32,147 research outputs found
Comment on some proposed mechanisms for attenuation of third sound
Two explanations have been proposed for an apparent discrepancy between theoretical prediction and experimental measurement of third-sound attenuation. One of these proposes a new "macroscopic quantum uncertainly principle," and the other proceeds via nonlinear, anharmonic effects due to zero-point fluctuations. We argue that neither suggestion is acceptable
Anomalous low temperature specific heat of He-3 inside nanotube bundles
Helium atoms and hydrogen molecules can be strongly bound inside interstitial
channels within bundles of carbon nanotubes. An exploration of the low energy
and low temperature properties of He-3 atoms is presented here. Recent study of
the analogous He-4 system has shown that the effect of heterogeneity is to
yield a density of states N(E) that is qualitatively different from the
one-dimensional (1D) form of N(E) that would occur for an ideal set of
identical channels. In particular, the functional form of N(E) is that of a 4D
gas near the very lowest energies and a 2D gas at somewhat higher energies.
Similar behavior is found here for He-3. The resulting thermodynamic behavior
of this fermi system is computed, yielding an anomalous form of the heat
capacity and its dependence on coverage.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure
Bound state of dimers on a spherical surface
The study of particle motion on spherical surfaces is relevant to adsorption
on buckyballs and other solid particles. This paper reports results for the
binding energy of such dimers, consisting of two light particles (He atoms or
hydrogen molecules) constrained to move on a spherical surface. The binding
energy reaches a particularly large value when the radius of the sphere is
about 3/4 of the particles' diameter.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to JLTP, conference proceedings QFS
Quantum fluids in nanopores
We describe calculations of the properties of quantum fluids inside nanotubes
of various sizes. Very small radius () pores confine the gases to a line, so
that a one-dimensional (1D) approximation is applicable; the low temperature
behavior of 1D He is discussed. Somewhat larger pores permit the particles
to move off axis, resulting eventually in a transition to a cylindrical shell
phase--a thin film near the tube wall; we explored this behavior for H. At
even larger nm, both the shell phase and an axial phase are present.
Results showing strong binding of cylindrical liquids He and He are
discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, uses ws-ijmpb, graphicx, xspace; minor revisions
from version published in Proc. 13th Intl. Conference on Recent Progress in
Many-Body Theories (QMBT13), Buenos Aires, 200
Dilation-induced phases of gases absorbed within a bundle of carbon nanotubes
A study is presented of the effects of gas (especially H2) absorption within
the interstitial channels of a bundle of carbon nanotubes. The ground state of
the system is determined by minimizing the total energy, which includes the
molecules' interaction with the tubes, the inter-tube interaction, and the
molecules' mutual interaction (which is screened by the tubes). The
consequences of swelling include a significant increase in the gas uptake and a
3 per cent increase in the tubes' breathing mode frecuency.Comment: 4 page
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