844 research outputs found
Magnetoresistance due to edge spin accumulation
Because of spin-orbit interaction, an electrical current is accompanied by a
spin current resulting in spin accumulation near the sample edges. Due again to
spin-orbit interaction this causes a small decrease of the sample resistance.
An applied magnetic field will destroy the edge spin polarization leading to a
positive magnetoresistance. This effect provides means to study spin
accumulation by electrical measurements. The origin and the general properties
of the phenomenological equations describing coupling between charge and spin
currents are also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Minor corrections corresponding to the published
Dyakonov-Perel spin relaxation near metal-insulator transition and in hopping transport
In a heavily doped semiconductor with weak spin-orbital interaction the
Dyakonov-Perel spin relaxation rate is known to be proportional to the Drude
conductivity. We argue that in the case of weak spin-orbital interaction this
proportionality goes beyond the Drude mechanism: it stays valid through the
metal-insulator transition and in the range of the exponentially small hopping
conductivity.Comment: 3 page
"Phase Diagram" of the Spin Hall Effect
We obtain analytic formulas for the frequency-dependent spin-Hall
conductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the presence of
impurities, linear spin-orbit Rashba interaction, and external magnetic field
perpendicular to the 2DEG. We show how different mechanisms (skew-scattering,
side-jump, and spin precession) can be brought in or out of focus by changing
controllable parameters such as frequency, magnetic field, and temperature. We
find, in particular, that the d.c. spin Hall conductivity vanishes in the
absence of a magnetic field, while a magnetic field restores the
skew-scattering and side-jump contributions proportionally to the ratio of
magnetic and Rashba fields.Comment: Some typos correcte
Is Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Really Possible?
The so-called "threshold" theorem says that, once the error rate per qubit
per gate is below a certain value, indefinitely long quantum computation
becomes feasible, even if all of the qubits involved are subject to relaxation
processes, and all the manipulations with qubits are not exact. The purpose of
this article, intended for physicists, is to outline the ideas of quantum error
correction and to take a look at the proposed technical instruction for
fault-tolerant quantum computation. It seems that the mathematics behind the
threshold theorem is somewhat detached from the physical reality, and that some
ideal elements are always present in the construction. This raises serious
doubts about the possibility of large scale quantum computations, even as a
matter of principle.Comment: Based on a talk given at the Future Trends in Microelectronics
workshop, Crete, June 2006. 8 pages, 1 figur
Spin Hall effect in a system of Dirac fermions in the honeycomb lattice with intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit interaction
We consider spin Hall effect in a system of massless Dirac fermions in a
graphene lattice. Two types of spin-orbit interaction, pertinent to the
graphene lattice, are taken into account - the intrinsic and Rashba terms.
Assuming perfect crystal lattice, we calculate the topological contribution to
spin Hall conductivity. When both interactions are present, their interplay is
shown to lead to some peculiarities in the dependence of spin Hall conductivity
on the Fermi level.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
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