700 research outputs found

    Justicia y gobierno: un caso de supuesta usura entre la provincia de Otranto, la capital napolitana y la corte de Madrid (1639-1665)

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    En el presente artículo se pretende describir el funcionamiento de la justicia en el siglo XVII a través de un caso concreto: el de la familia Colucci de Nardò, en la Provincia de Otranto del reino de Nápoles, acusada de un delito de usura. El proceso durará desde 1639 hasta 1665, pasando de un tribunal a otro: de las cortes ciudadanas de jurisdicción feudal a la Regia Audiencia Provincial de Lecce, y de la Vicaria al sacro Regio Consejo de Nápoles, hasta alcanzar las secretarias del Consejo de Italia en la corte de Madrid, tras ser avocado por la justicia regia. Además de conceptos y prácticas de usura y el funcionamiento de los tribunales involucrados, se verán las dinámicas 50cio-políticas de un feudo del Seiscientos. El caso estudiado resultará ejemplar para entender el sistema polisinodial del gobierno del Imperio de los Austria.In the present article we tried to describe the working of the justice in the 17th century through a concrete case: the one of the family Colucci of Nardo, in Otranto's Province of the kingdom of Naples, accused of usury. The process will last from 1639 until 1665, going on from a court to other one: from the civil courts of feudal jurisdiction to Regia Audiencia Provincial of Lecce (Royal Provincial Hearing), and from the Vicaria to the Sacro Regio Consejo (Sacred Royal Council) of Naples, reaching the secretariats of the Consejo de Italia (Council of ltaly) in the court of Madrid, to evoke the king's justice. Besides concepts and practices of usury and the working of the court, we will analyze the government of a feud in the 17th. This article will be important to understand the polisinodial system of the empire of the Hapsburgs' government

    Giovan Girolamo II Acquaviva D' Aragona (1604 C. -1665). Signore Feudale del Mezzogiorno Spagnolo

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    La presente tesis doctoral ofrece la reconstrucción de la identidad de un célebre personaje napolitano del siglo XVII: Giovan Girolamo II Acquaviva d’Aragona. Vasallo napolitano del rey de España, representante de la alta nobleza del reino, titular de feudos y jurisdicciones en las provincias de Bari y Otranto, este personaje ocupa, desde siempre, un lugar de máximo interés entre los historiadores italianos del antiguo régimen. Su notoriedad está relacionada al hecho que, hombre culto y viajero inquieto a la continua búsqueda del ascenso social, participó plenamente en los acontecimientos de su siglo, moviéndose constantemente entre las provincias y la capital napolitana, diversas ciudades italianas y la corte de Madrid, corazón de los sucesos políticos del Seiscientos


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    A lo largo de este trabajo se pretende dar una visión global sobre la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de la entidad financiera Caixabank.Para ello comentaremos el origen y la evolución de este banco , conociendo su estructura organizativa, pasando por el concepto de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, indagando sobre todas las acciones que se caracterizan en esta materia y analizando el verdadero impacto social de cada una de estas. Además de comparar las entidades financieras más importantes de nuestro país en materia de responsabilidad social.Todo esto comentado anteriormente nos permitirá alcanzar los objetivos marcados a la hora de realizar el estudio y conocer más a fondo todas las prácticas llevadas a cabo por esta entidad, pudiendo así cambiar la percepción del lector sobre esta entidad a una de compromiso y apoyo a la sociedad.<br /

    Pacing-induced regional differences in adenosine receptors mRNA expression in a swine model of dilated cardiomyopathy

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    The adenosinergic system is essential in the mediation of intrinsic protection and myocardial resistance to insult; it may be considered a cardioprotective molecule and adenosine receptors (ARs) represent potential therapeutic targets in the setting of heart failure (HF). Aim of the study was to test whether differences exist between mRNA expression of ARs in the anterior left ventricle (LV) wall (pacing site: PS) compared to the infero septal wall (opposite region: OS) in an experimental model of dilated cardiomyopathy. Cardiac tissue was collected from LV PS and OS of adult male minipigs with pacing-induced HF (n=10) and from a control group (C, n=4). ARs and TNF– mRNA expression was measured by Real Time-PCR and the results were normalized with the three most stably expressed genes (GAPDH, HPRT1, TBP). Immunohistochemistry analysis was also performed. After 3 weeks of pacing higher levels of expression for each analyzed AR were observed in PS except for A1R (A1R: C=0.6±0.2, PS=0.1±0.04, OS=0.04±0.01, p<0.0001 C vs. PS and OS respectively; A2AR: C=1.04±0.59, PS=2.62±0.79, OS=2.99±0.79; A2BR: C=1.2±0.1, PS=5.59±2.3, OS=1.59±0.46; A3R: C=0.76±0.18, PS=8.40±3.38, OS=4.40±0.83). Significant contractile impairment and myocardial hypoperfusion were observed at PS after three weeks of pacing as compared to OS. TNF- mRNA expression resulted similar in PS (6.3±2.4) and in OS (5.9±2.7) although higher than in control group (3.4±1.5). ARs expression was mainly detected in cardiomyocytes. This study provided new information on ARs local changes in the setting of LV dysfunction and on the role of these receptors in relation to pacing-induced abnormalities of myocardial perfusion and contraction. These results suggest a possible therapeutic role of adenosine in patients with HF and dyssynchronous LV contraction

