6,939 research outputs found
The effect of concentration on the Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of p-Aminothiophenol
The organic compound p-aminothiophenol (pATP, HS-Ph-NH2) has become very popular because it is often used for checking the enhancement capability of each new SERS substrate due to its very intense SERS spectra. SERS of pATP on silver electrode is significantly different from its ordinary Raman spectra and it is very dependent on the particular conditions of the SERS experiment. In this work the effect of adsorbate concentration on the potential dependent SERS spectra of pATP recorded on a silver electrode has been studied using NaClO4 as electrolyte. On the other hand, MS-CASPT2 have been performed in order to help the analysis of the experimental results by computing resonance Raman spectra of selected structural models of the metal−adsorbate surface complex.
It is found that the spectra are dependent on adsorbate concentration and dominated by a resonant charge transfer (CT) mechanism, where the charge is always transferred from the adsorbate to the metal. The relative SERS enhancements are due to Franck−Condon factors related to the CT process, and there are not intensified bands through Herzberg−Teller contributions. Furthermore, the Raman signals of the SERS recorded at low concentration arise from at least three different molecular species: (i) pATP bonded to silver electrode through sulfur atom (Agn-S−-Ph-NH2); (ii) pATP bonded to silver electrode through both sulfur and nitrogen atoms (Agn-S−-PhNH2-Agm); (iii) The azo derivative p,p′-dimercaptoazobenzene (or its nitrene precursor).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucÃa Tech
Detection of different species of p-aminothiophenol on silver nanoparticles by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)
In the present work we have analyzed the experimental and theoretical SERS spectra of the organic compound p-aminothiophenol (pATP, HS-Ph-NH2) recorded on silver nanoparticles. DFT calculations have been performed to support the experimental results in order to estimate the adsorption specie and the corresponding Raman bands assignment. It is found a different adsorption behavior of pATP not only by changing the concentration of the adsorbate but also by exciting the sample at different wavelengths.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucÃa Tech
Quantum point contacts as heat engines
The efficiency of macroscopic heat engines is restricted by the second law of
thermodynamics. They can reach at most the efficiency of a Carnot engine. In
contrast, heat currents in mesoscopic heat engines show fluctuations. Thus,
there is a small probability that a mesoscopic heat engine exceeds Carnot's
maximum value during a short measurement time. We illustrate this effect using
a quantum point contact as a heat engine. When a temperature difference is
applied to a quantum point contact, the system may be utilized as a source of
electrical power under steady state conditions. We first discuss the optimal
working point of such a heat engine that maximizes the generated electrical
power and subsequently calculate the statistics for deviations of the
efficiency from its most likely value. We find that deviations surpassing the
Carnot limit are possible, but unlikely.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the Physica E special issue on
"Frontiers in quantum electronic transport" in memory of Markus Buttiker.
Published versio
Evanescent states in quantum wires with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
We discuss the calculation of evanescent states in quasi-one-dimensional
quantum wires in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction. We suggest a
computational algorithm devised for cases in which longitudinal and transverse
motions are coupled. The dispersion relations are given for some selected
cases, illustrating the feasibility of the proposed computational method. As a
practical application, we discuss the solutions for a wire containing a
potential step.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure
SU(4) Kondo Effect in Carbon Nanotubes
We investigate theoretically the non-equilibrium transport properties of
carbon nanotube quantum dots. Owing to the two-dimensional band structure of
graphene, a double orbital degeneracy plays the role of a pseudo-spin, which is
entangled with the spin. Quantum fluctuations between these four degrees of
freedom result in an SU(4) Kondo effect at low temperatures. This exotic Kondo
effect manifests as a four-peak splitting in the non-linear conductance when an
axial magnetic field is applied.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Spin-current noise from fluctuation relations
We present fluctuation relations that connect spin-polarized current and
noise in mesoscopic conductors. In linear response, these relations are
equivalent to the fluctuation-dissipation theorem that relates equilibrium
current--current correlations to the linear conductance. More interestingly, in
the weakly nonlinear regime of transport, these relations establish a
connection between the leading-order rectification spin conductance, the spin
noise susceptibility and the third cumulant of spin current fluctuations at
equilibrium. Our results are valid even for systems in the presence of magnetic
fields and coupled to ferromagnetic electrodes.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of the 31st ICP
Thermoelectric effects in quantum Hall systems beyond linear response
We consider a quantum Hall system with an antidot acting as an energy
dependent scatterer. In the purely charge case, we find deviations from the
Wiedemann-Franz law that take place in the nonlinear regime of transport. We
also discuss Peltier effects beyond linear response and describe both effects
using magnetic-field asymmetric transport coefficients. For the spin case such
as that arising along the helical edge states of a two-dimensional topological
insulator, we investigate the generation of spin currents as a result of
applied voltage and temperature differences in samples attached to
ferromagnetic leads. We find that in the parallel configuration the spin
current can be tuned with the leads' polarization even in the linear regime of
transport. In contrast, for antiparallel magnetizations the spin currents has a
strict nonlinear dependence on the applied fields.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure
Large thermoelectric power and figure of merit in a ferromagnetic-quantum dot-superconducting device
We investigate the thermoelectric properties of a quantum dot coupled to
ferromagnetic and superconducting electrodes. The combination of spin polarized
tunneling at the ferromagnetic-quantum dot interface and the application of an
external magnetic field that Zeeman splits the dot energy level leads to large
values of the thermopower (Seebeck coefficient). Importantly, the thermopower
can be tuned with an external gate voltage connected to the dot. We compute the
figure of merit that measures the efficiency of thermoelectric conversion and
find that it attains high values. We discuss the different contributions from
Andreev reflection processes and quasiparticle tunneling into and out of the
superconducting contact. Furthermore, we obtain dramatic variations of both the
magnetothermopower and the spin Seebeck effect, which suggest that in our
device spin currents can be controlled with temperature gradients only.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
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