416 research outputs found

    Predictive Control for Alleviation of Gust Loads on Very Flexible Aircraft

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    In this work the dynamics of very flexible aircraft are described by a set of non-linear, multi-disciplinary equations of motion. Primary structural components are represented by a geometrically-exact composite beam model which captures the large dynamic deformations of the aircraft and the interaction between rigid-body and elastic degrees-of-freedom. In addition, an implementation of the unsteady vortex-lattice method capable of handling arbitrary kinematics is used to capture the unsteady, three-dimensional flow-eld around the aircraft as it deforms. Linearization of this coupled nonlinear description, which can in general be about a nonlinear reference state, is performed to yield relatively high-order linear time-invariant state-space models. Subsequent reduction of these models using standard balanced truncation results in low-order models suitable for the synthesis of online, optimization-based control schemes that incorporate actuator constraints. Predictive controllers are synthesized using these reduced-order models and applied to nonlinear simulations of the plant dynamics where they are shown to be superior to equivalent optimal linear controllers (LQR) for problems in which constraints are active

    Model-based Aeroservoelastic Design and Load Alleviation of Large Wind Turbine Blades

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    This paper presents an aeroservoelastic modeling approach for dynamic load alleviation in large wind turbines with trailing-edge aerodynamic surfaces. The tower, potentially on a moving base, and the rotating blades are modeled using geometrically non-linear composite beams, which are linearized around reference conditions with arbitrarily-large structural displacements. Time-domain aerodynamics are given by a linearized 3-D unsteady vortexlattice method and the resulting dynamic aeroelastic model is written in a state-space formulation suitable for model reductions and control synthesis. A linear model of a single blade is used to design a Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian regulator on its root-bending moments, which is finally shown to provide load reductions of about 20% in closed-loop on the full wind turbine non-linear aeroelastic model

    Modelling and control of the flame temperature distribution using probability density function shaping

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    This paper presents three control algorithms for the output probability density function (PDF) control of the 2D and 3D flame distribution systems. For the 2D flame distribution systems, control methods for both static and dynamic flame systems are presented, where at first the temperature distribution of the gas jet flames along the cross-section is approximated. Then the flame energy distribution (FED) is obtained as the output to be controlled by using a B-spline expansion technique. The general static output PDF control algorithm is used in the 2D static flame system, where the dynamic system consists of a static temperature model of gas jet flames and a second-order actuator. This leads to a second-order closed-loop system, where a singular state space model is used to describe the dynamics with the weights of the B-spline functions as the state variables. Finally, a predictive control algorithm is designed for such an output PDF system. For the 3D flame distribution systems, all the temperature values of the flames are firstly mapped into one temperature plane, and the shape of the temperature distribution on this plane can then be controlled by the 3D flame control method proposed in this paper. Three cases are studied for the proposed control methods and desired simulation results have been obtained

    Optimised configuration of sensors for fault tolerant control of an electro-magnetic suspension system

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    For any given system the number and location of sensors can affect the closed-loop performance as well as the reliability of the system. Hence, one problem in control system design is the selection of the sensors in some optimum sense that considers both the system performance and reliability. Although some methods have been proposed that deal with some of the aforementioned aspects, in this work, a design framework dealing with both control and reliability aspects is presented. The proposed framework is able to identify the best sensor set for which optimum performance is achieved even under single or multiple sensor failures with minimum sensor redundancy. The proposed systematic framework combines linear quadratic Gaussian control, fault tolerant control and multiobjective optimisation. The efficacy of the proposed framework is shown via appropriate simulations on an electro-magnetic suspension system

    Moving mass trim control system design

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    Feedback methods for inverse simulation of dynamic models for engineering systems applications

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    Inverse simulation is a form of inverse modelling in which computer simulation methods are used to find the time histories of input variables that, for a given model, match a set of required output responses. Conventional inverse simulation methods for dynamic models are computationally intensive and can present difficulties for high-speed applications. This paper includes a review of established methods of inverse simulation,giving some emphasis to iterative techniques that were first developed for aeronautical applications. It goes on to discuss the application of a different approach which is based on feedback principles. This feedback method is suitable for a wide range of linear and nonlinear dynamic models and involves two distinct stages. The first stage involves design of a feedback loop around the given simulation model and, in the second stage, that closed-loop system is used for inversion of the model. Issues of robustness within closed-loop systems used in inverse simulation are not significant as there are no plant uncertainties or external disturbances. Thus the process is simpler than that required for the development of a control system of equivalent complexity. Engineering applications of this feedback approach to inverse simulation are described through case studies that put particular emphasis on nonlinear and multi-input multi-output models

    A Dual-loop Model Predictive Voltage Control/Sliding-mode Current Control for Voltage Source Inverter Operation in Smart Microgrids

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    The design of a robust controller for the voltage source inverter is essential for reliable operation of distributed energy resources in future smart microgrids. The design problem is challenging in the case of autonomous operation subsequent to an islanding situation. In this article, a dual-loop controller is proposed for voltage source inverter control. The outer loop is designed for microgrid voltage and frequency regulation based on the model predictive control strategy. This outer loop generates reference inverter currents for the inner loop. The inner loop is designed using a sliding-mode control strategy, and it generates the pulse-width modulation voltage commands to regulate the inverter currents. A standard space vector algorithm is used to realize the pulse-width modulation voltage commands. Performance evaluation of the proposed controller is carried out for different loading scenarios. It is shown that the proposed dual-loop controller provides the specified performance characteristics of an islanded microgrid with different loading conditions.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/uemp20hb201