341 research outputs found
Many-agent controlled teleportation of multi-qubit quantum information
We present a general idea to construct methods for multi-qubit quantum
teleportation between two remote parties with control of many agents in the
network. Our methods seem to be much simpler than the existing method proposed
recently (Phys. Rev. A {\bf 70}, 022329(2004)). We then demonstrate our idea by
using several different protocols of quantum key distribution, including Ekert
91 and the deterministic secure communication protocol raised by Deng and Long.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.
Cavity-based architecture to preserve quantum coherence and entanglement
Quantum technology relies on the utilization of resources, like quantum
coherence and entanglement, which allow quantum information and computation
processing. This achievement is however jeopardized by the detrimental effects
of the environment surrounding any quantum system, so that finding strategies
to protect quantum resources is essential. Non-Markovian and structured
environments are useful tools to this aim. Here we show how a simple
environmental architecture made of two coupled lossy cavities enables a switch
between Markovian and non-Markovian regimes for the dynamics of a qubit
embedded in one of the cavity. Furthermore, qubit coherence can be indefinitely
preserved if the cavity without qubit is perfect. We then focus on entanglement
control of two independent qubits locally subject to such an engineered
environment and discuss its feasibility in the framework of circuit quantum
electrodynamics. With up-to-date experimental parameters, we show that our
architecture allows entanglement lifetimes orders of magnitude longer than the
spontaneous lifetime without local cavity couplings. This cavity-based
architecture is straightforwardly extendable to many qubits for scalability.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. To appear on Nature Scientific Report
Harnessing non-Markovian quantum memory by environmental coupling
Controlling the non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems is essential
in quantum information technology since it plays a crucial role in preserving
quantum memory. Albeit in many realistic scenarios the quantum system can
simultaneously interact with composite environments, this condition remains
little understood, particularly regarding the effect of the coupling between
environmental parts. We analyze the non-Markovian behavior of a qubit
interacting at the same time with two coupled single-mode cavities which in
turn dissipate into memoryless or memory-keeping reservoirs. We show that
increasing the control parameter, that is the two-mode coupling, allows for
triggering and enhancing a non-Markovian dynamics for the qubit starting from a
Markovian one in absence of coupling. Surprisingly, if the qubit dynamics is
non-Markovian for zero control parameter, increasing the latter enables
multiple transitions from non-Markovian to Markovian regimes. These results
hold independently on the nature of the reservoirs. This work highlights that
suitably engineering the coupling between parts of a compound environment can
efficiently harness the quantum memory, stored in a qubit, based on
non-Markovianity.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.
Multiparty Quantum Secret Sharing
Based on a quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) protocol [Phys. Rev.
A69(04)052319], we propose a -threshold scheme of multiparty quantum
secret sharing of classical messages (QSSCM) using only single photons. We take
advantage of this multiparty QSSCM scheme to establish a scheme of multiparty
secret sharing of quantum information (SSQI), in which only all quantum
information receivers collaborate can the original qubit be reconstructed. A
general idea is also proposed for constructing multiparty SSQI schemes from any
QSSCM scheme
Multiparty Quantum Secret Sharing Based on Entanglement Swapping
A multiparty quantum secret sharing (QSS) protocol is proposed by using
swapping quantum entanglement of Bell states. The secret messages are imposed
on Bell states by local unitary operations. The secret messages are split into
several parts and each part is distributed to a party so that no action of a
subset of all the parties but their entire cooperation is able to read out the
secret messages. In addition, the dense coding is used in this protocol to
achieve a high efficiency. The security of the present multiparty QSS against
eavesdropping has been analyzed and confirmed even in a noisy quantum channel.Comment: 5 page
Equation of motion for multiqubit entanglement in multiple independent noisy channels
We investigate the possibility and conditions to factorize the entanglement
evolution of a multiqubit system passing through multi-sided noisy channels. By
means of a lower bound of concurrence (LBC) as entanglement measure, we derive
an explicit formula of LBC evolution of the N-qubit generalized
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GGHZ) state under some typical noisy channels,
based on which two kinds of factorizing conditions for the LBC evolution are
presented. In this case, the time-dependent LBC can be determined by a product
of initial LBC of the system and the LBC evolution of a maximally entangled
GGHZ state under the same multi-sided noisy channels. We analyze the realistic
situations where these two kinds of factorizing conditions can be satisfied. In
addition, we also discuss the dependence of entanglement robustness on the
number of the qubits and that of the noisy channels.Comment: 14 page
Entanglement dynamics for the double Tavis-Cummings model
A double Tavis-Cummings model (DTCM) is developed to simulate the
entanglement dynamics of realistic quantum information processing where two
entangled atom-pairs and are distributed in such a way that atoms
are embedded in a cavity while are located in another remote
cavity . The evolutions of different types of initially shared entanglement
of atoms are studied under various initial states of cavity fields. The results
obtained in the DTCM are compared with that obtained in the double
Jaynes-Cummings model (DJCM) [J. Phys. B \textbf{40}, S45 (2007)] and an
interaction strength theory is proposed to explain the parameter domain in
which the so-called entanglement sudden death occurs for both the DTCM and
DJCM.Comment: 11 figure
Atomic entanglement sudden death in a strongly driven cavity QED system
We study the entanglement dynamics of strongly driven atoms off-resonantly
coupled with cavity fields. We consider conditions characterized not only by
the atom-field coupling but also by the atom-field detuning. By studying two
different models within the framework of cavity QED, we show that the so-called
atomic entanglement sudden death (ESD) always occurs if the atom-field coupling
lager than the atom-field detuning, and is independent of the type of initial
atomic state
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