55 research outputs found
Additional file 1: of The impact of influenza on the health related quality of life in China: an EQ-5D survey
Overview of published estimates of background health weight for influenza patients. (DOCX 23 kb
Additional file 3: of The impact of influenza on the health related quality of life in China: an EQ-5D survey
Definition of hospital levels. (DOCX 19 kb
Additional file 2: Figure S1. of The impact of influenza on the health related quality of life in China: an EQ-5D survey
Map of geographic regions in mainland China. (TIFF 1033 kb
Additional file 1 of Decreased influenza vaccination coverage among Chinese healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Additional file 1: Questionnair
Additional file 2 of Decreased influenza vaccination coverage among Chinese healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Additional file 2: Table S1. Characteristics of HCWs surveyed and in China Health Statistics Yearbook 2021
Predictors of influenza seasonal characteristics by virus type (influenza A, B, and total) in 30 Chinese provinces, 2005–2011.
<p>Putative predictors include climate, geographic, population, and sampling factors. Seasonal characteristics were based on linear seasonal regression models fitted to province-specific weekly laboratory surveillance data (<a href="http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001552#pmed-1001552-g004" target="_blank">Figure 4</a>). Point estimates and standard errors provided in the table are based on hierarchical Bayesian regression of seasonal characteristics against province-specific covariates, with observation variances estimated by bootstrap resampling of seasonal parameters.</p>a<p>Amplitude of semi-annual cycle divided by the sum of amplitudes of semi-annual and annual cycles.</p>b<p>5% threshold criterion.</p>c<p>No covariate remained in final model.</p>d<p>Annual number of passengers leaving or entering the province, divided by province-specific population size.</p
Map of Chinese provinces conducting influenza surveillance (<i>n</i> = 30).
<p>Dots indicate the location of the capital city in each province. A total of 193 hospitals participate in disease surveillance, representing 88 cities. Colors illustrate different climatic domains (black, cold-temperate; blue, mid-temperate; green, warm-temperate; orange, subtropical; red, tropical). Different symbols indicate the type of surveillance scheme (circles, year-round surveillance; triangles, Oct through Mar surveillance).</p
Background characteristics of the 30 provinces involved in influenza surveillance and information on influenza sampling intensity, 2005–2011, China.
a<p>Number of cities and hospitals participating in surveillance.</p>b<p>Indicates year-round influenza surveillance before 2009 (all provinces switched to year-round surveillance in the post-2009 pandemic period).</p><p>C, cold temperate; GRP, gross regional product; MT, mid-temperate; ST, subtropical; T, tropical; WT, warm temperate;</p
Additional file 5: Table S2. of The impact of influenza on the health related quality of life in China: an EQ-5D survey
Comparison of the health-related quality of life for influenza patients aged 16 years and above between the self-report and proxy-report groups. (DOCX 22 kb
Additional file 6: Table S3. of The impact of influenza on the health related quality of life in China: an EQ-5D survey
Health-related quality of life of influenza patients stratified by time delay between survey and the influenza episode. (DOCX 32 kb
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