12,667,756 research outputs found
Photon Multiplicity Measurements : From SPS to RHIC and LHC
Results from the photon multiplicity measurements using a fine granularity
preshower photon multiplicity detector (PMD) at CERN SPS are discussed. These
include study of pseudo-rapidity distributions of photons, scaling of photon
multiplicity with number of participating nucleons, centrality dependence of
mean transverse momentum of photons, event-by-event fluctuations in photon
multiplicity and localised charged-neutral fluctuations. Basic features of the
PMD to be used in STAR experiment at RHIC and in ALICE experiment at LHC are
also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, Invited talk at the 4th International Conference on the
Physcis and Astrophysics of the Quark-Gluon-Plasma, November 2001, Jaipur,
India, to appear in Praman
On the linear increase of the flux tube thickness near the deconfinement transition
We study the flux tube thickness of a generic Lattice Gauge Theory near the
deconfining phase transition. It is well known that the effective string model
predicts a logarithmic increase of the flux tube thickness as a function of the
interquark distance for any confining LGT at zero temperature. It is perhaps
less known that this same model predicts a linear increase in the vicinity of
the deconfinement transition. We present a precise derivation of this result
and compare it with a set of high precision simulations in the case of the 3d
gauge Ising model.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, minor changes. Accepted for publication in JHE
Finding Exponential Product Formulas of Higher Orders
In the present article, we review a continual effort on generalization of the
Trotter formula to higher-order exponential product formulas. The exponential
product formula is a good and useful approximant, particularly because it
conserves important symmetries of the system dynamics. We focuse on two
algorithms of constructing higher-order exponential product formulas. The first
is the fractal decomposition, where we construct higher-order formulas
recursively. The second is to make use of the quantum analysis, where we
compute higher-order correction terms directly. As interludes, we also have
described the decomposition of symplectic integrators, the approximation of
time-ordered exponentials, and the perturbational composition.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures. To be published in the conference proceedings
''Quantum Annealing and Other Optimization Methods," eds. B.K.Chakrabarti and
A.Das (Springer, Heidelberg
The xSAP Safety Analysis Platform
This paper describes the xSAP safety analysis platform. xSAP provides several
model-based safety analysis features for finite- and infinite-state synchronous
transition systems. In particular, it supports library-based definition of
fault modes, an automatic model extension facility, generation of safety
analysis artifacts such as Dynamic Fault Trees (DFTs) and Failure Mode and
Effects Analysis (FMEA) tables. Moreover, it supports probabilistic evaluation
of Fault Trees, failure propagation analysis using Timed Failure Propagation
Graphs (TFPGs), and Common Cause Analysis (CCA). xSAP has been used in several
industrial projects as verification back-end, and is currently being evaluated
in a joint R&D Project involving FBK and The Boeing Company
Photon Neutrino Scattering in Non-Commutative Space
We extend the non-commutative standard model based on the minimal
gauge group to include the interaction of photon
with neutrino. We show that, in the gauge invariant manner, only the right
handed neutrino can directly couple to the photon. Consequently, we obtain the
Feynman rule for the -vertex which does not exist in the
minimal extension of non-commutative standard model (mNCSM). We calculate the
amplitude for in both the nonminimal non-commutative
standard model (nmNCSM) and the extended version of mNCSM. The obtained cross
section grows in the center of mass frame, respectively, as
and which can exceed the
cross section for and in
the high energy limit in the commutative space.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Neutral interstellar He parameters in front of the heliosphere 1994--2007
Analysis of IBEX measurements of neutral interstellar He flux brought the
inflow velocity vector different from the results of earlier analysis of
observations from GAS/Ulysses. Recapitulation of results on the helium inflow
direction from the past ~40 years suggested that the inflow direction may be
changing with time. We reanalyze the old Ulysses data and reprocess them to
increase the accuracy of the instrument pointing to investigate if the GAS
observations support the hypothesis that the interstellar helium inflow
direction is changing. We employ a similar analysis method as in the analysis
of the IBEX data. We seek a parameter set that minimizes reduced chi-squared,
using the Warsaw Test Particle Model for the interstellar He flux at Ulysses
with a state of the art model of neutral He ionization in the heliosphere, and
precisely reproducing the observation conditions. We also propose a
supplementary method of constraining the parameters based on cross-correlations
of parameters obtained from analysis of carefully selected subsets of data. We
find that the ecliptic longitude and speed of interstellar He are in a very
good agreement with the values reported in the original GAS analysis. We find,
however, that the temperature is markedly higher. The 3-seasons optimum
parameter set is lambda = 255.3, beta = 6, v = 26.0 km/s, T = 7500 K. We find
no evidence that it is varying with time, but the uncertainty range is larger
than originally reported. The originally-derived parameters of interstellar He
from GAS are in good agreement with presently derived, except for the
temperature, which seems to be appreciably higher, in good agreement with
interstellar absorption line results. While the results of the present analysis
are in marginal agreement with the earlier reported results from IBEX, the most
likely values from the two analyses differ for reasons that are still not
understood.Comment: submitted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
The Elusive p-air Cross Section
For the \pbar p and systems, we have used all of the extensive data of
the Particle Data Group[K. Hagiwara {\em et al.} (Particle Data Group), Phys.
Rev. D 66, 010001 (2002).]. We then subject these data to a screening process,
the ``Sieve'' algorithm[M. M. Block, physics/0506010.], in order to eliminate
``outliers'' that can skew a fit. With the ``Sieve'' algorithm, a
robust fit using a Lorentzian distribution is first made to all of the data to
sieve out abnormally high \delchi, the individual i point's
contribution to the total . The fits are then made to the
sieved data. We demonstrate that we cleanly discriminate between asymptotic
and behavior of total hadronic cross sections when we require
that these amplitudes {\em also} describe, on average, low energy data
dominated by resonances. We simultaneously fit real analytic amplitudes to the
``sieved'' high energy measurements of and total cross sections
and -values for GeV, while requiring that their asymptotic
fits smoothly join the the and total cross
sections at 4.0 GeV--again {\em both} in magnitude and slope. Our
results strongly favor a high energy fit, basically excluding a fit. Finally, we make a screened Glauber fit for the p-air cross section,
using as input our precisely-determined cross sections at cosmic ray
energies.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 2 table,Paper delivered at c2cr2005 Conference,
Prague, September 7-13, 2005. Fig. 2 was missing from V1. V3 fixes all
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