106 research outputs found

    The nature of a nurse’s workplace and their attitude towards learning communicative competence — a representative study of Polish nurses’ population

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    Background: In the education of nurses and midwives, the greatest emphasis is put on practical skills asthe most important element of vocational competences. Education in the sphere of widely understoodinterpersonal communication and effective team interdisciplinary cooperation is getting equally important.It also accounts for important complementation of practical skills.Exploration of factors influencing the attitude towards learning communicative competence in a group ofnurses undertaking specialization training.Methods: In the cross-sectional survey study 969 professionally active nurses from various regions ofPoland took part. The respondents were divided into two groups, depending on the specialization trainingcompleted (“anaesthesiological, intensive care medicine and emergency medicine nursing” vs. “geriatrics,long-term and palliative care nursing”). The voluntary, anonymous survey was conducted with the use ofCSAS questionnaire. A comparative analysis of the results for the two examined groups of nurses wasperformed with the use of the t-Student test. The scale of the effect for the observed mean variation wasestimated with the use of d Cohen coefficient.Results: The examined nurses manifested a positive attitude towards learning communicative competence,however, a statistically significant difference in the context of the specificity of the ward was observed.The age of nurses had a negative influence on the analysed variables. Also, a correlation between highself-esteem of the possessed communicative skills and a high CSAS result was noted.Conclusions: The nature of the ward, time of hospitalization, as well as age and education of the personnelinfluence shaping the attitudes of the nursing personnel in the applicability of communicative competencein their professional practice

    The opinion of Master’s degree graduates in Public Health, Warsaw Medical University on their career path plans

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    Introduction. Although statistical data demonstrate a systematic decrease in the interest in Public Health among student applicants, growth in the importance of public health professionals in the health system is increasingly recognised. Master’s degree graduates in Public Health, Warsaw Medical University have a broad spectrum of possibilities when choosing their career path. The present study aimed to analyse plans for further education and career path among Master’s degree graduates from the Public Health Division, Faculty of Health Sciences, Warsaw Medical University.Materials and methods. The study involved 86 graduates (women constituted 83% of all) from the second-cycle degree programme in Public Health at the Public Health Division, Faculty of Health Sciences, Warsaw Medical University. The study enrolled second-cycle degree students who graduated in the academic year 2015–2016. Mean age of the study population amounted to 26.88 years (min. 24; max. 52; SD 4.540). The study used a questionnaire developed by the authors at the Department of Teaching and Education Outcomes, Faculty of Health Sciences, Warsaw Medical University, based on the list of educational outcomes adopted by the resolution of Warsaw Medical University Senate. Students filled in the questionnaire after graduation while receiving the certificate evidencing completion of the programme in the Dean’s OfficeResults. Most respondents graduated from the second-cycle degree programme in Public Health (n = 67.78%) specialising in Management (n = 49.57%). Over 80% of graduates did not intend to commence a third-cycle degree programme (doctoral course). Most study participants worked during their studies (n = 61.71%) and their job was related to the area of public health (n = 37.43%). Graduates saw themselves in a job that is consistent with their major (n = 60.70%), in public sector (n = 33.38%) and in managerial positions (n = 23, 27%).Conclusions.1. There is a need to show students as early as during their educational cycle a wide range of employment options they have after graduation, for instance by recommending summer internship places.2. A summer internship database for students should be developed at Warsaw Medical University in order to help Public Health students enter the health system


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    Aim: The aim of the study was to characterize midwifery students in terms of the level of selected social skills such as empathy and the ability to work with emotions, assertiveness in a conflict situation and communication skills. The study was also an attempt to determine the role of age and extraversion level in shaping these competencies.Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 228 purposefully selected students of  Midwifery. Midwives' Social Competence Questionnaire was used to assess social skills. The level of extraversion was assessed by using the NEO Five-Factor Inventory.Results: The midwifery students significantly differed in relation to the level of communication skills. These differences were not observed in the context of empathy and assertiveness in a conflict situation. Students’ age significantly correlated with the level of their communication skills. In addition, this relationship was observed particularly in subjects with low and medium level of empathy. The level of extraversion played the key role in shaping communication skills and assertiveness in a conflict situation.Conclusion: Our results suggest the need for using individualised education forms, which will enable efficient acquisition of social skills by midwifery students, especially interpersonal communication skills and assertive behaviour

    Wybrane aspekty umiejętności przywódczych a satysfakcja z pracy i życia położnych

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    Wstęp: Wysoki poziom satysfakcji położnych z wykonywanej pracy może stanowić ważny element opieki medycznej nad pacjentem, ale także warunkuje ogólne zadowolenie z własnego życia. W związku z tym analiza czynników wpływających na poziom satysfakcji z pracy jest ważnym wyzwaniem współczesnej opieki zdrowotnej. Kluczowe znaczenie w tym kontekście mogą mieć umiejętności przywódcze.Cel: Celem pracy była analiza związku miedzy nasileniem wybranych umiejętności przywódczych a subiektywnym poziomem satysfakcji z wykonywanej pracy i ogólnego zadowolenia z własnego życia aktywnych zawodowo położnych.Materiał i metody: Grupę osób badanych stanowiło 231 aktywnych zawodowo położnych. Badania przekrojowe przeprowadzono w okresie od stycznia do kwietnia 2018 roku. Do pomiaru analizowanych zmiennych wykorzystano trzy wystandaryzowane narzędzia badawcze Kwestionariusz Samooceny Autentycznego Przywództwa (ALSAQ) – samoświadomość oraz transparentność relacyjna; Skala Satysfakcji z Życia (SWLS) oraz Skala Satysfakcji z Pracy (SSP). W celu oceny korelacji między wybranymi zmiennymi wyznaczano współczynniki rho-Spearmana.Wyniki: Poziom satysfakcji z pracy położnych wykazuje dodatni związek z postrzeganą jakością własnego życia (rho=0,25; p<0,05). Dodatkowo, istnieje dodatnia zależność między wymiarem samoświadomości (podskala ALSAQ), a jakością życia położnych (rho=0,20;p<0.05). W przypadku transparentności relacyjnej, odnotowano dodatni związek z nasileniem satysfakcji z wykonywanej pracy (rho=0,16;p<0,05).Wnioski: Podejmowanie działań mających na celu kształtowanie i doskonalenie umiejętności przywódczych położnych może pozywanie wpływać na ich subiektywną ocenę zadowolenia z wykonywanej pracy oraz satysfakcje z jakości własnego życia. Skutkować to może większym zaangażowaniem w wykonywaną pracę, a pośrednio w zwiększenie efektywności opieki nad pacjentem

