75 research outputs found

    Two-Dimensional Supersymmetry: From SUSY Quantum Mechanics to Integrable Classical Models

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    Two known 2-dim SUSY quantum mechanical constructions - the direct generalization of SUSY with first-order supercharges and Higher order SUSY with second order supercharges - are combined for a class of 2-dim quantum models, which {\it are not amenable} to separation of variables. The appropriate classical limit of quantum systems allows us to construct SUSY-extensions of original classical scalar Hamiltonians. Special emphasis is placed on the symmetry properties of the models thus obtained - the explicit expressions of quantum symmetry operators and of classical integrals of motion are given for all (scalar and matrix) components of SUSY-extensions. Using Grassmanian variables, the symmetry operators and classical integrals of motion are written in a unique form for the whole Superhamiltonian. The links of the approach to the classical Hamilton-Jacobi method for related "flipped" potentials are established.Comment: 19 page

    Double Shape Invariance of Two-Dimensional Singular Morse Model

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    A second shape invariance property of the two-dimensional generalized Morse potential is discovered. Though the potential is not amenable to conventional separation of variables, the above property allows to build purely algebraically part of the spectrum and corresponding wave functions, starting from {\it one} definite state, which can be obtained by the method of SUSYSUSY-separation of variables, proposed recently.Comment: 9 page

    Analytical Solution of Two-Dimensional Scarf II Model by Means of SUSY Methods

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    New two-dimensional quantum model - the generalization of the Scarf II - is completely solved analytically for the integer values of parameter. This model being not amenable to conventional procedure of separation of variables is solved by recently proposed method of supersymmetrical separation. The latter is based on two constituents of SUSY Quantum Mechanics: the intertwining relations with second order supercharges and the property of shape invariance. As a result, all energies of bound states were found, and the analytical expressions for corresponding wave functions were obtained.Comment: 18 pages; two misprints were improve

    Pseudo-Hermiticity of an Exactly Solvable Two-Dimensional Model

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    We study a two-dimensional exactly solvable non-Hermitian PTPT-non-symmetric quantum model with real spectrum, which is not amenable to separation of variables, by supersymmetrical methods. Here we focus attention on the property of pseudo-Hermiticity, biorthogonal expansion and pseudo-metric operator. To our knowledge this is the first time that pseudo-Hermiticity is realized explicitly for a nontrivial two-dimensional case. It is shown that the Hamiltonian of the model is not diagonalizable.Comment: 14 page

    Mixed quark-gluon condensate from instantons

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    We calculate the vacuum expectation value of the dimension-5 "mixed" quark-gluon operator, Oσ=ψˉ(λa/2)σμνψFμνaO_\sigma = \bar\psi (\lambda^a /2) \sigma_{\mu\nu} \psi F_{\mu\nu}^a, in the instanton vacuum. Within the 1/Nc1/N_c--expansion the QCD operator is replaced by an effective many-fermion operator, which is averaged over the effective theory of massive quarks derived from instantons. We find m02Oσ/ψˉψ4ρˉ2=1.4GeV2m_0^2 \equiv \langle O_\sigma \rangle / \langle \bar\psi\psi \rangle \approx 4 \bar\rho^{-2} = 1.4 GeV^2, somewhat larger than the estimate from QCD sum rules for the nucleon.Comment: 10 p, LaTeX, 1 figure included using eps

    A Class of Partially Solvable Two-Dimensional Quantum Models with Periodic Potentials

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    The supersymmetrical approach is used to analyse a class of two-dimensional quantum systems with periodic potentials. In particular, the method of SUSY-separation of variables allowed us to find a part of the energy spectra and the corresponding wave functions (partial solvability) for several models. These models are not amenable to conventional separation of variables, and they can be considered as two-dimensional generalizations of Lame, associated Lame, and trigonometric Razavy potentials. All these models have the symmetry operators of fourth order in momenta, and one of them (the Lame potential) obeys the property of self-isospectrality.Comment: 22 pages; some typos corrected; new reference adde

    Estimates of higher-dimensional vacuum condensates from the instanton vacuum

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    We calculate the values of non-factorizable dimension-7 vacuum condensates in the instanton vacuum. We comment on a method, recently proposed by Oganesian, to estimate the dimension-7 condensates by factorization of dimension-10 condensates in various inequivalent ways. The instanton estimates could be used to analyze the stability of QCD sum rules with increasing dimensions.Comment: 8 pages, Late

    Topologically protected quantum states and quantum computing in Josephson junctions arrays

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    We review recent results on a new class of Josephson arrays which have non-trivial topology and exhibit a novel quantum states at low temperatures. One of these states is characterized by long range order in a two Cooper pair condensate and by a discrete topological order parameter. The second state is insulating and can be considered as a result of evolution of the former state due to Bose-condensation of usual superconductive vortices with a flux quantum 0. Quantum phase transition between these two states is controlled by variation of external magnetic field. Both the superconductive and insulating states are characterized by the presence of 2K-degenerate ground states, with K being the number of topologically different cycles existing in the plane of the array. This degeneracy is «protected» from the external perturbations (and noise) by the topological order parameter and spectral gap. We show that in ideal conditions the low order effect of the external perturbations on this degeneracy is exactly zero and that deviations from ideality lead to only exponentially small effects of perturbations. We argue that this system provides a physical implementation of an ideal quantum computer with a built in error correction. A number of relatively simple «echo-like» experiments possible on small-size arrays are discussed

    Polynomial SUSY in Quantum Mechanics and Second Derivative Darboux Transformation

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    We give the classification of second-order polynomial SUSY Quantum Mechanics in one and two dimensions. The particular attention is paid to the irreducible supercharges which cannot be built by repetition of ordinary Darboux transformations. In two dimensions it is found that the binomial superalgebra leads to the dynamic symmetry generated by a central charge operator.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, preprint SPbU-IP-94-0

    Two-dimensional Schr\"odinger Hamiltonians with Effective Mass in SUSY Approach

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    The general solution of SUSY intertwining relations of first order for two-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators with position-dependent (effective) mass is built in terms of four arbitrary functions. The procedure of separation of variables for the constructed potentials is demonstrated in general form. The generalization for intertwining of second order is also considered. The general solution for a particular form of intertwining operator is found, its properties - symmetry, irreducibility, separation of variables - are investigated.Comment: 16 page