81 research outputs found

    Improving Generalization for Abstract Reasoning Tasks Using Disentangled Feature Representations

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    In this work we explore the generalization characteristics of unsupervised representation learning by leveraging disentangled VAE's to learn a useful latent space on a set of relational reasoning problems derived from Raven Progressive Matrices. We show that the latent representations, learned by unsupervised training using the right objective function, significantly outperform the same architectures trained with purely supervised learning, especially when it comes to generalization

    Privacy Aware Offloading of Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks require large amounts of resources which makes them hard to use on resource constrained devices such as Internet-of-things devices. Offloading the computations to the cloud can circumvent these constraints but introduces a privacy risk since the operator of the cloud is not necessarily trustworthy. We propose a technique that obfuscates the data before sending it to the remote computation node. The obfuscated data is unintelligible for a human eavesdropper but can still be classified with a high accuracy by a neural network trained on unobfuscated images.Comment: ICML 2018 Privacy in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence worksho

    Resource-constrained classification using a cascade of neural network layers

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    Deep neural networks are the state of the art technique for a wide variety of classification problems. Although deeper networks are able to make more accurate classifications, the value brought by an additional hidden layer diminishes rapidly. Even shallow networks are able to achieve relatively good results on various classification problems. Only for a small subset of the samples do the deeper layers make a significant difference. We describe an architecture in which only the samples that can not be classified with a sufficient confidence by a shallow network have to be processed by the deeper layers. Instead of training a network with one output layer at the end of the network, we train several output layers, one for each hidden layer. When an output layer is sufficiently confident in this result, we stop propagating at this layer and the deeper layers need not be evaluated. The choice of a threshold confidence value allows us to trade-off accuracy and speed. Applied in the Internet-of-things (IoT) context, this approach makes it possible to distribute the layers of a neural network between low powered devices and powerful servers in the cloud. We only need the remote layers when the local layers are unable to make an accurate classification. Such an architecture adds the intelligence of a deep neural network to resource constrained devices such as sensor nodes and various IoT devices. We evaluated our approach on the MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets. On the MNIST dataset, we retain the same accuracy at half the computational cost. On the more difficult CIFAR10 dataset we were able to obtain a relative speed-up of 33% at an marginal increase in error rate from 15.3% to 15.8%

    Transfer Learning with Binary Neural Networks

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    Previous work has shown that it is possible to train deep neural networks with low precision weights and activations. In the extreme case it is even possible to constrain the network to binary values. The costly floating point multiplications are then reduced to fast logical operations. High end smart phones such as Google's Pixel 2 and Apple's iPhone X are already equipped with specialised hardware for image processing and it is very likely that other future consumer hardware will also have dedicated accelerators for deep neural networks. Binary neural networks are attractive in this case because the logical operations are very fast and efficient when implemented in hardware. We propose a transfer learning based architecture where we first train a binary network on Imagenet and then retrain part of the network for different tasks while keeping most of the network fixed. The fixed binary part could be implemented in a hardware accelerator while the last layers of the network are evaluated in software. We show that a single binary neural network trained on the Imagenet dataset can indeed be used as a feature extractor for other datasets.Comment: Machine Learning on the Phone and other Consumer Devices, NIPS2017 Worksho

    Intelligent frame selection as a privacy-friendlier alternative to face recognition

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    The widespread deployment of surveillance cameras for facial recognition gives rise to many privacy concerns. This study proposes a privacy-friendly alternative to large scale facial recognition. While there are multiple techniques to preserve privacy, our work is based on the minimization principle which implies minimizing the amount of collected personal data. Instead of running facial recognition software on all video data, we propose to automatically extract a high quality snapshot of each detected person without revealing his or her identity. This snapshot is then encrypted and access is only granted after legal authorization. We introduce a novel unsupervised face image quality assessment method which is used to select the high quality snapshots. For this, we train a variational autoencoder on high quality face images from a publicly available dataset and use the reconstruction probability as a metric to estimate the quality of each face crop. We experimentally confirm that the reconstruction probability can be used as biometric quality predictor. Unlike most previous studies, we do not rely on a manually defined face quality metric as everything is learned from data. Our face quality assessment method outperforms supervised, unsupervised and general image quality assessment methods on the task of improving face verification performance by rejecting low quality images. The effectiveness of the whole system is validated qualitatively on still images and videos.Comment: accepted for AAAI 2021 Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelligence (PPAI-21

    Decoupled Learning of Environment Characteristics for Safe Exploration

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    Reinforcement learning is a proven technique for an agent to learn a task. However, when learning a task using reinforcement learning, the agent cannot distinguish the characteristics of the environment from those of the task. This makes it harder to transfer skills between tasks in the same environment. Furthermore, this does not reduce risk when training for a new task. In this paper, we introduce an approach to decouple the environment characteristics from the task-specific ones, allowing an agent to develop a sense of survival. We evaluate our approach in an environment where an agent must learn a sequence of collection tasks, and show that decoupled learning allows for a safer utilization of prior knowledge.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, ICML 2017 workshop on Reliable Machine Learning in the Wil
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