1,901 research outputs found
Well-Structured Futures and Cache Locality
In fork-join parallelism, a sequential program is split into a directed
acyclic graph of tasks linked by directed dependency edges, and the tasks are
executed, possibly in parallel, in an order consistent with their dependencies.
A popular and effective way to extend fork-join parallelism is to allow threads
to create futures. A thread creates a future to hold the results of a
computation, which may or may not be executed in parallel. That result is
returned when some thread touches that future, blocking if necessary until the
result is ready.
Recent research has shown that while futures can, of course, enhance
parallelism in a structured way, they can have a deleterious effect on cache
locality. In the worst case, futures can incur deviations, which implies
additional cache misses, where is the number of cache lines, is the
number of processors, is the number of touches, and is the
\emph{computation span}. Since cache locality has a large impact on software
performance on modern multicores, this result is troubling.
In this paper, however, we show that if futures are used in a simple,
disciplined way, then the situation is much better: if each future is touched
only once, either by the thread that created it, or by a thread to which the
future has been passed from the thread that created it, then parallel
executions with work stealing can incur at most additional
cache misses, a substantial improvement. This structured use of futures is
characteristic of many (but not all) parallel applications
Cutting sequence and Sturmian sequence in billiard
The winning rule of billiards is to drive the billiard ball on the table into
the designated holes. We try to study the trajectory of the billiard ball, so
that we can predict the direction of the ball. For rational slopes, we got
cutting sequence by setting up the square torus. We simplified cutting sequence
using shearing and flipping and we obtain the transformation between trajectory
slope and cutting sequence. For irrational slopes, we look at some properties
of Sturmian sequence, which help us distinguish between cutting sequence and
Sturmian sequence. In conclusion, in the case of different slopes, we use
different sequences to do research.Comment: 29 pages,11 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
arXiv:1507.02571 by other author
Root Cause Analysis of Refinement Engineering for Automobile M
This project focused on finding the solutions for tiny flaws that appeared on auto M due to the production process. The core problem was discovering the root cause of tiny flaws and proposing on how to solve them. Brainstorming, data collection and analysis, measurement and material test, Gage R&R project and other methods were used to look for the root causes. During the project, the defect of production was confirmed. With the root cause defined, the quality of auto M improved and the problem solved observably
Abortable Reader-Writer Locks are No More Complex Than Abortable Mutex Locks
When a process attempts to acquire a mutex lock, it may be forced to wait if another process currently holds the lock. In certain applications, such as real-time operating systems and databases, indefinite waiting can cause a process to miss an important deadline. Hence, there has been research on designing abortable mutual exclusion locks, and fairly efficient algorithms of O(log n) RMR complexity have been discovered (n denotes the number of processes for which the algorithm is designed). The abort feature is just as important for a reader-writer lock as it is for a mutual exclusion lock, but to the best of our knowledge there are currently no abortable reader-writer locks that are starvation-free. We show the surprising result that any abortable, starvation-free mutual exclusion algorithm of RMR complexity t(n) can be transformed into an abortable, starvation-free reader-writer exclusion algorithm of RMR complexity O(t(n)). Thus, we obtain the first abortable, starvation-free reader-writer exclusion algorithm of O(log n) RMR complexity. Our results apply to the Cache-Coherent (CC) model of multiprocessors
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