9,606 research outputs found

    Bound Entanglement and Teleportation

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    Recently M. Horodecki, P. Horodecki and R. Horodecki have introduced a set of density matrices of two spin-1 particles from which it is not possible to distill any maximally entangled states, even though the density matrices are entangled. Thus these density matrices do not allow reliable teleportation. However it might nevertheless be the case that these states can be used for teleportation, not reliably, but still with fidelity greater than that which may be achieved with a classical scheme. We show that, at least for some of these density matrices, teleportation cannot be achieved with better than classical fidelity.Comment: 3 pages, RevTe

    Monotones and invariants for multi-particle quantum states

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    We introduce new entanglement monotones which generalize, to the case of many parties, those which give rise to the majorization-based partial ordering of bipartite states' entanglement. We give some examples of restrictions they impose on deterministic and probabilistic conversion between multipartite states via local actions and classical communication. These include restrictions which do not follow from any bipartite considerations. We derive supermultiplicativity relations between each state's monotones and the monotones for collective processing when the parties share several states. We also investigate polynomial invariants under local unitary transformations, and show that a large class of these are invariant under collective unitary processing and also multiplicative, putting restrictions, for example, on the exact conversion of multiple copies of one state to multiple copies of another.Comment: 25 pages, LaTe

    Far Field Behavior of Noncompact Static Spherically Symmetric Solutions of Einstein SU(2) Yang Mills Equations

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    The Einstein equations with small positive cosmological constant coupled to an SU(2) Yang Mills field admits solutions that possess a coordinate singularity at a noncritical radius. Here, we prove that these solutions are otherwise globally smooth and that they asymptotically approach Schwarzschild deSitter space with a vanishing Yang Mills field.Comment: 10 page

    Purifying noisy entanglement requires collective measurements

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    Known entanglement purification protocols for mixed states use collective measurements on several copies of the state in order to increase the entanglement of some of them. We address the question of whether it is possible to purify the entanglement of a state by processing each copy separately. While this is possible for pure states, we show that this is impossible, in general, for mixed states. The importance of this result both conceptually and for experimental realization of purification is discussed. We also give explicit invariants of an entangled state of two qubits under local actions and classical communication.Comment: 5 pages, Late

    Non-local properties of multi-particle density matrices

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    As far as entanglement is concerned, two density matrices of nn particles are equivalent if they are on the same orbit of the group of local unitary transformations, U(d1)×...×U(dn)U(d_1)\times...\times U(d_n) (where the Hilbert space of particle rr has dimension drd_r). We show that for nn greater than or equal to two, the number of independent parameters needed to specify an nn-particle density matrix up to equivalence is Πrdr2−∑rdr2+n−1\Pi_r d_r^2 - \sum_r d_r^2 + n - 1. For nn spin-12{1\over 2} particles we also show how to characterise generic orbits, both by giving an explicit parametrisation of the orbits and by finding a finite set of polynomial invariants which separate the orbits.Comment: 13 pages RevTe
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