345 research outputs found
Gravity, particle physics and their unification
We explain the need for a theory of quantum gravity and some general ideas
about string theory, including the idea of the derivation of the Hawking
Bekenstein entropy formula for extremal black holes. We then give a general
description of the correspondence between the large N limit of certain gauge
theories and string theory on spacetimes with boundaries.Comment: latex, 8 figures. Talk at Lepton-Photon 99. Talk for
Exact results for the entanglement entropy and the energy radiated by a quark
We consider a spherical region with a heavy quark in the middle. We compute
the extra entanglement entropy due to the presence of a heavy quark both in
Super Yang Mills and in the Chern-Simons matter
theory (ABJM). This is done by relating the computation to the expectation
value of a circular Wilson loop and a stress tensor insertion. We also give an
exact expression for the Bremsstrahlung function that determines the energy
radiated by a quark in the ABJM theory.Comment: 23+12 pages, 8 figures. V2: references added. V3: references added.
V4: small comments and references adde
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