19 research outputs found
Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa melalui Penggunaan Metode Improve pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel
This study aimed to analyze the improvement of critical thinking skills Improve mathematical methods to the material system of linear equations of two variables. The method used is the method of quasi-experimental data analysis using different test or the average of the t-test. Population affordable in this study were all students of class VIII A and VIII B grade SMP 248. Samples were obtained through random sampling techniques, namely random sample collection techniques. Testing requirements analysis consists of data from test to test methods Liliefors normality and homogeneity tests to test methods bartlett. Based on the results of the testing requirements of data analysis concluded that the two sets of data were normally distributed and homogeneous. Instrument variable mathematical critical thinking skills is a written test consisting of 20 items about. Based on the results of hypothesis testing and data analysis it can be concluded that the critical thinking skills of students who are taught mathematical improve method is higher than conventional methods. Based on these results, it is in an effort to improve students' critical thinking skills teachers should use mathematical methods improve
The purpose of this study is to find out how effective the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach is. The research method used in this study is the experimental method. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling technique. The instrument for collecting data in this study is an essay test consisting of 8 items. The data analysis technique used is the t-test, and based on the t-test calculation shows t-count = 10,098 and t-table = 2,002 at the significant level of 5% or ( = 0,05) and the degree of freedom (dk = 58) which means t-count t table (10,098 2,002) then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The conclusion is that the average mathematical problem solving ability of students given the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach is higher than the mathematical problem solving abilities of students who are given an expository approach. And the effectiveness calculation for the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach is quite high, which is 2,605. Thus, there is an influence and effectiveness of the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach in the teaching and learning process
The Effect of I-CARE Learning Model on the Students' Metacognition
The general objective of this study was to find and analyze empirically the effect of the I Care learning model on the students' metacognition. The method used in this research was the experimental method. The affordable population in this study was grade X students of SMK Assyafiah which is located at Jalan Bukit Duri No.29, South Jakarta 2016/2017 academic year. The sample of the study was 60 students obtained through random sampling method that the researcher mixed in the population so that all subjects were considered the same. Data collection was done by documentation techniques (learning model variables) and test techniques (student metacognition variables). The collected data was then analyzed using the t-test. Before the data was analyzed, first descriptive statistical analysis and data requirements test (normality test, homogeneity test) were carried out. The results of the study showed that there was an influence of the I Care learning model on the students' metacognition. In other words, students' metacognition who used the I Care learning model was higher than the students' metacognition who used constructivism learning model
Abstract This study aims to find out about the development of Logical Mathematical Intelligence Competency External Students to Math Students of SMA Muhammadiyah Sawangan Depok. The method used was a survey. The study population was all students of SMA Muhammadiyah Sawangan Depok. Samples were taken with a simple random sampling technique, a total of 37 students. Data were analyzed by regression analysis. The results of hypothesis testing showed that there are positive and significant influence on the logical mathematical intelligence external competence math students. Keywords: mathematics, intelligence, external capabilitie
Membangun Interaksi Edukatif yang Bernilai Normatif Melalui Pengajaran Berbasis Aktifitas
To solve the problem of students' interest in mathematics, we need a model of interactive learning and not boring. It is important to establish educational interactions, and one of them to do with the activity-based teaching. Learning is an activity-oriented action research and reflective study is conducted in the classroom, as well as aiming to improve the quality of learning. This process is applied to the "boards nailed" to practice, both by teachers and students collectively. The teacher's role is only to the response associated with the wake geometry as flat and square. This evaluation starts with preparing the implementation plan thematic learning with competency standards in the wake circumference flat, square and rectangular wider, as well as applications and problem solving
Hubungan Gaya Belajar Visual dan Kecemasan Diri Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Matematika Siswa Kelas X SMK Negeri 41 Jakarta
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika berbasis masalah dan mengetahui respon siswa terhadap soal matematika berbasis masalah yang diberikan. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif diskriptif. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 6 siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 11 Yogyakarta yang terdiri dari 2 siswa berkemampuan matematika tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh subyek penelitian memiliki kemampuan dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika berbasis masalah dengan berbagai tingkatan. Selanjutnya, siswa memiliki respon positif terhadap seluruh soal yang diberikan. Kata Kunci. Kemampuan matematika, Soal matematika berbasis masalah, Sistem persamaan linier dua variabel Abstract. The study aims to determine the ability of students in solving the mathematics problem-based and to know the students’ response to the problem-based math problems provided. This research uses descriptive quantitative research. The research’s subjects are 6 students of class VIII SMP Negeri 11 Yogyakarta consisting of 2 students with high, medium, and low math skills. The results showed that all research subjects have the ability to solve problem-based math problems with various levels. Furthermore, students have a positive response to all given questions.  Keywords. Mathematical skills, Problem-based math problems, Two-variable linear equation syste
Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa Melalui Penggunaan Metode Improve Pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel
This study aimed to analyze the improvement of critical thinking skills Improve mathematical methods to the material system of linear equations of two variables. The method used is the method of quasi-experimental data analysis using different test or the average of the t-test. Population affordable in this study were all students of class VIII A and VIII B grade SMP 248. Samples were obtained through random sampling techniques, namely random sample collection techniques. Testing requirements analysis consists of data from test to test methods Liliefors normality and homogeneity tests to test methods bartlett. Based on the results of the testing requirements of data analysis concluded that the two sets of data were normally distributed and homogeneous. Instrument variable mathematical critical thinking skills is a written test consisting of 20 items about. Based on the results of hypothesis testing and data analysis it can be concluded that the critical thinking skills of students who are taught mathematical improve method is higher than conventional methods. Based on these results, it is in an effort to improve students' critical thinking skills teachers should use mathematical methods improve
Pengaruh Kebiasaan Belajar dan Kreativitas Belajar Siswa terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika (Survey pada SMA di Kecamatan Ciledug Tangerang)
The objective of this research is to investigate the influence of students learning activity and creativity toward the math learning achievement. In addition it is to know simultaneously the influence of students learning activity and creativity toward the math learning achievement. The research method is used in this research is survey. There are 60 students come from tenth grader of SMA Numaniyah and SMA Fatahillah Ciledug Tangerang as sample of the research, interview, questionner, and achievement test are used to collect the data. The descriptive statistical is used to analyze the data beside person double correlation coefficient, determination coefficient and regression analysis T and F test are used to incate the statistical test. The research was conducted on March 2012. The result of the research show that there is simultaneous influence between students learning activity and creativity toward the math learning achievement of tenth grader students at SMA Ciledug Tangerang. It is stated by the quality regression of Y = -6,227 + 0,85 + 0,683. It indicates that one level of improvement of learning activity and creativity will be followed by the students achievement of -6,227. The students learning activity and creativity variables indicates the significance influence toward the students learning achievement. It is shownby the determination coefficient of R2 = 0,777 and F test score = 99,459
Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Reflective dalam Meningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa di Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa kreativitas matematis siswa dalam pembelajaran reflective model. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan sampel 40 siswa MTS. Kreativitas matematis siswa diukur melalui soal tes yang terdiri dari 21 soal pilihan ganda dan 8 soal essay, dengan teknik analisis data menggunakan uji-t. Hasil menunjukan bahwa kreativitas matematis siswa yang diajarkan menggunakan pembelajaran reflective lebih tinggi daripada yang diajarkan dengan model pembelajaran konvensional (jigsaw). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran reflective efektif.Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran reflective, kreativitas matematika siswa