2,730 research outputs found
The anapole form factor of the nucleon
The anapole form factor of the nucleon is calculated in chiral perturbation
theory in leading order. To this order, the form factor originates from the
pion cloud, and is proportional to the non-derivative parity-violating
pion-nucleon coupling. The momentum dependence of the form factor - and in
particular, its radius - is completely determined by the pion mass.Comment: 9 pages, 2 eps figures included by epsf.sty, minor changes in note
Double Chargino Production in scattering
We point out the production of the charginos and neutralinos in
electron-electron process in several supersymmetric models, in order to show
that the International Linear Collider can discover double charged charginos if
these particles really exist in nature.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, Talk given at CTP symposium on Supersymmetry at
LHC: Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives, The British University in
Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, 11-14 March 200
Gauge Coupling Unification in GUT with Anomalous U(1) Symmetry
We show that in the framework of grand unified theory (GUT) with anomalous
gauge symmetry, the success of the gauge coupling unification in the
minimal SU(5) GUT is naturally explained, even if the mass spectrum of
superheavy fields does not respect SU(5) symmetry. Because the unification
scale for most realizations of the theory becomes smaller than the usual GUT
scale, it suggests that the present level of experiments is close to that
sufficient to observe proton decay via dimension 6 operators, .Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, to appear in Phys.Rev.Let
Calculation of model Hamiltonian parameters for LaMnO_3 using maximally localized Wannier functions
Maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) based on Kohn-Sham
band-structures provide a systematic way to construct realistic, materials
specific tight-binding models for further theoretical analysis. Here, we
construct MLWFs for the Mn e_g bands in LaMnO_3, and we monitor changes in the
MLWF matrix elements induced by different magnetic configurations and
structural distortions. From this we obtain values for the local Jahn-Teller
and Hund's rule coupling strength, the hopping amplitudes between all nearest
and further neighbors, and the corresponding reduction due to the GdFeO_3-type
distortion. By comparing our results with commonly used model Hamiltonians for
manganites, where electrons can hop between two "e_g-like" orbitals located on
each Mn site, we find that the most crucial limitation of such models stems
from neglecting changes in the underlying Mn(d)-O(p) hybridization.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 3 table
Mesoscopic magnetoelectric effect in chaotic quantum dots
The magnitude of the inverse Faraday effect (IFE), a static magnetization due
to an ac electric field, can be strongly increased in a mesoscopic sample,
sensitive to time-reversal symmetry (TRS) breaking. Random rectification of ac
voltages leads to a magnetization flux, which can be detected by an asymmetry
of Hall resistances in a multi-terminal setup. In the absence of applied
magnetic field through a chaotic quantum dot the IFE scale, quadratic in
voltage, is found as an analytic function of the ac frequency, screening, and
coupling to the contacts and floating probes, and numerically it does not show
any effect of spin-orbit interaction. Our results qualitatively agree with a
recent experiment on TRS-breaking in a six-terminal Hall cross.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 figures; v2-published version, small change
Anderson impurity in the one-dimensional Hubbard model on finite size systems
An Anderson impurity in a Hubbard model on chains with finite length is
studied using the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) technique. In the
first place, we analyzed how the reduction of electron density from
half-filling to quarter-filling affects the Kondo resonance in the limit of
Hubbard repulsion U=0. In general, a weak dependence with the electron density
was found for the local density of states (LDOS) at the impurity except when
the impurity, at half-filling, is close to a mixed valence regime. Next, in the
central part of this paper, we studied the effects of finite Hubbard
interaction on the chain at quarter-filling. Our main result is that this
interaction drives the impurity into a more defined Kondo regime although
accompanied in most cases by a reduction of the spectral weight of the impurity
LDOS. Again, for the impurity in the mixed valence regime, we observed an
interesting nonmonotonic behavior. We also concluded that the conductance,
computed for a small finite bias applied to the leads, follows the behavior of
the impurity LDOS, as in the case of non-interacting chains. Finally, we
analyzed how the Hubbard interaction and the finite chain length affect the
spin compensation cloud both at zero and at finite temperature, in this case
using quantum Monte Carlo techniques.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, final version to be published in Phys. Rev.
Extrinsic Spin Hall Effect Induced by Iridium Impurities in Copper
We study the extrinsic spin Hall effect induced by Ir impurities in Cu by
injecting a pure spin current into a CuIr wire from a lateral spin valve
structure. While no spin Hall effect is observed without Ir impurity, the spin
Hall resistivity of CuIr increases linearly with the impurity concentration.
The spin Hall angle of CuIr, % throughout the concentration
range between 1% and 12%, is practically independent of temperature. These
results represent a clear example of predominant skew scattering extrinsic
contribution to the spin Hall effect in a nonmagnetic alloy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Kondo quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads: Numerical renormalization group study
We systematically study the influence of ferromagnetic leads on the Kondo
resonance in a quantum dot tuned to the local moment regime. We employ Wilson's
numerical renormalization group method, extended to handle leads with a spin
asymmetric density of states, to identify the effects of (i) a finite spin
polarization in the leads (at the Fermi-surface), (ii) a Stoner splitting in
the bands (governed by the band edges) and (iii) an arbitrary shape of the
leads density of states. For a generic lead density of states the quantum dot
favors being occupied by a particular spin-species due to exchange interaction
with ferromagnetic leads leading to a suppression and splitting of the Kondo
resonance. The application of a magnetic field can compensate this asymmetry
restoring the Kondo effect. We study both the gate-voltage dependence (for a
fixed band structure in the leads) and the spin polarization dependence (for
fixed gate voltage) of this compensation field for various types of bands.
Interestingly, we find that the full recovery of the Kondo resonance of a
quantum dot in presence of leads with an energy dependent density of states is
not only possible by an appropriately tuned external magnetic field but also
via an appropriately tuned gate voltage. For flat bands simple formulas for the
splitting of the local level as a function of the spin polarization and gate
voltage are given.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in PR
Quantum dot with ferromagnetic leads: a density-matrix renormalization group study
A quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetically polarized one-dimensional leads is
studied numerically using the density matrix renormalization group method.
Several real space properties and the local density of states at the dot are
computed. It is shown that this local density of states is suppressed by the
parallel polarization of the leads. In this case we are able to estimate the
length of the Kondo cloud, and to relate its behavior to that suppression.
Another important result of our study is that the tunnel magnetoresistance as a
function of the quantum dot on-site energy is minimum and negative at the
symmetric point.Comment: 4 pages including 5 figures. To be published as a Brief Report in
Phys. Rev.
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