27 research outputs found

    Labour Turnover in Russia: Evidence from the Administrative Reporting of Enterprises in Four Regions

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    Early in the 1990s, the introduction of economic reforms in Russia created expectations of a substantial reallocation of labour; "old" jobs in the state and former-state sector were to be shed and "new" jobs created in new private firms. Although the labour market experienced relatively heavy flows, they did not occur in the expected pattern. Most of the separations were quits rather than lay-offs and former-state enterprises continued to hire at relatively high rates. This paper takes a fresh look at the developments in labour turnover and the relationship between the components of labour turnover and various enterprise characteristics. National-level aggregate statistics are used to gain insights concerning the scale and structure of labour turnover in medium and large enterprises. A more detailed examination is then made of the components of labour turnover and their relationship to selected enterprise characteristics using microdata from administrative reporting in four Russian regions.Labour Turnovers, Hirings, Separations, Employment, Microdata, Russian Regions

    Regulating the International Digital Economy, with Trade and Innovation in Mind

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    The international digital economy is growing rapidly, and the fragmented governance framework is struggling to keep pace. Global entities such as the World Trade Organization and regional trade agreements offer a patchwork approach to governance. This paper illustrates the importance of governance in relation to private-sector innovation and recommends next steps to enhance governance, close gaps and promote further innovation. Better definition and international alignment of the framework for governance of digital trade and data could lead to greater privacy, trust and security

    AI innovation concentration and the governance challenge

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    A field with its roots established in the 1950s, artificial intelligence (AI) is suddenly much more in the public eye and capable of doing useful things for casual users as well as experts. Its rollout over the coming decade could be a very big deal indeed. To achieve broad welfare gains and global participation in the AI economy, stakeholders - producers, suppliers, consumers, researchers, regulators and others - will need a safe and trustworthy business environment that facilitates responsible access and technology diffusion. In this paper, the author examines the concentration of AI innovation and considers factors in the regulatory environment that may support or hinder its responsible diffusion in line with applicable international norms. The paper aims to add to the literature on AI innovation and its diffusion by delivering analysis drawing on a unique combination of firm-level data sources and policy indicators

    Mitigating global fragmentation in digital trade governance: A case study

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    Digital trade is growing rapidly, and regulators are trying to keep up. Concerns about privacy, consumer protection and national security demand regulatory attention, but too much regulation risks stifling digital trade. Current-generation trade agreements need to find the right balance between regulatory and liberal approaches to e-commerce. This paper looks at how five leading digital economies (Canada, the European Union, Japan, Singapore and the United States) are using regional trade agreements to address concerns while enhancing trade

    L'influence économique du système de commerce multilatéral sur l'évolution du droit des brevets dans les pays en voie de développement

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    This dissertation examines the possible influence of the multilateral trading system on the evolution of patent rights in developing countries during the period from 1990 to 2005 and associated developments with respect to international economic flows and domestic innovation in those countries. The relationships are assessed primarily using regression analysis techniques, which permit discernment of association but not causality. A variety of data, aggregate at the national level, are employed covering a broad sample of countries including developing countries, least developed countries and, for comparison, OECD countries. The main contribution of the dissertation is to identify and relevant insights from existing theoretical work and to test empirically a set of hypotheses concerning a positive relationship of international influences on patent reform in developing countries and a positive relationship of that reform to certain economic developments. Chapter one finds support for the hypothesis that international intellectual property rights reforms, operating in combination with industrial interests, have significantly influenced the evolution of patent rights institutions in developing countries during the study period. Chapter two presents evidence of a positive relationship between patent right reforms and selected international economic indicators including imports and foreign direct investment. Chapter three finds support for the hypothesis that patent rights reforms were positively associated with certain innovation-related indicators during the study period.Cette thèse examine l'influence du système de commerce multilatéral sur l'évolution du droit des brevets dans les pays en voie de développement sur la période de 1990 à 2005. Elle analyse les développements économiques associés à ces reformes. Les rapports sont évalués utilisant principalement des techniques économétriques qui permettent de discerner les coïncidences mais pas la causalité. La contribution principale de cette thèse est : i) d'identifier des concepts pertinents de la littérature théorique actuelle concernant les doits de propriété intellectuelle et le fonctionnement des marchés et ii) de tester empiriquement une série d'hypothèses sur l’existence d'influences internationales sur les réformes du doit des brevets dans les pays en développement ainsi que sur une influence de ces réformes aux certains développements économiques. Le premier chapitre montre la validité de l'hypothèse que les réformes du droit de propriété intellectuelle internationale, combinée avec les intérêts industriels, ont influencé significativement l'évolution des institutions en charge du droit des brevets dans les pays en développement. Le deuxième chapitre confirme l’existence d'une relation positive entre les réformes du droit des brevets et les indicateurs des flux économiques internationaux tels que les importations, les investissements directs étrangers et les brevets d’origine étrangère. Le troisième chapitre soutien l'hypothèse que les réformes du droit des brevets sont couraillées avec des indicateurs d’innovation

