1 research outputs found
Service Design in Education:A mindset towards Inclusive and Accessible Learning Experiences
This chapter explores the intersection between service design, inclusive design and education emphasising the importance of creating inclusive and learning experiences. It begins by defining the relationship between Universal Design, Inclusive Design and Accessibility and its common goal of creating products, environments and services that cater to a diverse range of users. This is important because in the UK, the Equality Act 2010 legally obliged Further and Higher Education (HE) to provide reasonable adjustments in their approach to service provision to ensure they are accessible to people with disabilities. Lack of awareness and understanding, assumptions and stigma from others can create barriers to learning for people with disabilities. Discussing why inclusive design and service design are important in the realm of education, considering the prevalence of disabilities, the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework is introduced to make learning and teaching more inclusive. The framework focuses on three principles: multiple means of representation, multiple means of expression and multiple means of engagement. Drawing from the authors’ praxis as educators in Further and HE, two case studies are presented exemplifying the integration of UDL principles and the application of service design mindsets and methods. The first case study discusses the adaptation of a module using persona and UDL principles to accommodate diverse learners particularly focusing on the needs of a neurodivergent student. The second case study revolves around the redesign of a service design course to enhance accessibility and accommodate adult learners with various challenges