    Firefighters’ knowledge of the knowledge of procedures for clearing the respiratory tract in an injured person with suspected infection with biological material (SARS-CoV-2) — a nationwide cross- -sectional study

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge of the procedure for clearing the respiratory tract and updated qualified first aid (QFA) 1a and 2a procedures by firefighters serving in State Fire Service (SFS) rescue and firefighting units, and their knowledge of the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Material and methods: The cross-sectional study covered 19 408 firefighters (officers serving in SFS rescue and firefighting units from all over Poland). The study was conducted using the diagnostic survey method, the Computer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) technique consisting of a set of particulars regarding a specific officer and the appropriate medical part of the survey. Results: In the group of 19,408 respondents, 99.31% were men (n = 19,275), while women accounted for 0.69% (n = 133; p < 0.001). The age of the respondents was in the range of 18–66 years, and the average age was 35.88 ± 7.14 years. The length of service was 11.95 ± 6.44 years. The knowledge of procedures 1a and 2a declared by the respondents [OR = 1.51 (95% CI: 1.22–1.86), x2 = 14.76], the ability to operate a suction unit [OR = 1.73 (95% CI: 1.44–2.08, x2 = 34.58)], the frequency of airway clearance training (p < < 0.001, x2 = 61.74). Only 15% of respondents used a suction unit on an injured person during operations. Conclusions: The knowledge of firefighters in the subject matter covered by the analysis is diverse, some firefighters have additional experience and practice from working in health care units. Professional development in the field of QFA supplemented with procedures 1a and 2a may translate into a lower risk of infection associated with airway clearing in the era of the pandemic. There is a visible need for constant training of SFS officers in terms of medical activities to maintain the knowledge of firefighters at a high initial level

    Challenges in Job Seeking and the Integration of Ukrainian War Refugee Healthcare Workers Into the Polish Healthcare System: Facebook Content Analysis

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    Objectives: The full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine resulted in a refugee crisis. The terms of employment of Ukrainian Refugee background Medical Professionals (UKR-MPs) in the Polish healthcare system were liberalised. The aim of the study was to identify challenges in job seeking and the integration of Ukrainian war refugee healthcare workers into the Polish healthcare system.Methods: A qualitative, descriptive study based on content thematic analysis of Facebook content. We analyzed 1,700 posts published on two public Facebook groups intended for UKR-MPs.Results: The most common problems encountered by UKR-MPs were: 1) lack of easy-to-understand information about the list of documents necessary to apply for a work permit, 2) lack of feedback from those responsible for handling individual cases, and 3) long waiting time for the decision issued by the Ministry of Health.Conclusion: Despite the promptly implemented solutions enabling access to the job market by UKR-MPs, the refugees have encountered considerable administrative difficulties, as well as those arising from insufficient knowledge of the regulations on working as medical professionals in Poland under the EU law

    Aspek-Aspek Pengelolaan dan Kepemimpinan Inovatif untuk Implementasi Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Perguruan Tinggi

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    The development of information and communication technology (ICT) quickly brings both challenges and opportunities for universities to the implementation, for administration and supporting activities as well; and is also used for activities in universities\u27 tridharma. This paper describes the management aspects of ICT in higher education and the importance of innovative leadership in succeeding the implementation of ICT in highereducation

    Exploring factors influencing depression among Polish nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    ObjectivesThe COVID-19 pandemic has been recognized as an international public health emergency. The aim of our study was to identify contributors to nurses’ depression.MethodsThis survey-based study was conducted in the Pomeranian Medical University Hospital no. 1 in Szczecin and involved 207 nurses. The following standardized research instruments were applied: the World Assumptions Scale, the Athens Insomnia Scale, the Impact of Event Scale - Revised, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder, the Perceived Stress Scale, and a questionnaire of our own authorship.ResultsThe study showed that 72.95% of the subjects experienced severe stress, and 40.58% suffered from insomnia. In addition, 65.7% of the respondents had anxiety symptoms of varying degrees of severity, and 62.8% had depressive symptoms of mild to severe severity. The mean score on the IES-R scale, reflecting a psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, was 34.25. The COVID-19 pandemic affected the psychological health of medical staff, particularly through increased stress and anxiety symptoms. Anxiety levels and insomnia significantly affect the prevalence of depression among nurses.ConclusionThe COVID-19 pandemic has been recognized as an international public health emergency. The COVID-19 pandemic affected the psychological health of medical staff, particularly through increased stress and anxiety symptoms. It is important to conduct further research after the COVID-19 pandemic has ended