170,202 research outputs found
Nonlinear Young integrals via fractional calculus
For H\"older continuous functions and , we define
nonlinear integral via fractional calculus. This
nonlinear integral arises naturally in the Feynman-Kac formula for stochastic
heat equations with random coefficients. We also define iterated nonlinear
integrals.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1404.758
Quantized Quasi-Two Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensates with Spatially Modulated Nonlinearity
We investigate the localized nonlinear matter waves of the quasi-two
dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates with spatially modulated nonlinearity in
harmonic potential. It is shown that the whole Bose-Einstein condensates,
similar to the linear harmonic oscillator, can have an arbitrary number of
localized nonlinear matter waves with discrete energies, which are
mathematically exact orthogonal solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation.
Their novel properties are determined by the principle quantum number n and
secondary quantum number l: the parity of the matter wave functions and the
corresponding energy levels depend only on n, and the numbers of density
packets for each quantum state depend on both n and l which describe the
topological properties of the atom packets. We also give an experimental
protocol to observe these novel phenomena in future experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Light scattering and absorption properties of dust particles retrieved from satellite measurements
We use the radiative transfer model and chemistry transport model to improve our retrievals of dust optical properties from satellite measurements. The optical depth and absorbing optical depth of mineral dust can be obtained from our improved retrieval algorithm. The solar radiative forcing of dust aerosols has also been calculated using refined optical model and radiative transfer model
Cosmological Information from Lensed CMB Power Spectra
Gravitational lensing distorts the cosmic microwave background (CMB)
temperature and polarization fields and encodes valuable information on
distances and growth rates at intermediate redshifts into the lensed power
spectra. The non-Gaussian bandpower covariance induced by the lenses is
negligible to l=2000 for all but the B polarization field where it increases
the net variance by up to a factor of 10 and favors an observing strategy with
3 times more area than if it were Gaussian. To quantify the cosmological
information, we introduce two lensing observables, characterizing nearly all of
the information, which simplify the study of non-Gaussian impact, parameter
degeneracies, dark energy models, and complementarity with other cosmological
probes. Information on the intermediate redshift parameters rapidly becomes
limited by constraints on the cold dark matter density and initial amplitude of
fluctuations as observations improve. Extraction of this information requires
deep polarization measurements on only 5-10% of the sky, and can improve Planck
lensing constraints by a factor of ~2-3 on any one of the parameters w_0, w_a,
Omega_K, sum(m_nu) with the others fixed. Sensitivity to the curvature and
neutrino mass are the highest due to the high redshift weight of CMB lensing
but degeneracies between the parameters must be broken externally.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, submitted to PR
Mapping functions and critical behavior of percolation on rectangular domains
The existence probability and the percolation probability of the
bond percolation on rectangular domains with different aspect ratios are
studied via the mapping functions between systems with different aspect ratios.
The superscaling behavior of and for such systems with exponents
and , respectively, found by Watanabe, Yukawa, Ito, and Hu in [Phys. Rev.
Lett. \textbf{93}, 190601 (2004)] can be understood from the lower order
approximation of the mapping functions and for and ,
respectively; the exponents and can be obtained from numerically
determined mapping functions and , respectively.Comment: 17 pages with 6 figure
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