11 research outputs found
Human Ecology, Process Philosophy and the Global Ecological Crisis
This paper argues that human ecology, based on process philosophy and challenging scientific materialism, is required to effectively confront the global ecological crisis now facing us
Altered metabolism pathways for the most relevant metabolic differences between rats treat with CR and control group.
<p>The network of the potential biomarkers changing according to the KEGG PATHWAY.</p
Multivariate analysis of serum samples from CR and control groups.
<p>A, PCA score plot, B, OPLS-DA score plot, C, OPLS-DA loadings plot. The urine samples were collected after 14 days of treatment. The model was established using one predictive and one orthogonal component.</p
Schematic representation of animal treatment and sample collection.
<p>The experiment lasted 21 days, including 14 days of treatment with CR and 7 days of recovery, urine sample, serum sample and tissues were collected after 14 days of treatment and 7 days of recovery.</p
Histopathology of liver (A), heart (B), kidney (C) and lung (D) tissues.
<p>The tissues were collected after 14 days of CR treatment and 7 days of recovery. The tissues were fixed in 10% formaldehyde, and then stained using Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E). Original magnification×100. A1, B1, C1 and D1, controls group of day 14; A2, B2, C2 and D2, CR-treated group of day 14; A3, B3, C3 and D3, CR-treated group after 7 days of recovery.</p
Representative urine <sup>1</sup>H NMR spectra from control and CR treated rats after 14 days of treatment: A, CR-treated group; B, control group.
<p>Assignments of endogenous metabolites were based on comparing chemical shifts and multiplicities of peaks to the literature as well as the Metabonomics Toolbox (<a href="http://www.hmdb.ca" target="_blank">http://www.hmdb.ca</a>). The spectra were taken for urine samples containing 0.2 M Na<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4</sub>/NaH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub>, pH 7.4 and 0.05% TSP as a chemical shift reference.</p
Representative GC-MS total ion chromatograms from the serum samples of control and CR treated rats after 14 days of treatment: A, control group; B, CR-treated group.
<p>Representative GC-MS total ion chromatograms from the serum samples of control and CR treated rats after 14 days of treatment: A, control group; B, CR-treated group.</p
The normalized integral changes of the relevant time-related urinary marked metabolites induced by CR treatment.
<p>The normalized integral changes of the relevant time-related urinary marked metabolites induced by CR treatment.</p
Multivariate analysis of urine samples of pre-treatment, after 14 days of treatment and after 7 days of recovery.
<p>A, OPLS-DA score plot, B, OPLS-DA loadings s-plot.</p
Multivariate analysis of urine samples from CR and control groups.
<p>A, PCA score plot, B, OPLS-DA score plot, C, OPLS-DA loadings plot. The urine samples were collected after 14 days of treatment. The model was established using one predictive and one orthogonal component.</p