tibia with an Ilizarov ring fixator.

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    Abstract PURPOSE: To review outcomes of 24 patients who underwent Ilizarov ring fixation for infected nonunion of the tibia. METHODS: Medical records of 21 men and 3 women aged 13 to 74 (mean, 38) years who underwent Ilizarov ring fixation for infectednon-union of the tibia were reviewed. The mean bone defect was 3.3 (range, 2-5) cm. The mean time from injury to presentation was 11.9 (range, 1-36) months. The mean number of previous surgeries was 2 (range, 0-14). A local flap was used in 2 patients and a free flap was used in one patient. Nine of the patients underwent Ilizarov ring fixation without soft tissue and bony resection, as inadequate stability was the reason for non-union. Patients were assessed using the Association for the Study and Application of the Method of Ilizarov criteria. RESULTS: Patients were followed up for a mean of 11 (range, 8-46) months. Functional outcome was excellent in 8 patients, good in 12, fair in 2, and failure in one, whereas bone union outcome was excellent in 6 patients, good in 14, fair in one, and poor in 2. The mean time to union was 8 (range, 3-31) months. The mean external fixation index was 4.2 (range, 1.5-15.7) cm/month. Complications encountered were pin tract infection (n=5), re-fracture (n=2), soft tissue impingement by Ilizarov rings (n=2), recurrence of wound infection (n=1), mal-union (n=1), and mortality (n=1). CONCLUSION: Ilizarov ring fixation is a viable option for infected non-union of the tibia. Adequate assessment of bone union is crucial before removal of fixator to prevent re-fracture

    Non-Local Deformation of a Supersymmetric Field Theory

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    In this paper, we will analyse a supersymmetric field theory deformed by generalized uncertainty principle and Lifshitz scaling. It will be observed that this deformed supersymmetric field theory contains non-local fractional derivative terms. In order to construct such deformed N=1 supersymmetric theory, a harmonic extension of functions will be used. However, the supersymmetry will be only preserved for a free theory and will be broken by the inclusion of interaction terms.Comment: 12 pages, pulished versio

    Diagnostic accuracy of different cut-off values of adenosine deaminase levels in tuberculous pleural effusion

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    Objective: To assess the diagnostic accuracy of different cut-off values of pleural fluid adenosine deaminase levels as a diagnostic method for tuberculous pleural effusion. Method: The prospective study was conducted from 2014 to 2016 at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, and comprised pleural fluid samples of adult patients with and without tuberculosis which were tested for adenosine deaminase levels, and divided into tuberculosis group A and non-tuberculosis group B. Sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value and positive predictive value were calculated using different cut-offs. Data was analysed using IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 21.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY). Results: Of 155 patients, 46(29.7%) had tuberculosis; 30(65.2%) males and 16(34.8%) females. Those who did not have tuberculosis were 109(70.3%); 69(63.3%) males and 40(36.7%) females. The adenosine deaminase levels were elevated in group A compared to group B (p\u3c0.001). The cut-off of 30U/L showed the highest sensitivity (71.7%) and negative predictive value (87.4%), and a specificity of 82.6%. The cut-off of 50U/L showed the highest specificity (89.9%) with sensitivity 52.2%, and the cut-off of 40U/L showed the highest positive predictive value of 68.9% with sensitivity 67.4% and specificity 87.2%. Conclusion: Pleural fluid adenosine deaminase testing for diagnosing tuberculosis pleuritis revealed highest sensitivity and moderate specificity for cut-off value of 30U/

    Raised levels of IFN-gamma and IL-13 are associated with pre-diabetes amongst newly diagnosed patients with tuberculosis