    Innovation and IPR protection in the digital era: the case of high income countries. 1990 - 2005

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    This article considers innovation, intellectual assets and intellectual property rights (IPRs) since 1990, with particular regard to the high-income countries. It begins with a discussion of the changing nature of innovation and the increasing importance of intellectual assets, then continues with a discussion of IPRs and the incentives for innovation. It describes the strengthening of the international framework for patent rights. In the case of high-income countries, strengthened patent protection is found to have a positive association with the evolution of selected indicators for international economic flows and domestic innovation processes. In these countries, a number of complementary conditions may be present that facilitate the exploitation of IPRs, pointing to an area for further research. JEL Codes: O31, O34, F43intellectual property rights, innovation, digital era, industrial countries, networks

    Patent Rights, Developing Countries and the Economic Influence of the Multilateral Trading System

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    This dissertation examines the possible influence of the multilateral trading system on the evolution of patent rights in developing countries during the period from 1990 to 2005 and associated developments with respect to international economic flows and domestic innovation in those countries. The relationships are assessed primarily using regression analysis techniques, which permit discernment of association but not causality. A variety of data, aggregate at the national level, are employed covering a broad sample of countries including developing countries, least developed countries and, for comparison, OECD countries. The main contribution of the dissertation is to identify and relevant insights from existing theoretical work and to test empirically a set of hypotheses concerning a positive relationship of international influences on patent reform in developing countries and a positive relationship of that reform to certain economic developments. Chapter one finds support for the hypothesis that international intellectual property rights reforms, operating in combination with industrial interests, have significantly influenced the evolution of patent rights institutions in developing countries during the study period. Chapter two presents evidence of a positive relationship between patent right reforms and selected international economic indicators including imports and foreign direct investment. Chapter three finds support for the hypothesis that patent rights reforms were positively associated with certain innovation-related indicators during the study period.Cette thèse examine l'influence du système de commerce multilatéral sur l'évolution du droit des brevets dans les pays en voie de développement sur la période de 1990 à 2005. Elle analyse les développements économiques associés à ces reformes. Les rapports sont évalués utilisant principalement des techniques économétriques qui permettent de discerner les coïncidences mais pas la causalité. La contribution principale de cette thèse est : i) d'identifier des concepts pertinents de la littérature théorique actuelle concernant les doits de propriété intellectuelle et le fonctionnement des marchés et ii) de tester empiriquement une série d'hypothèses sur l’existence d'influences internationales sur les réformes du doit des brevets dans les pays en développement ainsi que sur une influence de ces réformes aux certains développements économiques. Le premier chapitre montre la validité de l'hypothèse que les réformes du droit de propriété intellectuelle internationale, combinée avec les intérêts industriels, ont influencé significativement l'évolution des institutions en charge du droit des brevets dans les pays en développement. Le deuxième chapitre confirme l’existence d'une relation positive entre les réformes du droit des brevets et les indicateurs des flux économiques internationaux tels que les importations, les investissements directs étrangers et les brevets d’origine étrangère. Le troisième chapitre soutien l'hypothèse que les réformes du droit des brevets sont couraillées avec des indicateurs d’innovation.