4,618 research outputs found
Prediction of overwash in alongshore variable barrier islands [Previsão da ocorrência de galgamentos em ilhas barreira com variabilidade longilitoral]
Overwash prediction is very important for coastal zone
management. This work intends to identify alongshore variations in
storm impact and evaluate the role of sub-aerial and submerged
morphologies in overwash occurrence. For this study, 24 cross-shore
topo-bathymetric profiles were set on Barreta Island (Ria Formosa
barrier island system, Portugal). Pre- and post-overwash surveys were
made between August 2012 and April 2013. During overwash events,
tidal levels and wave parameters at breaking were obtained. Overwash
occurred under storm and non-storm conditions, the latter coincident
with spring high-tide. Beach morphology was spatially variable, and
changeable from one overwash episode to the next. Predictions of
overwash occurrence were made using the Overwash Potential, defined
as the difference between runup and barrier elevation. Several runup
equations were tested, and the results compared to the actual
observations. The selected predictor provided an accuracy of 88% for
the identification of the locations where overwash occurred. This study
proves that nearshore and foreshore morphologies have a major impact
on the longshore distribution of overwash.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection in Two Dimensions
Two-dimensional numerical simulations of the effect of background turbulence
on 2D resistive magnetic reconnection are presented. For sufficiently small
values of the resistivity () and moderate values of the turbulent power
(), the reconnection rate is found to have a much weaker dependence
on than the Sweet-Parker scaling of and is even consistent
with an independent value. For a given value of , the dependence
of the reconnection rate on the turbulent power exhibits a critical threshold
in above which the reconnection rate is significantly enhanced.Comment: Accepted to MNRA
Consequences of being deeply in love: The fan-football club relationship
The aim of this research is to explore the consequences of being in love and committed to a
football (soccer) club and a team for the fans. Data was collected through 28 in-depth interviews.
In the qualitative data collection for this work first we realize 97 telephone interviews and then
we made 28 in-depth interviews. In this paper we present the findings of the 28 in-depth
interviews concerning the consequences of being deeply in love with the football club.
Respondents were between 22 and 70 years of age and engaged in a range of different jobs and
functions. The interviews were recorded and transcribed and the NVIVO software was employed
to help in content data analysis. The findings reveal six major themes: personal, financial, family,
life planning, job and friends.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
Cause-related marketing in the digital era: how enterprises can deal with international campaigns in individualist versus collectivist countries
The purpose of the paper is to (i) analyze how different users of social media (Twitter) interact and spread cause-related communication and (ii) explore how people search for cause-related marketing campaigns online, allowing a comparison between individualist and collectivist cultures. A social network analysis was used to map the different types of networks created by online users. A second in-depth study on how online users search for cause-related marketing campaigns used a 5-year analysis. Online users in individualist countries are more engaged with a broader community than those in collectivist countries who focus their attention on a narrower set of CRM messages. These findings are useful insights for companies and charities, which should adopt different strategies depending on the culture.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
Sistema de Evaluación Docente en la Enseñanza de la Facultad de Ingeniería
Hasta hace un tiempo la evaluación docente en la función enseñanza no había sido considerada una actividad importante, en parte debido a que la mejora de la calidad del profesorado no se veía como un aspecto primordial de la mejora global de la calidad de la enseñanza. En las últimas décadas el esfuerzo ha debido centrarse en la mejora del currículo, en el cambio de determinados métodos de gestión institucional y en el desarrollo de nuevos programas. La evaluación de profesorado, donde se ha implementado, ha sido con frecuencia una práctica a la que se han dedicado pocos recursos y poca atención organizativa. En la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de la República (Uruguay) ha existido esta preocupación desde hace años, implementándose una encuesta de opinión estudiantil, a iniciativa de los estudiantes y apoyada por la Institución. Desde el año 2001 se ha estado trabajando en un Sistema de Evaluación Docente en la Enseñanza que contemple otras variables que inciden en la función de enseñanza, abordando el análisis con metodologías cuali y cuantitativas. Se complementa de este modo la información obtenida del formulario estudiantil con otros instrumentos que aportan información proveniente de otras fuentes, logrando así una comprensión global del fenómeno en estudio. Este diseño así como su estrategia de implementación han sido llevados adelante por la Unidad de Enseñanza y la comisión de Políticas de Enseñanza de la Facultad de Ingeniería. El objetivo general de esta iniciativa es el mejoramiento de la enseñanza en la Facultad. Para ello se plantean dos objetivos particulares: mejorar los cursos y ayudar a los docentes (fundamentalmente a los más jóvenes) especialmente para poder enfrentar las dificultades de la masividad creciente. Se constató consenso en diferentes aspectos que se comentarán, entre otros que un sistema de evaluación de este tipo sólo tiene sentido si es universal, se aplica de manera sistemática y con continuidad. En función de lo expuesto se presenta la propuesta que está siendo implementada en forma experimental desde el segundo semestre del año 2002 en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de la República
I am avoiding it! a seniors' perspectives about advertising
The aims are to analyze (i) the relationship between drivers to ad avoidance among senior
viewers and (ii) compare the perceptions about those drivers between TV advertising and
YouTube advertising. Findings reveal that irritation seems to be the crucial factor that lead
consumers to avoid whacking advertisings. A negative attitude toward advertising and
skepticism do not mediate the effect between advertising irritation and avoidance.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
Attitude and emotions of young Portuguese tourists toward international risk destinations.
The main goals of this ongoing study are to learn about attitude of young Portuguese tourists about risk
destinations and their emotions about traveling out of the country.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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