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    Objective: To investigate pre-diabetes and diabetes in newly-diagnosed tuberculosis patients and to assess the association of serum cytokine levels with diabetes status. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted at Indus Hospital and The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi from May to November 2015, and included patients of either gender aged 18 years or more with a confirmed diagnosis of tuberculosis who were either newly diagnosed or had received up to 1 month of anti-tuberculosis therapy were included. Patients were enrolled from among those presenting to the clinics at Indus Hospital, Karachi, and the Department of Medicine, Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH), Karachi. The patients were tested for glycosylated haemoglobin and random blood glucose. Diabetes was defined as HbA1c \u3e6.5%; pre-diabetes as HbA1c=5.7-6.4%; and normoglycaemic as HbA1c \u3c5.7%. Serum cytokines were investigated using the Bio-plex 27, Bio-Rad assay. SPSS version 19.0 was used for data analysis. Results: Of the 211 subjects, 110(52%) were females and 101(48%) were males. The overall median age of the sample was 26 years, and 100(47.3%) subjects were underweight. Of the total, 24(11.4%) had diabetes and 45(21.3%) had pre-diabetes. Of the diabetics, only 7(29%) knew their status prior to screening. Interferon-gamma and interleukin-13 were significantly different among tuberculosis patients with diabetes, pre-diabetes and normoglycaemia (p\u3c0.05). Glycosylated haemoglobin levels showed a significant correlation with interferon-gamma levels. Conclusions: Raised interleukin-13 and interferon-gamma levels in newly-diagnosed tuberculosis patients with pre-diabetes

    Natural Nanoparticles: A Particular Matter Inspired by Nature

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    During the last couple of decades, the rapidly advancing field of nanotechnology has produced a wide palette of nanomaterials, most of which are considered as “synthetic” and, among the wider public, are often met with a certain suspicion. Despite the technological sophistication behind many of these materials, “nano” does not always equate with “artificial”. Indeed, nature itself is an excellent nanotechnologist. It provides us with a range of fine particles, from inorganic ash, soot, sulfur and mineral particles found in the air or in wells, to sulfur and selenium nanoparticles produced by many bacteria and yeasts. These nanomaterials are entirely natural, and, not surprisingly, there is a growing interest in the development of natural nanoproducts, for instance in the emerging fields of phyto- and phyco-nanotechnology. This review will highlight some of the most recent—and sometimes unexpected—advances in this exciting and diverse field of research and development. Naturally occurring nanomaterials, artificially produced nanomaterials of natural products as well as naturally occurring or produced nanomaterials of natural products all show their own, particular chemical and physical properties, biological activities and promise for applications, especially in the fields of medicine, nutrition, cosmetics and agriculture. In the future, such natural nanoparticles will not only stimulate research and add a greener outlook to a traditionally high-tech field, they will also provide solutions—pardon—suspensions for a range of problems. Here, we may anticipate specific biogenic factories, valuable new materials based on waste, the effective removal of contaminants as part of nano-bioremediation, and the conversion of poorly soluble substances and materials to biologically available forms for practical use

    An Internet of Things Based Bed-Egress Alerting Paradigm Using Wearable Sensors in Elderly Care Environment

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    The lack of healthcare staff and increasing proportions of elderly population is alarming. The traditional means to look after elderly has resulted in 255,000 reported falls (only within UK). This not only resulted in extensive aftercare needs and surgeries (summing up to £4.4 billion) but also in added suffering and increased mortality. In such circumstances, the technology can greatly assist by offering automated solutions for the problem at hand. The proposed work offers an Internet of things (IoT) based patient bed-exit monitoring system in clinical settings, capable of generating a timely response to alert the healthcare workers and elderly by analyzing the wireless data streams, acquired through wearable sensors. This work analyzes two different datasets obtained from divergent families of sensing technologies, i.e., smartphone-based accelerometer and radio frequency identification (RFID) based accelerometer. The findings of the proposed system show good efficacy in monitoring the bed-exit and discriminate other ambulating activities. Furthermore, the proposed work manages to keep the average end-to-end system delay (i.e., communications of sensed data to Data Sink (DS)/Control Center (CC) + machine-based feature extraction and class identification + feedback communications to a relevant healthcare worker/elderly) below 1 10 th of a second