    Adenosine receptor expression in an experimental animal model of myocardial infarction with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction.

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    Adenosine, a purine nucleoside and a "retaliatory metabolite" in ischemia, is ubiquitous in the body and increases 100-fold during ischemia. Its biological actions are mediated by four adenosine receptors (ARs): A(1), A(2A), A(2B) and A(3). The aim of this study was to determine possible myocardial alterations in AR expression in an experimental animal model of myocardial infarction (MI) with a preserved left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction. LV tissue was collected from sexually mature male farm pigs with MI (n = 6) induced by permanent surgical ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery and from five healthy pigs (C). mRNA expression of A(1)R, A(2A)R, A(2B)R, A(3)R and TNF-? was determined by real-time PCR in tissue collected from border (BZ) and remote zones (RZ) of the infarcted area and from LV of C. BZ, RZ and samples of C were stained immunohistochemically to investigate A(3)R immunoreaction. After 4 weeks a different regulation of ARs was observed. A(1)R mRNA expression was significantly lower in the infarct regions than in controls (C = 0.75 ? 0.2, BZ = 0.05 ? 0.2, RZ = 0.07 ? 0.02 p = 0.0025, p = 0.0016, C vs. BZ and RZ, respectively). Conversely A(3)R was higher in infarct areas (C = 0.94 ? 0.2, BZ = 2.85 ? 0.5, RZ = 3.48 ? 1.0, p = 0.048 C vs. RZ). No significant differences were observed for A(2A)R (C = 1.58 ? 0.6, BZ = 0.42 ? 0.1, RZ = 1.37 ? 0.6) and A(2B)R (C = 1.66 ? 0.2, BZ = 1.54 ? 0.5, RZ = 1.25 ? 0.4). A(3)R expression was confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis and was principally localized in cardiomyocytes. TNF-? mRNA results were: C 0.41 ? 0.25; BZ 1.60 ? 0.19; RZ 0.17 ? 0.04. The balance between A(1)R and A(3)R as well as between A(2A)R and A(2B)R was consistent with adaptative retaliatory anti-ischemic adenosinergic changes in the infarcted heart with preserved LV function

    End of life in patients attended by pediatric palliative care teams: what factors influence the place of death and compliance with family preferences?

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    Each year, more than 8 million children worldwide require specialized palliative care, yet there is little evidence available in pediatrics on the characteristics of the end of life in this context. Our aim is to analyze the characteristics of patients who die in the care of specific pediatric palliative care teams. This is ambispective, analytical observational, multicenter study conducted between 1 January and 31 December 2019. Fourteen specific pediatric palliative care teams participated. There are 164 patients, most of them suffering from oncologic, neurologic, and neuromuscular processes. The follow-up time was 2.4 months. The parents voiced preferences in respect of the place of death for 125 of the patients (76.2%). The place of death for 95 patients (57.9%) was at the hospital and 67 (40.9%) was at home. The existence of a palliative care team for over 5 years is more likely to be related to families voicing preferences and their fulfillment. Longer follow-up times by pediatric palliative care teams were observed in families with whom preferences regarding the place of death were discussed and in patients who died at home. Patients who did not receive home visits, when the pediatric palliative care team did not provide full care and when preferences regarding the place of death were not discussed with parents, were more likely to die in the hospital. Conclusions: Advance planning of end-of-life care is one of the most important aspects of pediatric palliative care. The provision of services by the teams and the follow-up time are related to parents’ expressed preferences and the place of death.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    MALAT1 as a Regulator of the Androgen-Dependent Choline Kinase A Gene in the Metabolic Rewiring of Prostate Cancer

