277 research outputs found
A case of a bilateral accessory digastric muscle
Abnormalities of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle are rare but have
received increased attention by radiologists in recent years in an attempt to
avoid confusion with submental cysts or enlarged submental lymph nodes on
CT or MR images. We present a case of bilateral accessory digastric muscles
which fuse (partially) with the midline raphe of the mylohyoid muscle. Fibres
from the right accessory anterior digastric muscle proceeded to decussate and
join the mylohyoid muscle and the contralateral insertion of the digastric muscle.
Embryological development and possible clinical consequences are discussed
One of the most famous American Surgeons of the early 1800s was Samuel David Gross (1805-1884). His mastery of surgery was immortalized in Thomas Eakins’ 1875 painting of Gross titled The Gross Clinic. Gross was a prolific surgeon and one of his textbooks, a System of Surgery, went through 6 editions. Not known to many is the fact that this book also covered neurosurgical diseases and techniques. Gross was a skilled surgeon and able writer. His textbooks on surgery were well received in his day. Moreover, he should be considered an early pioneer of neurosurgery as his System of Surgery is filled with neurosurgical diagnoses and neurosurgical techniques.Samuel David Gross (1805.–1884.) bio je jedan od najpoznatijih američkih kirurga prvog dijela 19. stoljeća. Njegova kirurška vještina stekla je besmrtnost u Grossovoj slici Thomasa Eakinsa iz 1875. naslovljenoj Grossova klinika (The Gross Clinic). Gross je bio plodan kirurg i jedan je od njegovih udžbenika, Sustav kirurgije (System of Surgery), doživio 6 izdanja.
Ono što je malo poznato jest činjenica da je ta knjiga također pokrila neurokirurške bolesti i tehnike. Gross je bio vješt kirurg i sposoban pisac. Njegovi udžbenici o kirurgiji bili su dobro primljeni u njegovo vrijeme. Štoviše, trebao bi se smatrati ranim pionirom neurokirurgije, budući da je njegov Sustav kirurgije ispunjen neurokirurškim dijagnozama i neurokirurškim tehnikama
A retroesophageal right subclavian artery originating from the left aortic arch - a case report and review of the literature
The retroesophageal right subclavian artery is an anatomical abnormality encountered
by anatomists and pathologists and recently interventional cardiologists
and thoracic surgeons have also come across this phenomenon.
We report a case of a retroesophageal right subclavian artery arising from a normally
located left aortic arch in a young male autopsied in the Department of
Forensic Service of Warsaw Medical University. In addition to the aforementioned
anomaly, the presence of a right non-recurrent inferior laryngeal nerve
was noticed. The possible embryonic development of these branching patterns
and their clinical significance is discussed
Granville Sharp Pattison was a Scottish anatomist and surgeon who also taught in the United States. This character from the history of anatomy lived a very colourful life. As many are unaware of Pattison, the present review of his life, contributions, and controversies seemed appropriate. Although Pattison was known to be a good anatomist, he will be remembered for his association with a propensity for conflict both in Europe and the United States.Granville Sharp Pattison je škotski anatom i kirurg koji je također podučavao u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Ovaj lik iz povijesti anatomije živio je vrlo šaroliki život. Budući da mnogi nisu upoznati s Pattisonom, ovaj pregled njegova života, doprinosa i kontroverzi čini se prikladnim. Iako je Pattison bio poznat kao dobar anatom, on će biti zapamćen po svojoj povezanosti sa sklonošću sukobima i u Europi i u SAD-u
External cortical landmarks and measurements for the temporal horn: Anatomic study with application to surgery of the temporal lobe
The location of the temporal horn is important to neurosurgeons during procedures such as amygdalohippocampectomy and intraventricular electrode placement for temporal lobe seizure monitoring. However, sometimes the temporal horn is difficult to localize, especially without neuronavigation. The authors aimed to better localize this structure using superficial anatomic landmarks.
Twenty-two brain halves were dissected from the midline, and the fornix identified and followed toward the left and right temporal horns. Once the temporal horn was isolated from a mesial approach, 6-cm long needles were placed into its anterior and posterior walls of the temporal horn and passed laterally from the axial plane to the cortical surface. Pin exit sites were marked externally and measurements taken between the outer temporal lobe cortex and the underlying temporal horn.
No statistical differences were noted between left and right sides. The temporal horn was generally directed anteroinferiorly and best marked externally by the inferior temporal sulcus. The mean length of the temporal horn was 4.4 cm. Mean distance from anterior temporal tip to anterior wall of the temporal horn was 3.3 cm. The mean distance from the anterior temporal tip to the posterior wall of the temporal horn was 7 cm. The anterior wall of the temporal horn was a mean of 3 mm superior to the inferior temporal sulcus. The posterior wall was a mean of 1.2 cm superior to the inferior temporal sulcus.
These landmarks and measurements may help neurosurgeons better localize this part of the lateral ventricular system
Giant Arachnoid Granulation Associated with Anomalous Draining Vein: A Case Report.
Giant arachnoid granulations (AG) can mimic intracranial lesions. Knowledge of these structures can help avoid misdiagnosis when interpreting imaging. Here, we report a child who presented with a mass within the superior sagittal sinus and an anomalous draining vein. Herein, the diagnosis of a giant AG was made. Clinicians who view or interpret imaging of the head should be aware of these anatomical variants and though when very large, apparently, do not necessarily result in pathology. Based on our case report, giant AG might also demonstrate anomalous draining veins
The Intramuscular Course of the Greater Occipital Nerve: Novel Findings with Potential Implications for Operative Interventions and Occipital Neuralgia
Background: A better understanding of the etiologies of occipital neuralgia would help the clinician treat patients with this debilitating condition. Since few studies have examined the muscular course of the greater occipital nerve (GON), this study was performed.
Methods: Thirty adult cadaveric sides underwent dissection of the posterior occiput with special attention to the intramuscular course of the GON. Nerves were typed based on their muscular course.
Results: The GON traveled through the trapezius (type I; n = 5, 16.7%) or its aponeurosis (type II; n = 15, 83.3%) to become subcutaneous. Variations in the subtrapezius muscular course were found in 10 (33%) sides. In two (6.7%) sides, the GON traveled through the lower edge of the inferior capitis oblique muscle (subtype a). On five (16.7%) sides, the GON coursed through a tendinous band of the semispinalis capitis, not through its muscular fibers (subtype b). On three (10%) sides the GON bypassed the semispinalis capitis muscle to travel between its most medial fibers and the nuchal ligament (subtype c). For subtypes, eight were type II courses (through the aponeurosis of the trapezius), and two were type I courses (through the trapezius muscle). The authors identified two type IIa courses, four type IIb courses, and two type IIc courses. Type I courses included one type Ib and one type Ic courses.
Conclusions: Variations in the muscular course of the GON were common. Future studies correlating these findings with the anatomy in patients with occipital neuralgia may elucidate nerve courses vulnerable to nerve compression. This enhanced classification scheme describes the morphology in this region and allows more specific communications about GON variations
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