269,829 research outputs found
Massive Domain Wall Fermions on Four-dimensional Anisotropic Lattices
We formulate the massive domain wall fermions on anisotropic lattices.
For the massive domain wall fermion, we find that the dispersion relation
assumes the usual form in the low momentum region when the bare parameters are
properly tuned. The quark self-energy and the quark field renormalization
constants are calculated to one-loop in bare lattice perturbation theory. For
light domain wall fermions, we verified that the chiral mode is stable against
quantum fluctuations on anisotropic lattices. This calculation serves as a
guidance for the tuning of the parameters in the quark action in future
numerical simulations.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figures, references adde
Cross-correlation functions of spherical waves propagating through a slab containing anisotropic irregularities
Cross correlation functions between two spherical waves passing through anisotropic sla
Propagation of Spherical Waves Through an Inhomogeneous Medium Containing Anisotropic Irregularities
Ionospheric propagation of spherical waves through inhomogeneous medium containing anisotropic irregularitie
Analytical simulation of the far-field jet noise and the unsteady jet flow-field by a model of periodic shedding of vortex ring from the jet exit
The construction of a theoretical flow field due to shedding of vortex rings, the identification of the controlling parameters, and the determination of whether the theoretical model successfully simulated the unsteady pressure field near jet (and consequently the far field noise) was studied. The basic parameters contained in the analytic solutions were the epoch at which a vortex ring was shed near the jet exit and the eddy viscosity coefficient. These parameters were identified from the experimental data for the real-time pressure and from the spread of the mixing layer of the jet. Results of the theoretical analysis show good qualitative agreement with the experimental data
Parity Nonconservation in the Photodisintegration of the Deuteron at Low Energy
The parity-nonconserving asymmetry in the deuteron photodisintegration,
, is considered with the photon energy ranged up to 10
MeV above the threshold. The aim is to improve upon a schematic estimate
assuming the absence of tensor as well as spin-orbit forces in the
nucleon-nucleon interaction. The major contributions are due to the
vector-meson exchanges, and the strong suppression of the pion-exchange
contribution is confirmed. A simple argument, going beyond the observation of
an algebraic cancellation, is presented. Contributions of meson-exchange
currents are also considered, but found to be less significant.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, typeset by REVTeX (two-column format) and BIBTe
Doppler effects on velocity spectra observed by MST radars
Recently, wind data from mesophere-stratosphere-troposphere (MST) radars have been used to study the spectra of gravity waves in the atmosphere (Scheffler and Liu, 1985; VanZandt et al., 1985). Since MST radar measures the line-of-sight Doppler velocities, it senses the components of the wave-associated velocities along its beam directions. These components are related through the polarization relations which depend on the frequency and wave number of the wave. Therfore, the radar-observed velocity spectrum will be different from the original gravity-wave spectrum. Their relationship depends on the frequency and wave number of the wave as well as the propagation geometry. This relation can be used to interpret the observed data. It can also be used to test the assumption of gravity-wave spectrum (Scheffler and Liu, 1985). In deriving this relation, the background atmosphere has been assumed to be motionless. Obviously, the Doppler shift due to the background wind will change the shape of the gravity-wave power spectrum as well as its relation with the radar-observed spectrum. Here, researcher's investigate these changes
Parity violation in scattering and vector-meson weak-coupling constants
We calculate the parity-nonconserving longitudinal asymmetry in the elastic
scattering at the energies where experimental data are available.
In addition to the standard one-meson exchange weak potential, the variation of
the strong-coupling constants and the non-standard effects such as form factors
and -exchange description of the -exchange potential are taken
into account. With the extra effects, we investigate the compatibility of the
experimental data and the presently-known range of the vector-meson
weak-coupling constants.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the 3rd Asia-Pacific conference on
few-body problems in physics, Suranaree Univ. of Technology, Nakhon
Ratchasima, Thailand, July 26 - 30, 200
Numerical studies of interacting vortices
To get a basic understanding of the physics of flowfields modeled by vortex filaments with finite vortical cores, systematic numerical studies of the interactions of two dimensional vortices and pairs of coaxial axisymmetric circular vortex rings were made. Finite difference solutions of the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations were carried out using vorticity and stream function as primary variables. Special emphasis was placed on the formulation of appropriate boundary conditions necessary for the calculations in a finite computational domain. Numerical results illustrate the interaction of vortex filaments, demonstrate when and how they merge with each other, and establish the region of validity for an asymptotic analysis
Deuteron Anapole Moment with Heavy Mesons
Parity-nonconserving two-body currents due to vector meson exchange are
considered with the aim to determine the related contributions to the anapole
moment. A particular attention is given to the requirement of current
conservation which is essential for a reliable estimate of this quantity. An
application is made for the deuteron case.Comment: 23 pages, 5 EPS figures, uses REVTeX 4, v2: fixes layout problem
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