2,237 research outputs found

    Renyi entropies for classical stringnet models

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    In quantum mechanics, stringnet condensed states - a family of prototypical states exhibiting non-trivial topological order - can be classified via their long-range entanglement properties, in particular topological corrections to the prevalent area law of the entanglement entropy. Here we consider classical analogs of such stringnet models whose partition function is given by an equal-weight superposition of classical stringnet configurations. Our analysis of the Shannon and Renyi entropies for a bipartition of a given system reveals that the prevalent volume law for these classical entropies is augmented by subleading topological corrections that are intimately linked to the anyonic theories underlying the construction of the classical models. We determine the universal values of these topological corrections for a number of underlying anyonic theories including su(2)_k, su(N)_1, and su(N)_2 theories

    Quantum spin liquid with a Majorana Fermi surface on the three-dimensional hyperoctagon lattice

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    Motivated by the recent synthesis of β\beta-Li2_2IrO3_3 -- a spin-orbit entangled j=1/2j=1/2 Mott insulator with a three-dimensional lattice structure of the Ir4+^{4+} ions -- we consider generalizations of the Kitaev model believed to capture some of the microscopic interactions between the Iridium moments on various trivalent lattice structures in three spatial dimensions. Of particular interest is the so-called hyperoctagon lattice -- the premedial lattice of the hyperkagome lattice, for which the ground state is a gapless quantum spin liquid where the gapless Majorana modes form an extended two-dimensional Majorana Fermi surface. We demonstrate that this Majorana Fermi surface is inherently protected by lattice symmetries and discuss possible instabilities. We thus provide the first example of an analytically tractable microscopic model of interacting SU(2) spin-1/2 degrees of freedom in three spatial dimensions that harbors a spin liquid with a two-dimensional spinon Fermi surface

    TIPPtool: Compositional Specification and Analysis of Markovian Performance Models

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    In this short paper we briefly describe a tool which is based on a Markovian stochastic process algebra. The tool offers both model specification and quantitative model analysis in a compositional fashion, wrapped in a userfriendly graphical front-end

    Electronic double-excitations in quantum wells: solving the two-time Kadanoff-Baym equations

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    For a quantum many-body system, the direct population of states of double-excitation character is a clear indication that correlations importantly contribute to its nonequilibrium properties. We analyze such correlation-induced transitions by propagating the nonequilibrium Green's functions in real-time within the second Born approximation. As crucial benchmarks, we compute the absorption spectrum of few electrons confined in quantum wells of different width. Our results include the full two-time solution of the Kadanoff-Baym equations as well as of their time-diagonal limit and are compared to Hartree-Fock and exact diagonalization data

    Ultrafast dynamics of finite Hubbard clusters - a stochastic mean-field approach

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    Finite lattice models are a prototype for strongly correlated quantum systems and capture essential properties of condensed matter systems. With the dramatic progress in ultracold atoms in optical lattices, finite fermionic Hubbard systems have become directly accessible in experiments, including their ultrafast dynamics far from equilibrium. Here, we present a theoretical approach that is able to treat these dynamics in any dimension and fully includes inhomogeneity effects. The method consists in stochastic sampling of mean-field trajectories and is found to be more accurate and efficient than current nonequilibrium Green functions approaches. This is demonstrated for Hubbard clusters with up to 512 particles in one, two and three dimensions

    Ab initio transport results for strongly correlated fermions

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    Quantum transport of strongly correlated fermions is of central interest in condensed matter physics. Here, we present first-principle nonequilibrium Green functions results using TT-matrix selfenergies for finite Hubbard clusters of dimension 1,2,31,2,3. We compute the expansion dynamics following a potential quench and predict its dependence on the interaction strength and particle number. We discover a universal scaling, allowing an extrapolation to infinite-size systems, which shows excellent agreement with recent cold atom diffusion experiments [Schneider et al., Nat. Phys. 8, 213 (2012)]