4,746 research outputs found
Quasi-multi-Regge Processes with a Quark Exchange in the t-channel
The QCD amplitudes for particle's production in the quasi-multi-Regge
kinematics with a quark exchange in crossing channels are calculated in the
Born approximation. In particular they are needed to find next-to-leading
corrections to the quark Regge trajectory and to the integral kernel of the
Bethe-Salpeter equation for the t-channel partial wave with fermion quantum
numbers and a negative signature. The gauge-invariant action for the
interaction of the reggeized quarks and gluons with the usual particles is
constructed.Comment: LaTeX, 10 page
Modular Invariance and the Odderon
We identify a new symmetry for the equations governing odderon amplitudes,
corresponding in the Regge limit of QCD to the exchange of 3 reggeized gluons.
The symmetry is a modular invariance with respect to the unique normal subgroup
of sl(2,Z) {\,} of index 2.
This leads to a natural description of the Hamiltonian and conservation-law
operators as acting on the moduli space of elliptic curves with a fixed
``sign'': elliptic curves are identified if they can be transformed into each
other by an {\em even} number of Dehn twists.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, uses amssym.def for \Bbb 'blackboard math' font
BFKL Pomeron in string models
We consider scattering amplitudes in string models in the Regge limit of high
energies and fixed momentum transfers with the use of the unitarity in direct
channels. Intermediate states are taken in the multi-Regge kinematics
corresponding to the production of resonances with fixed invariant masses and
large relative rapidities. In QCD such kinematics leads to the BFKL equation
for the Pomeron wave function in the leading logarithmic approximation. We
derive a similar equation in the string theory and discuss its properties. The
purpose of this investigation is to find a generalization of the BFKL approach
to the region of small momentum transfers where non-perturbative corrections to
the gluon Regge trajectory and reggeon couplings are essential. The BFKL
equation in the string theory contains additional contributions coming from a
linear part of the Regge trajectory and from the soft Pomeron singularity
appearing already in the tree approximation. In higher dimensions in addition,
a non-multi-Regge kinematics corresponding to production of particles with
large masses is important. We solve the equation for the Pomeron wave function
in the string theory for D=4 and discuss integrability properties of analogous
equations for composite states of several reggeised gluons in the multi-colour
limit.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figure
Deformed Spectral Representation of the BFKL Kernel and the Bootstrap for Gluon Reggeization
We investigate the space of functions in which the BFKL kernel acts. For the
amplitudes which describe the scattering of colorless projectiles it is
convenient to define, in transverse coordinates, the Moebius space in which the
solutions to the BFKL equation vanish as the coordinates of the two reggeized
gluons coincide. However, in order to fulfill the bootstrap relation for the
BFKL kernel it is necessary to modify the space of functions. We define and
investigate a new space of functions and show explicitly that the bootstrap
relation is valid for the corresponding spectral form of the kernel. We
calculate the generators of the resulting deformed representation of the
sl(2,C) algebra.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur
Direct Calculations of the Odderon Intercept in the Perturbative QCD
The odderon intercept is calculated directly, from its expression via an
average energy of the odderon Hamiltonian, using both trial wave functions in
the variational approach and the wave function recently constructed by
R.A.Janik and J.Wosiek.
The results confirm their reported value for the energy. The odderon
intercept is calculated directly, from its expression via an average energy of
the odderon Hamiltonian, using both trial wave functions in the variational
approach and the wave function recently constructed by R.A.Janik and
J.Wosiek.The results confirm their reported value for the energy. Variational
calculations give energies some 30% higher. However they also predict the
odderon intercept to be quite close to unity. In fact, for realistic values of
, the intercept calculated variationally is at most 2% lower than the
exact one: 0.94 instead of 0.96. It is also found that the solution for
does not belong to the odderon spectrum. The diffusion parameter is found to be
of the order 0.6.Comment: 20 page
High energy QCD as a completely integrable model
We show that the one-dimensional lattice model proposed by Lipatov to
describe the high energy scattering of hadrons in multicolor QCD is completely
integrable. We identify this model as the XXX Heisenberg chain of noncompact
spin and find the conservation laws of the model. A generalized Bethe
ansatz is developed for the diagonalization of the hamiltonian and for the
calculation of hadron-hadron scattering amplitude.Comment: Latex style, 16 pages, ITP-SB-94-1
The effective action and the triple Pomeron vertex
We study integrations over light-cone momenta in the gauge invariant
effective action of high energy QCD. A regularization mechanism which allows
for the evaluation of the longitudinal integrations is presented. After a
rederivation of the reggeized gluon and the BFKL-equation from the effective
action, we study the 1-3 and 2-4 reggeized gluon transition vertex of QCD
Reggeon field theory and discuss their connection with the usual triple Pomeron
vertex of perturbative QCD.Comment: Talk given at the 3rd International Hadron Structure '09 Conference,
Tatranska Strba, Slovakia, 30 Aug - 3 Sep 2009; 4 pages, 16 figure
Conformal Invariance of Unitarity Corrections
We study perturbative unitarity corrections in the generalized leading
logarithmic approximation in high energy QCD. It is shown that the
corresponding amplitudes with up to six gluons in the t-channel are conformally
invariant in impact parameter space. In particular we give a new representation
for the two-to-six reggeized gluon vertex in terms of conformally invariant
functions. With the help of this representation an interesting regularity in
the structure of the two-to-four and the two-to-six transition vertices is
found.Comment: 11 page
NLO corrections to the BFKL equation in QCD and in supersymmetric gauge theories
We study next-to-leading corrections to the integral kernel of the BFKL
equation for high energy cross-sections in QCD and in supersymmetric gauge
theories. The eigenvalue of the BFKL kernel is calculated in an analytic form
as a function of the anomalous dimension \gamma of the local gauge-invariant
operators and their conformal spin n. For the case of an extended N=4 SUSY the
kernel is significantly simplified. In particular, the terms non-analytic in n
are canceled. We discuss the relation between the DGLAP and BFKL equations in
the N=4 model.Comment: Latex, 26 pages, typos corrected, to be published in Nucl.Phys.
Feynman rules for effective Regge action
Starting from the gauge invariant effective action in the quasi-multi-Regge
kinematics (QMRK), we obtain the effective reggeized gluon (R) -- particle (P)
vertices of the following types: , , , , , and
, where the on-mass-shell particles are gluons, or sets of gluons with
small invariant masses. The explicit expressions satisfying the Bose-symmetry
and gauge invariance conditions are obtained. As a comment to the Feynman rules
for derivation of the amplitudes in terms of effective vertices we present a
``vocabulary'' for practitioners.Comment: REVTeX, 21 pages, 10 figure
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