858 research outputs found
The CKM Matrix from Lattice QCD
Lattice QCD plays an essential role in testing and determining the parameters
of the CKM theory of flavor mixing and CP violation. Very high precisions are
required for lattice calculations analysing CKM data; I discuss the prospects
for achieving them. Lattice calculations will also play a role in investigating
flavor mixing and CP violation beyond the Standard Model.Comment: To appear in Prog. Theor. Phys. Vol. 122, No.1 (Special Issue
Progress in QCD Using Lattice Gauge Theory
Review of results from lattice QCD of relevance to standard-model
phenomenology, to appear in Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science. KEY
WORDS: hadron masses, quark mixing (CKM) matrix, weak matrix elements, strong
coupling constant.Comment: 41 pages LaTeX, FERMILAB-PUB-93/058-T. Figures and style file are
uuencoded and appended. Figures embedded with epsf.sty, available from the
Expected Precision of Higgs Boson Partial Widths within the Standard Model
We discuss the sources of uncertainty in calculations of the partial widths
of the Higgs boson within the Standard Model. The uncertainties come from two
sources: the truncation of perturbation theory and the uncertainties in input
parameters. We review the current status of perturbative calculations and note
that these are already reaching the parts-per-mil level of accuracy for the
major decay modes. The main sources of uncertainty will then come from the
parametric dependences on alpha_s, m_b, and m_c. Knowledge of these parameters
is systematically improvable through lattice gauge theory calculations. We
estimate the precision that lattice QCD will achieve in the next decade and the
corresponding precision of the Standard Model predictions for Higgs boson
partial widths.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor typo correction
Nonperturbative ``Lattice Perturbation Theory''
We discuss a program for replacing standard perturbative methods with Monte
Carlo simulations in short distance lattice gauge theory calculations.Comment: 3 pages, uuencoded Latex file, two embedded figures and .sty file
Field theoretic description of the abelian and non-abelian Josephson effect
We formulate the Josephson effect in a field theoretic language which affords
a straightforward generalization to the non-abelian case. Our formalism
interprets Josephson tunneling as the excitation of pseudo-Goldstone bosons. We
demonstrate the formalism through the consideration of a single junction
separating two regions with a purely non-abelian order parameter and a sandwich
of three regions where the central region is in a distinct phase. Applications
to various non-abelian symmetry breaking systems in particle and condensed
matter physics are given.Comment: 10 pages no figure
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