944 research outputs found

    Josephson current in carbon nanotubes with spin-orbit interaction

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    We demonstrate that curvature-induced spin-orbit (SO) coupling induces a 0−π0-\pi transition in the Josephson current through a carbon nanotube quantum dot coupled to superconducting leads. In the non-interacting regime, the transition can be tuned by applying parallel magnetic field near the critical field where orbital states become degenerate. Moreover, the interplay between charging and SO effects in the Coulomb Blockade and cotunneling regimes leads to a rich phase diagram with well-defined (analytical) boundaries in parameter space. Finally, the 0 phase always prevails in the Kondo regime. Our calculations are relevant in view of recent experimental advances in transport through ultra-clean carbon nanotubes.Comment: 4 (main text) + 10 (appendices) pages, 3 figure

    Spin-current noise from fluctuation relations

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    We present fluctuation relations that connect spin-polarized current and noise in mesoscopic conductors. In linear response, these relations are equivalent to the fluctuation-dissipation theorem that relates equilibrium current--current correlations to the linear conductance. More interestingly, in the weakly nonlinear regime of transport, these relations establish a connection between the leading-order rectification spin conductance, the spin noise susceptibility and the third cumulant of spin current fluctuations at equilibrium. Our results are valid even for systems in the presence of magnetic fields and coupled to ferromagnetic electrodes.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of the 31st ICP

    Emergence of Majorana modes in cylindrical nanowires

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    We present calculations of Majorana edge modes in cylindrical nanowires of a semiconductor material with proximity-induced superconductivity. We consider a Rashba field along the transverse direction and an applied magnetic field in arbitrary orientation. Our analysis is based on exact numerical diagonalizations for the finite cylinder and on the complex band structure for the semi-infinite one. Orbital effects are responsible for a strong anisotropy of the critical field for which the effective gap vanishes. Robust Majorana modes are induced by the parallel field component and we find regimes with more than one Majorana mode on the same edge. Experimentally, they would manifest as a specific sequence of zero-bias conductances as a function of magnetic field. In the finite cylinder, a degradation of the Majorana modes due to interference of the two edges leads to oscillating non zero energies for large enough fields.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Transport through Majorana nanowires attached to normal leads

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    This paper presents a coupled channel model for transport in 2D semiconductor Majorana nanowires coupled to normal leads. When the nanowire hosts a zero mode, conspicuous signatures on the linear conductance are predicted. An effective model in second quantization allowing a fully analytical solution is used to clarify the physics. We also discuss the nonlinear current response (dI/dVdI/dV)Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Coulomb-blockade effect in nonlinear mesoscopic capacitors

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    We consider an interacting quantum dot working as a coherent source of single electrons. The dot is tunnel coupled to a reservoir and capacitively coupled to a gate terminal with an applied ac potential. At low frequencies, this is the quantum analog of the RC circuit with a purely dynamical response. We investigate the quantized dynamics as a consequence of ac pulses with large amplitude. Within a Keldysh-Green function formalism we derive the time-dependent current in the Coulomb blockade regime. Our theory thus extends previous models that considered either noninteracting electrons in nonlinear response or interacting electrons in the linear regime. We prove that the electron emission and absorption resonances undergo a splitting when the charging energy is larger than the tunnel broadening. For very large charging energies, the additional peaks collapse and the original resonances are recovered, though with a reduced amplitude. Quantization of the charge emitted by the capacitor is reduced due to Coulomb repulsion and additional plateaus arise. Additionally, we discuss the differential capacitance and resistance as a function of time. We find that to leading order in driving frequency the current can be expressed as a weighted sum of noninteracting currents shifted by the charging energy.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Minor changes. Published versio
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