2,933 research outputs found
On character correspondences in Ï-separable groups (Dedicated to Professor Tuyosi Oyama on his 60th birthday)
ElÀmÀntapatutkimus kauneudenhoitoalan opiskelijoille
TÀmÀn opinnÀytetyön tarkoitus on selvittÀÀ kauneudenhoitoalan opiskelijoiden elÀmÀntapoja ja analysoida niiden vaikutuksia koulussa jaksamiseen sekÀ opintojen etenemiseen. OpinnÀytetyö on tehty yhteistyössÀ Stadin ammattiopiston kauneudenhoitoalan koulutusyksikön kanssa. Tutkimuksen tavoite on tuoda esille elÀmÀntapojen vaikutus opintoihin, ja mahdollisesti saada nuoret opiskelijat ymmÀrtÀmÀÀn valintojensa merkitys. ElÀmÀntavat nÀkyvÀt vÀistÀmÀttÀ jokaisen ihmisen arjessa, ja nuorena opitut tavat jatkuvat monesti myös aikuisiÀllÀ. Asioiden merkitys on hyvÀ ymmÀrtÀÀ jo nuorena rakennettaessa tulevaisuutta kouluttautumalla työelÀmÀÀn.
Tutkimuksessa kÀvi ilmi, ettÀ elÀmÀntavat vaikuttavat nuorten opintoihin tutkimustulosten perusteella vÀhemmÀn kuin ennakko-oletuksena oli. Vastausten mukaan kauneudenhoitoalan opiskelijoiden elÀmÀntavat ovat melko hyvÀt, eikÀ heillÀ juurikaan ole poissaoloja koulusta huonojen elintapojen seurauksena. Kuitenkin esille nousi se, ettÀ mikÀli poissaoloja koulusta on kertynyt, vaikuttaa se opiskelumotivaatioon ja opintojen etenemiseen. PÀÀllimmÀisenÀ tutkimuksessa nousi esille, ettÀ selkein syy poissaoloihin vaikuttaisi tutkimuksen mukaan olevan unenpuute, jota esiintyi noin puolella vastaajista. Suurimmalla osalla opiskelijoista ei ole sÀÀnnöllistÀ vuorokausirytmiÀ, vaikka opiskelu tapahtuu arkipÀivisin samaan aikaan. Unen mÀÀrÀn ja laadun koetaan myös vaikuttavan opinnoissa jaksamiseen. Noin puolella vastaajista ei myöskÀÀn ole sÀÀnnöllistÀ ruokailurytmiÀ, mutta sen ei koeta kuitenkaan juurikaan vaikuttavan opintoihin negatiivisesti. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntÀÀ ammatillisissa oppilaitoksissa, kun pyritÀÀn ymmÀrtÀmÀÀn opiskelijoiden opinnoissa jaksamisen syitÀ sekÀ opiskelumotivaatiota.Survey of lifestyle habits among beauty care students
The purpose of this thesis was to survey the beauty care studentsâ lifestyle habits and analyse the effects of those habits on the studentsâ well-being and performance at school. The thesis was done in cooperation with Helsinki Vocational College. The aim of this study was to find out how lifestyle habits affect the studies and hopefully make the young students understand the implications of their choices. The lifestyle choices have a great impact on how we live and the habits adopted early are often carried into adulthood. The significance of oneâs choices is important to take into account when getting ready for the future job market.
