23 research outputs found
Omni-Lie Superalgebras and Lie 2-superalgebras
We introduce the notion of omni-Lie superalgebra as a super version of the
omni-Lie algebra introduced by Weinstein. This algebraic structure gives a
nontrivial example of Leibniz superalgebra and Lie 2-superalgebra. We prove
that there is a one-to-one correspondence between Dirac structures of the
omni-Lie superalgebra and Lie superalgebra structures on subspaces of a super
vector space.Comment: 14page
E-Courant algebroids
In this paper, we introduce the notion of -Courant algebroids, where
is a vector bundle. It is a kind of generalized Courant algebroid and contains
Courant algebroids, Courant-Jacobi algebroids and omni-Lie algebroids as its
special cases. We explore novel phenomena exhibited by -Courant algebroids
and provide many examples. We study the automorphism groups of omni-Lie
algebroids and classify the isomorphism classes of exact -Courant
algebroids. In addition, we introduce the concepts of -Lie bialgebroids and
Manin triples.Comment: 29 pages, no figur
Deformations of Lie 2-algebras
In this paper, we consider deformations of Lie 2-algebras via the cohomology
theory. We prove that a 1-parameter infinitesimal deformation of a Lie
2-algebra \g corresponds to a 2-cocycle of \g with the coefficients in the
adjoint representation. The Nijenhuis operator for Lie 2-algebras is introduced
to describe trivial deformations. We also study abelian extensions of Lie
2-algebras from the viewpoint of deformations of semidirect product Lie
2-algebras.Comment: 20 page
Dirac structures of omni-Lie algebroids
Omni-Lie algebroids are generalizations of Alan Weinstein's omni-Lie
algebras. A Dirac structure in an omni-Lie algebroid \dev E\oplus \jet E is
necessarily a Lie algebroid together with a representation on . We study the
geometry underlying these Dirac structures in the light of reduction theory. In
particular, we prove that there is a one-to-one correspondence between
reducible Dirac structures and projective Lie algebroids in \huaT=TM\oplus E;
we establish the relation between the normalizer of a reducible Dirac
structure and the derivation algebra \Der(\pomnib (L)) of the projective
Lie algebroid \pomnib (L); we study the cohomology group
and the relation between and
; we describe Lie bialgebroids using the adjoint
representation; we study the deformation of a Dirac structure , which is
related with .Comment: 23 pages, no figure, to appear in International Journal of
Coadjoint orbits of Lie groupoids
For a Lie groupoid with Lie algebroid , we realize the
symplectic leaves of the Lie-Poisson structure on as orbits of the affine
coadjoint action of the Lie groupoid on
, which coincide with the groupoid orbits of the symplectic groupoid
over . It is also shown that there is a fiber bundle
structure on each symplectic leaf. In the case of gauge groupoids, a symplectic
leaf is the universal phase space for a classical particle in a Yang-Mills
The Atiyah class of generalized holomorphic vector bundles
For a generalized holomorphic vector bundle, we introduce the Atiyah class,
which is the obstruction of the existence of generalized holomorphic
connections on this bundle. Similar to the holomorphic case, such Atiyah
classes can be defined by three approaches: the ech cohomology,
the extension class of the first jet bundle as well as the Lie pair
Omni-Lie 2-algebras and their Dirac structures
We introduce the notion of omni-Lie 2-algebra, which is a categorification of
Weinstein's omni-Lie algebras. We prove that there is a one-to-one
correspondence between strict Lie 2-algebra structures on 2-sub-vector spaces
of a 2-vector space \V and Dirac structures on the omni-Lie 2-algebra
\gl(\V)\oplus \V . In particular, strict Lie 2-algebra structures on \V
itself one-to-one correspond to Dirac structures of the form of graphs.
Finally, we introduce the notion of twisted omni-Lie 2-algebra to describe
(non-strict) Lie 2-algebra structures. Dirac structures of a twisted omni-Lie
2-algebra correspond to certain (non-strict) Lie 2-algebra structures, which
include string Lie 2-algebra structures.Comment: 23 page