74,731 research outputs found
On Conditions for Convergence to Consensus
A new theorem on conditions for convergence to consensus of a multiagent
time-dependent time-discrete dynamical system is presented. The theorem is
build up on the notion of averaging maps. We compare this theorem to results by
Moreau (IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 50, no. 2, 2005) about
set-valued Lyapunov theory and convergence under switching communication
topologies. We give examples that point out differences of approaches including
examples where Moreau's theorem is not applicable but ours is. Further on, we
give examples that demonstrate that the theory of convergence to consensus is
still not complete.Comment: 5 pages, 2 columns, example adde
About the Power to Enforce and Prevent Consensus by Manipulating Communication Rules
We explore the possibilities of enforcing and preventing consensus in
continuous opinion dynamics that result from modifications in the communication
rules. We refer to the model of Weisbuch and Deffuant, where agents adjust
their continuous opinions as a result of random pairwise encounters whenever
their opinions differ not more than a given bound of confidence \eps. A high
\eps leads to consensus, while a lower \eps leads to a fragmentation into
several opinion clusters. We drop the random encounter assumption and ask: How
small may \eps be such that consensus is still possible with a certain
communication plan for the entire group? Mathematical analysis shows that
\eps may be significantly smaller than in the random pairwise case. On the
other hand we ask: How large may \eps be such that preventing consensus is
still possible? In answering this question we prove Fortunato's simulation
result that consensus cannot be prevented for \eps>0.5 for large groups. %
Next we consider opinion dynamics under different individual strategies and
examine their power to increase the chances of consensus. One result is that
balancing agents increase chances of consensus, especially if the agents are
cautious in adapting their opinions. However, curious agents increase chances
of consensus only if those agents are not cautious in adapting their opinions.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure
Ramseyan ultrafilters
We investigate families of partitions of omega which are related to special
coideals, so-called happy families, and give a dual form of Ramsey ultrafilters
in terms of partitions. The combinatorial properties of these
partition-ultrafilters, which we call Ramseyan ultrafilters, are similar to
those of Ramsey ultrafilters. For example it will be shown that dual Mathias
forcing restricted to a Ramseyan ultrafilter has the same features as Mathias
forcing restricted to a Ramsey ultrafilter. Further we introduce an ordering on
the set of partition-filters and consider the dual form of some cardinal
characteristics of the continuum
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