2,316 research outputs found
Review of local alcohol harm reduction strategies in Cheshire and Merseyside
This report reviews local alcohol strategies in Cheshire and Merseyside.ChaMPs Public Health Networ
Investigation of rare-earth pyrochlore thin films
This thesis reports on a number of systematic studies that were carried out on thin films of spin ice and its related materials. Specifically, three series were carried out: a thickness series and an epitaxial strain series reporting on Yb₂Ti₂O₇ thin films; a series investigating the thickness-dependence of Tb₂Ti₂O₇ films' specific heat; and lastly, a characterisation of thick Dy₂Ti₂O₇, Tb₂Ti₂O₇ and Yb₂Ti₂O₇ films. The epitaxial strain series of Yb₂Ti₂O₇ showed that fully strained films of Yb₂Ti₂O₇ could be grown on Y₂Ti₂O₇ substrates with an out-of-plane crystal direction of [1¯10] and [100]. The thickness series was carried out on films with an out-of-plane crystal direction of [111], but it is shown that this particular orientation is more challenging to grow fully strained films along because in all instances the films were relaxed. The aim of the Tb₂Ti₂O₇ series was to investigate the nature of the films' ground states, which have been subject to debate in the bulk. Single-ion model fittings imply that the ground state of the Tb₂Ti₂O₇ thin films is a doublet state. The thick film series shows that a fully strained Dy₂Ti₂O₇ film was grown, but that the other films created additional phases and, in the case of Tb₂Ti₂O₇, did also relax. Specific heat measurements reveal that the thick Dy₂Ti₂O₇ film has recovered some but not all of its residual entropy, which is seen in the bulk. This means that the phase grown is both different to the previous thin films grown and to the bulk. Fits to M vs H measurements give a magnetic moment of 9.4(1) μB, which is within error of the bulk
Consequences of a functional account of information
An interpretation of information in terms of the function of its user is presented and defended. Throughout, the causal interpretation is treated as a foil. The advantages of a functional interpretation are threefold: (1) Traditional emphasis on the indicative aspect of information is supplemented with its counterpart instructional aspect, nudging information closer to the contemporary conception of subpersonal content; (2) An influential distinction between causal and semantic information, argued recently to be misconceived, is further denigrated; (3) Mathematical results adverting to utility are recast in terms of function, justifying the application of information theory in cognitive science, evolutionary biology, and elsewhere
The Study of Biominerals by High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy
This paper presents an overview of the study of the ultrastructure of biogenic inorganic solids (biominerals) using high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). A range of biominerals have been studied including iron oxides, calcium phosphates, calcium carbonates and silica. The studies have revealed information concerning the structural complexity of these materials and have identified crystallographic order and disorder at the nanometre level. In addition, the results have aided the elucidation of the mechanisms of nucleation and growth of biogenic minerals
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Frequency of and barriers to physical education in selected grade levels in a Southern California school district
The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent physical education programs are being implemented in a Southern California school district, in an effort to increase physical activity and decrease obesity among students. This study also identified factors that either contributed to, or detracted from, implementation
The Moon Was Dreaming
Photocatalytic multiphase micro-droplet reactors based on complex coacervation
Spontaneous sequestration of TiO2 nanosheets within coacervate micro-droplets is used to prepare membrane-free liquid multiphase micro-reactors with photocatalytic activity.</p
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