15,564 research outputs found

    The effects on grain quality traits of a grain serpin protein and the VPM 1 segment in southern Australian wheat breeding

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    Trabalho final do 6Âș ano mĂ©dico com vista Ă  atribuição do Grau de Mestre no Ăąmbito do ciclo de estudos de mestrado integrado em medicina da Faculdade de Medicina de Coimbra.Introdução: Estudos prĂ©vios estabeleceram que atĂ© 12% dos doentes com enfarte agudo do miocĂĄrdio nĂŁo demonstravam lesĂŁo coronĂĄria aparente ao exame angiogrĂĄfico. Contudo, existe muito pouca informação disponĂ­vel acerca deste fenĂłmeno em enfartes agudos do miocĂĄrdio sem elevação do segmento ST. O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar uma população de doentes com esse diagnĂłstico sujeitos a angiografia coronĂĄria, analisando e comparando as caracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nicas e os prognĂłsticos entre os que nĂŁo revelaram lesĂŁo coronĂĄria aparente e os que apresentavam doença coronĂĄria epicĂĄrdica. MĂ©todos: O nosso estudo avaliou 270 doentes com enfarte agudo do miocĂĄrdio sem elevação do segmento ST que foram sujeitos a angiografia coronĂĄria nas primeiras 72 horas de enfarte. Foram valorizadas as caracterĂ­sticas demogrĂĄficas, clĂ­nicas, parĂąmetros analĂ­ticos, achados electrocardiogrĂĄficos, fracção de ejecção ventricular esquerda, duração do internamento e prognĂłstico.Previous studies established that up to 12% of patients with acute myocardial infarction did not present coronary atherosclerotic disease demonstrable with angiographic exam. However, little information is available about this phenomenon in acute non-STelevation myocardial infarction. We examined a population of patients with this diagnosis who had undergone coronary angiography, assessing and comparing the clinical characteristics and prognosis between the subset of patients with angiographically normal coronary arteries and the subset of patients with coronary disease

    Revisiting the Determinants of Pro-Environmental Behaviour to Inform Land Management Policy: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model Application

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    Environmental policies in the realm of land management are increasingly focussing on inducing behavioural change to improve environmental management outcomes. This is based, implicitly or explicitly, on theories that suggest that pro-environmental behaviour can be understood, predicted and altered based on certain factors (referred to as determinants of pro-environmental behaviour). However, studies examining the determinants of pro-environmental behaviour have found mixed evidence. It is therefore important that we revisit these theories to assess if the evidence supports their postulations so that a more robust knowledge base can be established to inform land management policies. In this study, we do this using meta-analytic structural equation modelling (MASEM) to explore whether the evidence on determinants of pro-environmental behaviour supports the postulations of some predominantly applied theories of behaviour and/or behaviour change. The study analyses research in four environmental policy areas to identify implications for land management. Evidence from these related environmental areas is expected to provide insights relevant to the land management literature and to allow us to identify the extent to which lessons on pro-environmental behaviour from these other areas can be transferred to the land management context. Our findings suggest a strong evidence base for the Theories of Planned Behaviour and Reasoned Action, Attitude-Behaviour-Context Model, and the Persuasion Theory, but a weak evidence base for the Value-Belief-Norm Theory and the Norm Activation Model. We also found that type of environmental policy area moderates the relationship between different variables. This has key policy implications since, while lessons can be learnt from other environmental policy areas, land management policies aimed at influencing behaviours will need to be tailored to the specific context rather than simply ‘imported’ from other fields. Such context-specific policies may encourage pro-environmental behaviours, and potentially contribute towards improving environmental management outcomes

    Rights, responsibilities and redress? Research on policy and practice for Roma inclusion in ten Member States

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    Roma MATRIX (Mutual Action Targeting Racism, Intolerance and Xenophobia) was a two year project (2013-2015) co-funded by the European Union’s Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme. The project involved ten European Member States (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and United Kingdom - hereafter referred to as the partner states). A total of 20 organisations were partners on the project representing a diverse range of agencies including non-government organisations (NGOs), Roma-led organisations, local government, universities and two private sector companies. A diverse programme of activities was undertaken which included network development, mentoring of people from Roma communities, conferences and workshops, capturing positive images and developing a public media campaign, etc. This work focused on four core areas which underpinned the Roma MATRIX project: Reporting and redress mechanisms for tackling anti-Gypsyism; Roma children in the care system; Employment; Cross-community relations and mediation. This summary report outlines the key research findings

    Microscopic origin of universality in Casimir forces

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    The microscopic mechanisms for universality of Casimir forces between macroscopic conductors are displayed in a model of classical charged fluids. The model consists of two slabs in empty space at distance dd containing classical charged particles in thermal equilibrium (plasma, electrolyte). A direct computation of the average force per unit surface yields, at large distance, the usual form of the Casimir force in the classical limit (up to a factor 2 due to the fact that the model does not incorporate the magnetic part of the force). Universality originates from perfect screening sum rules obeyed by the microscopic charge correlations in conductors. If one of the slabs is replaced by a macroscopic dielectric medium, the result of Lifshitz theory for the force is retrieved. The techniques used are Mayer expansions and integral equations for charged fluids.Comment: 31 pages, 0 figures, submitted to Journal of Statistical Physic

