665 research outputs found
The full squeezed CMB bispectrum from inflation
The small-scale CMB temperature we observe on the sky is modulated by
perturbations that were super-horizon at recombination, giving differential
focussing and lensing that generate a non-zero bispectrum even for single-field
inflation where local physics is identical. Understanding this signal is
important for primordial non-Gaussianity studies and also parameter constraints
from the CMB lensing bispectrum signal. Because of cancellations individual
effects can appear larger or smaller than they are in total, so a full analysis
may be required to avoid biases. I relate angular scales on the sky to physical
scales at recombination using the optical equations, and give full-sky results
for the large-scale adiabatic temperature bispectrum from Ricci focussing
(expansion of the ray bundle), Weyl lensing (convergence and shear), and
temperature redshift modulations of small-scale power. The delta N expansion of
the beam is described by the constant temperature 3-curvature, and gives a
nearly-observable version of the consistency relation prediction from
single-field inflation. I give approximate arguments to quantify the likely
importance of dynamical effects, and argue that they can be neglected for
modulation scales l <~ 100, which is sufficient for lensing studies and also
allows robust tests of local primordial non-Gaussianity using only the
large-scale modulation modes. For accurate numerical results early and
late-time ISW effects must be accounted for, though I confirm that the
late-time non-linear Rees-Sciama contribution is negligible compared to other
more important complications. The total corresponds to f_NL ~ 7 for Planck-like
temperature constraints and f_NL ~ 11 for cosmic-variance limited data to
lmax=2000. Temperature lensing bispectrum estimates are affected at the 0.2
sigma level by Ricci focussing, and up to 0.5 sigma with polarization.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; typos corrected, minor edit
Estimators for CMB Statistical Anisotropy
We use quadratic maximum-likelihood (QML) estimators to constrain models with
Gaussian but statistically anisotropic Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
fluctuations, using CMB maps with realistic sky-coverage and instrumental
noise. This approach is optimal when the anisotropy is small, or when checking
for consistency with isotropy. We demonstrate the power of the QML approach by
applying it to the WMAP data to constrain several models which modulate the
observed CMB fluctuations to produce a statistically anisotropic sky. We first
constrain an empirically motivated spatial modulation of the observed CMB
fluctuations, reproducing marginal evidence for a dipolar modulation pattern
with amplitude 7% at L < 60, but demonstrate that the effect decreases at
higher multipoles and is 1% at L~500. We also look for evidence of a
direction-dependent primordial power spectrum, finding a very statistically
significant quadrupole signal nearly aligned with the ecliptic plane; however
we argue this anisotropy is largely contaminated by observational systematics.
Finally, we constrain the anisotropy due to a spatial modulation of adiabatic
and isocurvature primordial perturbations, and discuss the close relationship
between anisotropy and non-Gaussianity estimators.Comment: add missed ref. to Gordon et. al. 200
Accuracy of cosmological parameters using the baryon acoustic scale
Percent-level measurements of the comoving baryon acoustic scale standard ruler can be used to break degeneracies in parameter constraints from the CMB alone. The sound horizon at the epoch of baryon drag is often used as a proxy for the scale of the peak in the matter density correlation function, and can conveniently be calculated quickly for different cosmological models. However, the measurements are not directly constraining this scale, but rather a measurement of the full correlation function, which depends on the detailed evolution through decoupling. We assess the level of reliability of parameter constraints based on a simple approximation of the acoustic scale compared to a more direct determination from the full numerical two-point correlation function. Using a five-parameter fitting technique similar to recent BAO data analyses, we find that for standard _CDM models and extensions with massive neutrinos and additional relativistic degrees of freedom, the approximation is at better than 0:15% for most parameter combinations varying over reasonable ranges
Non-linear Redshift-Space Power Spectra
Distances in cosmology are usually inferred from observed redshifts - an
estimate that is dependent on the local peculiar motion - giving a distorted
view of the three dimensional structure and affecting basic observables such as
the correlation function and power spectrum. We calculate the full non-linear
redshift-space power spectrum for Gaussian fields, giving results for both the
standard flat sky approximation and the directly-observable angular correlation
function and angular power spectrum. Coupling between large and small scale
modes boosts the power on small scales when the perturbations are small. On
larger scales power is slightly suppressed by the velocities perturbations on
smaller scales. The analysis is general, but we comment specifically on the
implications for future high-redshift observations, and show that the
non-linear spectrum has significantly more complicated angular structure than
in linear theory. We comment on the implications for using the angular
structure to separate cosmological and astrophysical components of 21 cm
observations.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, changed to version accepted in Physics Review
Crossing the Phantom Divide with Parameterized Post-Friedmann Dark Energy
Dark energy models with a single scalar field cannot cross the equation of
state divide set by a cosmological constant. More general models that allow
crossing require additional degrees of freedom to ensure gravitational
stability. We show that a parameterized post-Friedmann description of cosmic
acceleration provides a simple but accurate description of multiple scalar
field crossing models. Moreover the prescription provides a well controlled
approximation for a wide range of "smooth" dark energy models. It conserves
energy and momentum and is exact in the metric evolution on scales well above
and below the transition scale to relative smoothness. Standard linear
perturbation tools have been altered to include this description and made
publicly available for studies of the dark energy involving cosmological
structure out to the horizon scale.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, code available at http://camb.info/ppf, minor
revisions reflect PRD published versio
CMB lensing reconstruction using cut sky polarization maps and pure B modes
Detailed measurements of the CMB lensing signal are an important scientific goal of ongoing groundbased CMB polarization experiments, which are mapping the CMB at high resolution over small patches of the sky. In this work we simulate CMB polarization lensing reconstruction for the EE and EB quadratic estimators with current-generation noise levels and resolution, and show that without boundary effects the known and expected zeroth and first order Nð0Þ and Nð1Þ biases provide an adequate model for nonsignal contributions to the lensing power spectrum estimators. Small sky areas present a number of additional challenges for polarization lensing reconstruction, including leakage of E modes into B modes. We show how simple windowed estimators using filtered pure B modes can greatly reduce the mask-induced meanfield lensing signal and reduce variance in the estimators. This provides a simple method (used with recent observations) that gives an alternative to more optimal but expensive inverse-variance filtering
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