22 research outputs found
Laying Bare: Agamben, Chandler, and The Responsibility to Protect
This paper demonstrates the hidden similarities between Raymond Chandler’s prototypical
noir The Big Sleep, and the United Nations Responsibility to Protect (R2P) document. By taking
up the work of philosopher Giorgio Agamben, this paper shows that the bare life produces the
form of protection embodied by Philip Marlowe in Chandler’s novel and by the United Nations
Security Council in R2P. Agamben’s theorizing of the extra-legal status of the sovereign
pertains to both texts, in which the protector exists outside of the law. Philip Marlowe, tasked
with preventing the distribution of pornographic images, commits breaking-and-entering,
withholding evidence, and murder. Analogously, R2P advocates for the Security Council’s
ability to trespass laws that safeguard national sovereignty in order to prevent “bare”
atrocities against human life. As Agamben demonstrates, the extra-legal position of the
protector is made possible by “stripping bare” human life. This paper also gestures towards
limitations of Agamben’s thought by indicating, through a comparison of these two texts, that
bare life produces states of exception as the object of protection rather than punishment
Näyttötutkintomestariksi Oulussa
Videolla kerrotaan, miten näyttötutkintomestarikoulutus toteutetaan Oulussa. Videossa tuodaan esille muun muassa osaamisen tunnistamisen ja tunnustamisen sekä henkilökohtaistamisen käsitteet
An overview of gene expression in WT and WS plants.
<p>(a) and (b) indicate the gene expression levels (RPKM ≥ 1, RPKM: reads per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads) in WT and WS plants at each time point, respectively. (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E) correspond to the samples at 0, 3, 9, and 15 h during waterlogging and 20 h post drainage, respectively. (F) represents the gene density (mRNA, 500-kb window) in the sesame linkage groups, and (G) represents the 16 assembled pseudomolecules of sesame. (c) and (d) indicate the shared and uniquely expressed gene numbers during a time-point assay of waterlogging. WT: waterlogging-tolerant sesame genotype, WS: waterlogging-susceptible sesame genotype.</p
Comparisons between WT and WS plants during waterlogging and post-drainage.
<p>(a) DEGs in WT versus WS plants at various waterlogging time points revealed that waterlogging has a severe effect on gene expression at 9 h. (b) Expression patterns of the 66 common DEGs between WT and WS under waterlogging conditions. The RPKM values were log2 transformed. (c) A Venn diagram depicting the common and unique DEGs between 3 and 15 h of waterlogging in WT and WS plants.</p
Changes in gene expression in WT and WS plants.
<p>(a) Percentages of the expressed genes during waterlogging from 0 to 15 h as well as 20 h post drainage. (b) The number of genes significantly affected by the stress. (c) Upregulated genes using 0 h as a control. (d) Downregulated genes using 0 h as a control. (e) Upregulated genes using the former sampling point as a control, illustrating the dynamic changes in differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in sesame upon waterlogging exposure. (f) Downregulated genes using the former sampling point as a control.</p
Locations of DEGs between WT and WS in the plant hormone signal transduction pathway.
<p>Red indicates the genes upregulated in WT compared with WS plants, and green indicates the downregulated genes.</p
Additional file 4: Table S2. of Evolutionary history and functional divergence of the cytochrome P450 gene superfamily between Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica species uncover effects of whole genome and tandem duplications
Orthologous genes pairs from different whole genome duplication events in A. thaliana compared with different subgenomes in B. rapa and B. oleracea. This file contained the orthologous genes pairs of cytochrome P450s in A. thaliana compared to BraLF, BraMF1, and BraMF2 subgenomes in B. rapa, and BolLF, BolMF1, and BolMF2 subgenomes in B. oleracea, respectively. (XLSX 24Â kb
The core gene set responsible for waterlogging stress in sesame.
<p>(a) Venn diagrams of the special and unique DEGs at time points between 3 and 15 h under waterlogging conditions. (b) Enriched gene ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway categories among the upregulated (up channel) and downregulated (down channel) genes in the core set.</p