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    Simple Summary Despite the rapid advance in cancer therapies, treatment-resistant relapse remains a significant challenge in cancer treatment. Acquired resistance arises during or after treatment administration, and is usually the main contributor to relapse. For example, prostate cancer, the most frequent type of cancer in the elderly male population, frequently develops into aggressive forms resistant to chemical and hormonal therapies. In this condition, the so-called "cholinic phenotype" that is characterized by the overexpression of choline kinase alpha (CHKA) and increased phosphocholine levels leads to aberrant lipid metabolism. Our work demonstrates that CHKA, which is necessary for membrane phospholipid synthesis, is a target of the long non-coding RNA MALAT1. This study helps to further decipher how MALAT1 affects the regulation of crucial phospholipid/sphingolipid metabolic enzymes, as well as how the androgen receptor pathway is involved in MALAT1-dependent transcriptional regulation. Background. Choline kinase alpha (CHKA), an essential gene in phospholipid metabolism, is among the modulated MALAT1-targeted transcripts in advanced and metastatic prostate cancer (PCa). Methods. We analyzed CHKA mRNA by qPCR upon MALAT1 targeting in PCa cells, which is characterized by high dose-responsiveness to the androgen receptor (AR) and its variants. Metabolome analysis of MALAT1-depleted cells was performed by quantitative High-resolution 1 H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In addition, CHKA genomic regions were evaluated by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) in order to assess MALAT1-dependent histone-tail modifications and AR recruitment. Results. In MALAT1-depleted cells, the decrease of CHKA gene expression was associated with reduced total choline-containing metabolites compared to controls, particularly phosphocholine (PCho). Upon MALAT1 targeting a significant increase in repressive histone modifications was observed at the CHKA intron-2, encompassing relevant AR binding sites. Combining of MALAT1 targeting with androgen treatment prevented MALAT1-dependent CHKA silencing in androgen-responsive (LNCaP) cells, while it did not in hormone-refractory cells (22RV1 cells). Moreover, AR nuclear translocation and its activation were detected by confocal microscopy analysis and ChIP upon MALAT1 targeting or androgen treatment. Conclusions. These findings support the role of MALAT1 as a CHKA activator through putative association with the liganded or unliganded AR, unveiling its targeting as a therapeutic option from a metabolic rewiring perspective

    Neural precursor cells tune striatal connectivity through the release of IGFBPL1

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    The adult brain retains over life endogenous neural stem/precursor cells (eNPCs) within the subventricular zone (SVZ). Whether or not these cells exert physiological functions is still unclear. In the present work, we provide evidence that SVZ-eNPCs tune structural, electrophysiological, and behavioural aspects of striatal function via secretion of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-like 1 (IGFBPL1). In mice, selective ablation of SVZ-eNPCs or selective abrogation of IGFBPL1 determined an impairment of striatal medium spiny neuron morphology, a higher failure rate in GABAergic transmission mediated by fast-spiking interneurons, and striatum-related behavioural dysfunctions. We also found IGFBPL1 expression in the human SVZ, foetal and induced-pluripotent stem cell-derived NPCs. Finally, we found a significant correlation between SVZ damage, reduction of striatum volume, and impairment of information processing speed in neurological patients. Our results highlight the physiological role of adult SVZ-eNPCs in supporting cognitive functions by regulating striatal neuronal activity

    Effectiveness of biosimilar pegfilgrastim in patients with lymphoma after high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation: a real-life study

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    ObjectivesTo evaluate the efficacy of biosimilar (BIO) pegfilgrastim (PEG) in lymphoma patients after autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT).Methods86 consecutive lymphoma patients who received BIO/PEG after ASCT were assessed. The primary endpoints of this study were the incidence of febrile neutropenia (FN) and time to neutrophil engraftment.ResultsMost patients were males (67.4%) with a median age of 48 years. FN occurred in 66 patients (76.7%), and most of the fever was grade 1-2. The median time to neutrophil engraftment was 9 days. The incidence of FN differs based on lymphoma type (p-value &lt;0.01) and was higher in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) than in Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL). No statistical difference was found between NHL and HL regarding the time to reach the neutrophil engraftment. Hospitalization lasted from a minimum of 9 to a maximum of 34 days. The restricted mean time to discharge was 15.9 days (95%CI 14-16), without differences based on lymphoma type.ConclusionAlthough the study has the significant limitation of not being randomized and not having a control arm, it highlights the efficacy and safety of a BIO-PEG formulation in patients with Lymphoma and undergoing ASCT