According to the results of this study, lifestyle habits affect the studentsâ performance less than was assumed. The results showed that the beauty care studentsâ lifestyle habits are quite good and they did not have many lifestyle related absences from classes. Yet, when absences pile up, it implies problems concerning motivation and advancement in studies. The main finding was that the most common reason for absences is sleep deprivation, which was experienced by half of the students who participated in this study. The majority of the students did not have a regular daily rhythm even though they studied daily at regular times. The quantity and quality of sleep were seen as affecting the studies. About half of the respondents did not have a regular dietary schedule either, but it was not seen as affecting the studies negatively. The results of this study can be used at vocational colleges when trying to understand the issues related to the studentsâ performance and motivation in studies
Integrated continuous flow method with dual feedback-based controls for online analysis and process control
The concept of an integrated automated continuous flow method with dual feedback controls is presented for diluting a stock solution to provide a solution of a given concentration. The one control is used for the online process monitoring by a feedback-based flow ratiometry, where the product (the diluted liquid) is titrated through the rapid bidirectional scan of the product/reagent flow ratio. The feedback control limits the scanning to the necessary range to increase the analytical throughput. The other control is used for the process control to output the product with a preset concentration. The merging ratio of the stock solution and a solvent (diluent) is changed based on the information from the online analysis. The concept was verified by applying it to producing 0.1 mol dmâ3 CH3COOH. When the stock concentration was changed from 0.1 (reference concentration) to 0.3 and then 0.2 mol dmâ3, the system searched for the suitable merging ratio and converged the output concentration to the reference value within 7.43 min with a relative error below 1.05 %. The mean throughput rate of the process analysis was 11.2 titrations minâ1. Successful results were also obtained for the 0.1 mol dmâ3 HCl production. The present concept could be the basis for process control with reduced wasteful output and effluent treatment with eco-friendly treated water discharge, resulting in the contribution to SDGsâ goals of 6 (Clean water and sanitation), 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure), and 14 (Life below water)
Parallel plate wet denuder coupled ammonia transfer device-conductivity detector for near-real-time monitoring of gaseous ammonia
Gaseous ammonia (NH3) is a primary basic substance in the atmosphere, and its global emission has been increasing in recent decades. It is vital to continuously monitor the atmospheric NH3 to clarify the impact of NH3 on sensitive ecosystems. This paper proposes a simple gaseous NH3 monitor utilizing a parallel plate wet denuder (PPWD) and a conductometric flow injection analysis (FIA) with an ammonia transfer device (ATD). In the present study, water-soluble basic gases, NH3, are selectively detected by the conductivity detector (CD). The ATD-CD ammonium detector requires no coloring reagents commonly used in FIA. Five-day field measurement of ambient NH3 was successfully performed with 30 min time resolution. All the air samples over the observation period (n = 186) contained NH3 above the limit of quantification (11.4 nmol mâ3). The NH3 data showed excellent agreement with the values using ion chromatography in the field measurements
Quantum Field Induced Orderings in Fully Frustrated Ising Spin Systems
We study ordering mechanisms which are induced by the quantum fluctuation in
fully frustrated Ising spin systems. Since there are many degenerated states in
frustrated systems, "order by thermal disorder" often takes place due to a kind
of entropy effect. To consider "order by quantum disorder" in fully frustrated
Ising spin systems, we apply transverse field as quantum fluctuation. There
exists a ferromagnetic correlation in each sublattice. The sublattice
correlation at zero temperature is enlarged due to transverse field. The
quantum fluctuation enhances the solid order at zero temperatures. This is an
example of quantum field induced ordering in fully frustrated systems. We also
study a case in which the transverse field induces a reentrant behavior as
another type of order by quantum disorder, and compare correspondent cases in
the classical systems.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Proceedings of Symposia "Nanoscience
and Quantum Physics
Digital-movie-based flow colorimetry for pH measurement with universal indicators
A continuous, simple, and versatile pH monitoring method based on digital-movie-based colorimetry is proposed. A constructed flow system was of a two-channel configuration mainly composed of two peristaltic pumps, a digital microscope-based detector, a pH meter with a flow-through combination pH-reference electrode, and a laptop computer. While the total flow rate (FT) was held constant, the flow rate (FB) of a base solution for Britton-Robinson buffer containing a universal indicator (Yamada's indicator or Van Urik's indicator) was changed in proportion to the control signal (Vc) from the computer. An acid solution for the buffer containing the indicator was aspirated to the confluence point at the flow rate of FT â FB and mixed with the base solution. Thus, buffer solutions with arbitrary pH could be easily prepared. The image of the mixed solution was captured with the microscope downstream; the pH of the solution was measured with the pH meter at the most downstream. An in-house program written in Visual Basic .NET was developed to control the system, acquire and analyze the signals (image data and pH), and display the results automatically; the color of the image was expressed as tristimulus values (i.e., R, G, B), hue, and luminance. The relationships between these color-specific values and pH were analyzed after optimizing the Vc scan rate. Van Uik's indicator was superior to Yamada's regarding the applicable pH range (ca. 2.5 â 10). A sigmoid-like calibration curve was established between hue and pH, which was used to determine sample pH. The proposed method was validated by measuring the pH of different drugs and vinegar samples
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