    Realistic Expectations with Brain Computer Interfaces

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    PurposeThis paper describes the research underpinning the development and evaluation of a brain computer interface (BCI) system designed to be suitable for domestic use by people with acquired brain injury in order to facilitate control of their home environment. The purpose of the research is to develop a robust and user‐friendly BCI system which was customisable in terms of user ability, preferences and functionality. Specifically the human interface was designed to provide consistent visual metaphors in usage, while applications change, for example, from environmental control to entertainment and communications.Design/methodology/approachThe research took a user centred design approach involving representative end‐users throughout the design and evaluation process. A qualitative study adopting user interviews alongside interactive workshops highlighted the issues that needed to be addressed in the development of a user interface for such a system. User validation then underpinned prototype development.FindingsThe findings of the research indicate that while there are still significant challenges in translating working BCI systems from the research laboratories to the homes of individuals with acquired brain injuries, participants are keen to be involved in the deign and development of such systems. In its current stage of development BCI is multi‐facetted and uses complex software, which poses a significant usability challenge. This work also found that the performance of the BCI paradigm chosen was considerably better for those users with no disability than for those with acquired brain injury. Further work is required to identify how and whether this performance gap can be addressed.Research limitations/implicationsThe research had significant challenges in terms of managing the complexity of the hardware and software set‐up and transferring the working systems to be tested by participants in their home. Furthermore, the authors believe that the development of assistive technologies for the disabled user requires a significant additional level of personalisation and intensive support to the level normally required for non‐disabled users. Coupled with the inherent complexity of BCI, this leads to technology that does not easily offer a solution to both disabled and non‐disabled users.Originality/valueThe research contributes additional findings relating to the usability of BCI systems. The value of the work is to highlight the practical issues involved in translating such systems to participants where the acquired brain injury can impact on the ability of the participant to use the BCI system.</jats:sec

    Accessing Tele-Services using a Hybrid BCI Approach

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    Elective Open Suprarenal Aneurysm Repair in England from 2000 to 2010 an Observational Study of Hospital Episode Statistics

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    Background: Open surgery is widely used as a benchmark for the results of fenestrated endovascular repair of complex abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). However, the existing evidence stems from single-centre experiences, and may not be reproducible in wider practice. National outcomes provide valuable information regarding the safety of suprarenal aneurysm repair. Methods: Demographic and clinical data were extracted from English Hospital Episodes Statistics for patients undergoing elective suprarenal aneurysm repair from 1 April 2000 to 31 March 2010. Thirty-day mortality and five-year survival were analysed by logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards modeling. Results: 793 patients underwent surgery with 14% overall 30-day mortality, which did not improve over the study period. Independent predictors of 30-day mortality included age, renal disease and previous myocardial infarction. 5-year survival was independently reduced by age, renal disease, liver disease, chronic pulmonary disease, and known metastatic solid tumour. There was significant regional variation in both 30-day mortality and 5-year survival after risk-adjustment. Regional differences in outcome were eliminated in a sensitivity analysis for perioperative outcome, conducted by restricting analysis to survivors of the first 30 days after surgery. Conclusions: Elective suprarenal aneurysm repair was associated with considerable mortality and significant regional variation across England. These data provide a benchmark to assess the efficacy of complex endovascular repair of supra-renal aneurysms, though cautious interpretation is required due to the lack of information regarding aneurysm morphology. More detailed study is required, ideally through the mandatory submission of data to a national registry of suprarenal aneurysm repair

    Biological Control of Sheep Parasites using Duddingtonia flagrans: Trials on Commercial Farms in Sweden

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    Trials were conducted on 3 commercial sheep farms in Sweden to assess the effect of administering spores of the nematode trapping fungus, Duddingtonia flagrans, together with supplementary feed to lactating ewes for the first 6 weeks from turn-out on pastures in spring. Also control groups of ewes, receiving only feed supplement, were established on all 3 farms. Groups were monitored by intensive parasitological investigation. The ewes and their lambs were moved in late June to saved pastures for summer grazing, the lambs receiving an anthelmintic treatment at this time. After approximately 6 weeks on summer pasture the lambs were weaned, treated a second time with anthelmintic, and returned to their original lambing pastures for finishing. Decisions as to when lambs were to be marketed were entirely at the discretion of the farmer co-operators. No difference in lamb performance was found between the two treatments on all three farms. This was attributed to the high levels of nutrition initially of the ewes limiting their post-partum rise in nematode faecal egg counts in spring, which in turn resulted in low levels of nematode infection on pastures throughout the autumn period. Additionally, pastures were of good quality for the lambs during the finishing period, so they grew at optimal rates as far as the farmers were concerned
